Sociocultural psychiatry Flashcards
Number of women reported to be living with consequences of FGM
100 millions
When was changing minds campaign?
Who did changing minds campaign and what was it?
To promote positive images of mental illness, challenge misrepresentation and discrimination
Educate public on nature and treatability of mental illness
What is olfactory reference syndrome?
Thinking that you smell - it is in ICD-11
What is Jikoshu-kyofu?
Japanese culture bound syndrome
Persistent and excessive fear of causing offence to others due to physical characteristics
What is the melting pot?
Countries with increasing immigration trend
What do higher level principles include?
Deontology (rights and duties or rules) and teleology (practice on best interests)
What is betrayal funnel?
People they trust most conspire against them - family and friends trying to get someone admitted to hospital
Vulnerability factors in Brown and Harris study
- Absence of a close confiding relationship
- Loss of mother before age 11
- Lack of employment
- Having 3 or more children under the age of 15
What is courtesy stigma?
Stigmatisation an unaffected person experiences due to their relationship with a person who bears stigma
What is entrapment?
Failed positive event where potential fresh start went wrong within 1-2 weeks leaving person stuck back at square 1
Give an example of a semi-structured interview that can be used to gather info from family of a patient with psychosis
Camberwell family interview
Greatest good for greatest number
What was one of the longest running anti-stigma campaigns conducted in the UK?
Time to change
Who wrote the myth of mental illness?
3 pioneers of anti-psychiatry movement
- R.D. Laing
- Thomas Szaz
- Foucalt
What is the scoring system for level of social deprivation in a community?
Jarman index
What is Pa-Leng?
Believes cold wind will destroy soul
Cold clammy hands, tachycardia, dry mouth and other somatic symptoms that trigger panic
Fear of fatal upset of ying and yang
What is susto?
Fear of soul leaving body
What is Piblokto?
Attacks of screaming, crying and running naked through snow
Dissociative episode with excitement often followed by seizures and coma lasting up to 12 hours
Who devised life events and difficulties schedule?
Brown and Harris
Refrigerator mother is associated with which illness?
What did R.D. Laing write?
The Divided Self
Who proposed that insanity is the sane response to an insane society?
R.D. Laing
What did Charaka promote?
4Cs Confidentiality Caring practice Continuous professional development Compassion
Who suggested the Schizophrenogenic mother?
What is a schizophrenogenic mother?
Rigid in moralism concerning sex and had a significant fear of intimacy
Most commonly used guidelines for human research
Helsinki declaration
When was Helsinki declaration last updated?
Which study deliberately infected individuals with hepatitis?
Willowbrook State School Study
What is the strongest risk factor for depression?
Personal or family history of depression
Torts are laws in which a person is liable in which court?
What is assimilation?
Partial adaptation of new culture without giving up one’s culture of origin completely
Who is regarded as Father of Sociology?
Emil Durkheim
The four prima facie ethical principles were promulgated by who?
Beauchamp and Childress
Who described institutioanl neurosis?
Who proposed biopsychosocial model?
Link with bipolar and social class
Overrepresentation of higher social class in bipolar probands’ brothers and children
Is alcoholism linked to social class?
No alcoholism seems to defy social class boundaries
What is a libertarian approach to resource allocation?
Resources distributed to market principles - if patient can pay, resource made available to them
Egalitarian approach to resource allocation?
Resources distributed according to need
Restorative allocation of resources
Resources distributed with positive discrimination towards disadvantaged (poor get priority over rich who can pay for care)
Proportion of high EE in carers of patients with schizophrenia
Relapse rate in schizophrenia for situations rated as high EE
Which study looked at poverty and pscyhopathology?
The Great Smokey Mountains study
Findings from Great Smokey Mountains study
The most prominent psychiatric issues responding to poverty were conduct and oppositional defiant disorders whilst depression and anxiety remained the same
What is primary deviance?
Any general aberration from expected normality before the person showing this is identified as a deviant ie minor ruke breaking such as speeding
What is a secondary deviant?
With repeated primary deviances subject gets labelled and one becomes a secondary deviant
Refers to the actions carried out by a person identified as a deviant by institutions such as society or justice system
What is formal deviance?
Breaking written law or code as in a criminal act
What is informal deviance?
Breaking unspoken social rules of living
Who identified 4 vulnerability factors for depression?
Brown and Harris
Which 4 vulnerability factors did Brown and Harris identify?
- Absence of close relationship
- Loss of mother before age
- Lack of employment outside home
- Having 3 or more children under 15
Incidence rates of schizophrenia in Caribbean countries compared with UK
Which ethnic group has highest rate of hospital admission in UK?
Irish migrants
What is role stripping in institutionalisation?
Process of stripping inmates idenitity by tradin personal clothes and belonginings for hospital issue
What is mortification?
Series of assaults on inmates self image
Must request permission for minor activites e.g. shaving - this is civil death
What is institutional neurosis?
Apathy, lack of initiative, loss of interest and submissiveness
What is enacted stigma?
Patients actual experience of discrimination
What is felt stigma?
Patients fear of experiencing discriminated act - more disabling than enacted stigma
What is self-stigma?
Prejudice that people with mental health problems have on themselves
What is 1 in 4?
A short 2 min film aimed at young people 15-25 to challenege preconceptions about mental health
What is enculturation?
Culture being learnt through contact with media, family, friends etc.
High degree of relationship among various cultures and high degree of rentention of individual culture identities
What is Amok?
Males who after a real or imagined insult brood for several days and then return in a blind fury trying to kill everyone encountered
Frenzy only stopped when person is killed or caught
Amnesia for behaviour
Occurs in Phillipines and Malaysia
What is Ataque de Nervios?
Intense emotional upset, shouting uncontrollably, aggression, dissociation, seizure like episodes
Latino descent
What is Dhat?
Young males who attribute various symptoms to semen loss
What is Khyal Cap?
Symptoms of panic attacks in addition to those of autonomic arousal e.g. tinnitus
Concern that a windlike substance may rise in the body along with blood and cause a range of serious effect e.g. compressing the lungs
What is Kufungisisa?
Thinking too much causes anxiety
What is Latah?
Mainly women
Hypersensitivity to sudden fright, dissociative behaviour
What is Maladi Moun?
A cultural explanation for diverse medical and psychiatric disorders
Illness sent from others to cause malice
What is Nervios?
General state of vulnerability to stressful life experiences
What is Piblokto?
Extreme excitement followed by seizures and coma
Arctic and Sub-Arctic Eskimos
What is Shenjing shuairuo?
Weakness, overly emotional, headache, insomnia
What is Susto?
An illness attributed to a frightening event that causes the soul to leave the body and results in unhappiness and sickness
What is Wendigo?
Occurs in those who experience severe winters and scarcity of food
Suffers initially develop distaste for food and if this fails to subside anxiety develops which rapidly reaches climax
Craving for human flesh and fear that they will turn into a cannibal
What is pathogenic in terms of cultural psychopathology?
Culture is directly causative
What is pathoselective in terms of cultural psychopathology?
Tendency to select certain culturally influenced reactions
What is pathoplastic in terms of cultural psychopathology?
Culture influences the manifestation
What is pathoelaborating in terms of cultural psychopathology?
Universal behavioural reactions that are selectively reinforced by a culture
Who coined the term anti-psychiatry
David Cooper
What is the Hammurabi code?
First attempt in history to codify medical competence and legal liability for negligence
Paternalistic model of patient doctor interaction
Assumed doctor knows best
Informative model of patient doctor interaction
Doctor seen as dispenser of information but choice left wholly up to patient
What is the interpretive model of patient doctor relationship?
Doctor will be treating patient for a long time and might know them well
Shared decision making established
What is the deliberative patient doctor model?
Doctor acts as a friend
What is declaration of Geneva?
Reaffirmation of humanitarian aims of medicine - modification of Hippocratic Oath
What was Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital study?
Studies to develop info about nature of human transplant rejection
Patients injected with cancerous liver cells unknowingly