Dynamic psychopathology Flashcards
Who described the unconscious as composed of both the collective unconscious and personal unconscious?
Carl Gustav Jung
What is the personal unconscious?
Unique to individual
What is collective unconscious?
Universal, common to mankind and contains archetypes that include anima, animus, shadow or self and hero
What is sublimation?
Socially unacceptable impulses are transformed into acceptable forms - mature defense mechanism
What does the superego result from?
Internalisation of parental authority
What is reaction formation?
When a person feels the urge to do something and then actually does something that is effectively the opposite of what they really want
Examples of immature defence mechanisms
Splitting Projection Projective identification Idealisation Denigration Introjection Passive aggression Turning against the self
Neurotic defence mechanisms
Repression Regression Denial Displacement Dissociation Isolation Reaction formation Intellectualisation Rationalisation Externalisation Identification with the aggressor
Mature defence mechanisms
Humour Anticipation Sublimation Altruism Suppression
Kleinian defences
Splitting Introjection Projective identification Denial Omipotence Grandiosity
Which defence mechanism is commonly used by people with narcissistic personality disorder?
What is projection?
Refers to the tendency to attribute the origins of the undesirable impulses and feelings onto another person
What is the most primitive part of the personality?
What is Id governed by?
Pleasure principle
Is Id consciously or unconsciously motivated?
Unconsciously, instinctive
What psychoanalytical technique was used by Freud to uncover the unconscious?
Free association
Idealisation and denigration are products of which Kleinian process?
What does Freuds structural model include?
the Id, Ego and Superego
What does Freud’s topographical model consist of?
What is displacement?
Showing emotions at a target different than the one unconsciously intended
What is projective identification?
Unconscious interaction that occurs between 2 people - person A projects feeling onto person B then person B unconsciously alters behaviour in a way as if the projected idea was true
What is the ‘repressive barrier’ to censor unacceptable wishes and desires maintained by?
Preconscious system
The superego is formed at which stage of psychosexual development?
The superego is formed at which stage of psychosexual development?
What age would you be in the latency stage?
What does object relations theory describe?
How a growing baby develops relationships with others
What is the difference between latent content and manifest content in dreams?
Latent content - unconscious feelings that includes wishes and anxiety
Manifest content - recalled dream
Dream works involves conversion from latent to manifest content
Who described the concept of introversion and extraversion?
Carl Gustav Jung
What are the 2 positions that Mary Klein made up?
Which defence mechanisms are associated with paranoid-schizoid position?
Splitting and projection
Which conflict do you need to learn to cope with in paranoid-schizoid position?
Who coined the term collective unconscious?
What does Id function by?
Primary process thinking which denies the existence of rational boundaries - serves pleasure principle
At which stage does the oedipal stage occur?
What is condensation?
Used in dream analysis
Process of several unconscious impulses being combined into a single image in the manifest dream content e.g. kids dad and nasty teacher merge into one in the dream
What is repression?
Where people unconsciously repress painful or disturbing memories
Neo-Freudian people
Alfred Adler
Karen Horney
Harry Stack Sullivan
Erich Fromm
What is identification as a defence mechanism?
A person changes himself to be like someone else who is admired
What are some examples of pancultural representation of human experience?
MOther Child Hero Self Shadow Anima Animus
What is anima?
Unconscious feminine aspects of male
What is animus?
Unconscious masculine aspects of female
What is persona?
Outer concealed aspect of oneself
What is the most mature level of anxiety?
Superego anxiety
What is superego anxiety?
Guilt feelings about not living up to internalised standards of moral behaviour derived from parents
When is superego anxiety seen?
After resolution of oedipal conflict
What is shadow?
Unacknowledged aspects of oneself that includes both creative impulses and destructive urges