MRCPsych mentor neuroscience Flashcards
What neuroimaging finding is most consistent with OCD?
Hypermetabolism of the orbitofrontal region
From which hypothalamic nuclei is dopamine released?
What is aldehyde dehydrogenase involved in the breakdown of?
The eye develops from which embyronic part of the brain?
What area of the brain was Phineas Gage good at?
Frontal lobe
Where does the vagus nerve originate?
Medulla oblongata
Which part of cerebellum involved in fine tuning of movements?
Which enzyme converts 5-hydroxytryptophan to serotonin?
L-aromatic amino acid decarboxylase
Where would you find the Arbor Vitae
Damage to which area results in akinetic mutism?
Superior medial frontal lobe - specifically cingulate gyrus
Which part of brain responsible for semantic memory?
Medial temporal lobe
What does the planum temporale consist of?
Secondary auditory cortex
Who first described “punch drunk syndrome”?
What is the difference between Lewy Bodies in the cortex compared to the brainstem?
Cortical lewy bodies lack halo on staining
Where does the caudate nucleus receive its blood supply from?
Anterior and middle cerebral arteries
Embryological origin of Nucleus Accumbens
When is a hyperkinetic gait likely to be seen?
Syndenham chorea
Which part of the brain is damaged in Anton-Babinski syndrome?
Occipital lobe
Features of Anton-Babinski syndrome
Patients are cortically blind but deny this
Patient still thinks they can see and will describe environment which is wrong
Alexia without agraphia is usually caused by an occlusion in which artery?
Posterior cerebral artery
Which stage of sleep is associated with theta waves and hypnic jerks?
Stage I
What is characterised by the triad of Parkisonism, Cerebellar Ataxia and Autonomic Failure?
Which diagnosis would be supported by abnormal tonsillar biopsy?
What cleaves APP?
Alpha secretase
What is astereognosia?
Unable to tell what is in your hand
What is the most consistent finding with regard to Schizophrenia pathology?
Reduced grey matter total volume
What type of aphasia would be caused by occlusion of anterior cerebral artery?
Motor aphasia - anterior cerebral artery supplies frontal part of brain
What is limb kinetic ataxia?
an inability to make fine movements
What is ideational apraxia?
Inability to follow a sequence of actions in the correct order
Features of antalgic gait
Stance phase abnormally shortened compared to swing phase
What are senile plaques composed of?
Which structure is overly active in depressed people?
What are hirano bodies made of?a
What is a secondary delusion?
A delusion that develops as a result of a morbid experience
Effect of valproate on platelets?
Reduced platelets
Does oxazepam produce an active metabolite
No it is an active metabolite of several benzos
Who coined the term schizophrenia?
Who divided patients into groups 1 and 2 depending on positive and negative symptoms