Social Inequality Theory: Weberian Explanations of Inequality 40 Mark Plan Flashcards
What is the purpose of the first and last paragraph?
Introduction, Conclusion
How many main point paragraphs must you write?
Why would Weberians say social class inequality is difficult to explain in Society?
There are too many classes
Which Weberian said there were many classes in Society?
How many classes did Weber argue there were in Society?
What is the top class according to Weber?
Propertied upper class
What is the second-top class according to Weber?
Propertyless white collar workers
What is the third-top class according to Weber?
Petty bourgeoisie
What is the lowest class in Society according to Weber?
Manual working class
What did Weber say is essential to help someone with their class?
Market situation
What 3 things are market situation based on?
Wealth, Skills, Qualifications
What is market situation?
The bargaining power people have in getting a job
What would Marxists say about Weberians class system?
It is too complicated
What did Marx say about the 2 classes there were in Society?
The proletariat and the bouregoisie
P2 Point, form of inequality and location of inequality (Weberians)
Class Inequality in the Workplace exists due to social closure
P2 Supporting Study
P2 Supporting Statistic
Sutton Trust
What do Sutton Trust show?
39% of elite occupations are held by people who went to private school
P2 evaluation study (Functionalists)
Davis and Moore
P3 Point, form of inequality and location of inequality (Weberians)
Class Inequality can be reduced in Society through the formation of parties
P3 Supporting Study (Weberians)
What is the purpose of trade union parties?
To bring better conditions to the working class
P3 Evaluation Study (Postmodernists)
What does Beck say societies are these days?
Risk socieites
What does it mean if socieites are risk societies?
All people regardless of class face the same issues
Name a Civil Rights group which is classless
P4 Point, form of inequality and location of inequality (Neo-Weberians)
Neo-Weberians say Gender Inequality is created in the Workplace by the dual labour market
P4 Supporting Study (Neo-Weberians)
Barron and Norris
What is the dual labour market?
Where men have high paying jobs and women have low paying jobs
What did Skills for Care find?
82% of care workers are women
P4 Evaluation Society (Radical Feminists)
Fawcett Society
What did the Fawcett Society say will cause a woman to get dismissed from their job?
If they become pregnant
What did the Fawcett society say will cause a woman to have less time to work?
They have more caring responsibilities
P5 Point, form of inequality and location of inequality (Neo-Weberians)
Neo-Weberians say the Black underclass experience Ethnic Inequality in the Workplace
P5 Supporting Study (Neo-Weberians)
Rex and Tomlinson
What did Rex and Tomlinson say about the Black underclass in the labour market?
They are disadvantaged
What is the situation for the schools and housing of the Black underclass?
It is more deprived
What did the Ministry of Housing (2019) find with Black Caribbeans living in deprived neighbourhoods
Black Caribbeans are 14.1% more likely to live in deprived neighbourhoods
P5 Evaluation Study (New Right)
What would Sewell say about why the Black underclass have less social mobility?
They have experienced inefficient primary socialisation
What form of inefficient primary socialisation does Sewell say Black youths experience?
Having a single mother
What are single mothers unable to do for their male children, according to Sewell/
Unable to discipline them properly
Who will black children turn to if they do not have a male breadwinner role model present like a father?
They will make rappers their role models instead
What is the situation with rappers obeying authority?
They do not obey authority
What form of subculture are black youths more likely to join if their role models are rappers?
Anti-School subcultures