Age Inequality: Interactionist Explanations of Age Inequality Flashcards
What do Interactionists argue the Media does to Elderly People?
The Media negatively labels people
Which Interactionist argues figures of authority are more effective at spreading labels?
According to Becker, what will happen if the mass media make a negative label about elderly people?
Society will accept it as a fact
What are 2 labels Victor identifies could be given to old people by the media?
Labels of being useless or being dependent
What does Victor say can happen to labels over time?
They can become a self-fulfilling prophecy
If the mass media create a label, why is the majority of the population likely to hear of it?
Because most people consume the mass media
What would Postmodernists say about Interactionists claiming negative labels by the media have an effect?
This explanation is outdated
Which Postmodernist argues a consumer culture is present in postmodern societies?
According to Blaikie, what does consumer culture offer to elderly people?
It gives them opportunities to keep healthy
Name 2 things that elderly people might use in consumer culture to stay healthy
Eating healthy foods, Doing workout programs
What would Interactionists argue the media creates age inequality for by making moral panics?
They create age inequality for young people
Which moral panic did Cohen study?
Mods and Rockers
What did Cohen find with the original mods and rocker fights?
They were not violent
What did the media create around the mods and rocker fights?
They created a moral panic
What happened to deviancy in the mods and rockers fighting after the media report?
Deviancy amplification happened
How did the public feel about young people after the mods and rockers moral panic? Why?
They were fearful, as they were told all young people were violent
Which moral panic did Fawbert study?
Hoodies moral panic
What moral panic was made around hoodies?
Young people who wore hoodies were shoplifters
What did the media do with their reports on the mods and rocker fights?
They sensationalised the fights
Why did more young people get involved with the mods and rocker fights after they were reported on?
They wanted to have their own 5 minutes of fame
How did Bluewater Shopping Centre in Kent respond to the hoodies moral panic?
They banned anyone wearing a hoodie from entering
How did the public feel about young people after the hoodies moral panic?
They were fearful that all young people wearing hoodies were shoplifters
What would Functionalists argue is the purpose of moral panics around deviant behaviour?
The media creates moral panics to reinforce social boundaries
What did Durkheim say the role of the media was?
It was to show the boundaries of acceptable behaviour to society
According to Durkheim, what would the media be doing by making moral panics against Young People?
They are showing the rest of society how not to act