Gender Inequality: Feminist Explanations of Gender Inequality Flashcards
Which part of Feminism is Oakley under?
Liberal feminism
What do Liberal Feminists argue causes gender inequality in the family?
Gender role socialisation
Name 2 processes of gender role socialisation in the family
Canalisation, Verbal appellations
What do verbal appellations do?
They enforce the way that boys and girls should present themselves in society
Give 1 boy verbal appellation and one girl verbal appellation
Boy: “Brave boy” Girl: “Pretty girl”
What is canalisation?
When children are given toys that suit their gender role
Name a type of toy boys may be given by their parents
Toy car
Name a type of toy girls may be given by their parents
Toy kitchen set
What does canalisation teach boys and what does it teach girls?
Teaches boys they need to be active, teaches girls they need to take a domestic role
What value do girls learn for their gender role if they are given make up kits?
Value of beauty
What would Marxists say Liberal Feminists explanations of gender inequality ignore with who benefits gender roles?
The ruling class benefit from traditional gender roles
Which Marxist argued the ruling class benefitted from traditional gender roles?
What will wives provide their husbands with in traditional gender roles?
Emotional support
According to Engels, what is the impact on a mans work if their wife provides them emotional support?
They will be more productive
According to Engels, why will traditional gender roles prevent men from being aware of their exploited position in wider society?
The control men have over their wives is enough to keep them happy
What do Liberal Feminists argue about the position of women in the present day?
They are in a much more position in the present day
Name a law passed in 1970 that reduced gender inequality for women in the workpace
1970 Equal Pay Act
What did the 1970 equal pay act do?
It gave women much more equal pay to men
What section of Feminism is Sharpe under?
Liberal Feminism
What did Sharpe find with girls in the 1970s?
They were focussed on starting a family when they left school
What did Sharpe find with girls in the 1990s?
They were focussed on pursuing a career when they left school
What does DfE (2020) Data show about female attainment compared to male attainment?
Girls have 6 points higher scores in Attainment 8 compared to boys.
What would radical Feminists say about this liberal feminist argument in relation to the gender pay gap?
There is still a gender pay gap
Which society made 4 reasons as to why there is a gender pay gap
Fawcett Society
According to the Fawcett Society, what was a reason for the gender pay gap in relation to discrimination against women
When female employees become mothers, they are often dismissed from their workplace
According to the Fawcett society, what will women be unable to pursue if they are fired for becoming a mother?
They will be unable to pursue a career
What do radical feminists argue about the purpose of the family for girls?
It is to prepare them for being exploited by the patriarchy
Which radical feminist said the family is a site for oppression of women?
What did Johnson call domestic violence?
Patriarchal terrorism
Why did Johnson call domestic violence patriarchal terrorism?
Women do not know when they will be abused by their husband next
What did Dobash and Dobash argue men feel they have the right to do to their wives in their family?
They have the ‘right to discipline’ them
What is one event that may cause men to feel like they have the right to discipine their wives?
If they do not cook them dinner
What would New Right sociologists say traditional gender roles reflect in terms of differences?
Traditional gender roles reflect biological differences between men and women
Which New Right sociologist said traditional gender roles were good?
Why does Schlafly say traditional gender roles are good for women>?
They will get more satisfaction from being a housewife than from getting a job
Why does Schlafly argue women will get more satisfaction from being a housewife?
They will be able to raise their children
Which institution that young people go to do radical feminists argue enforces the patriarchy?
What family structure did Heaton and Lawson find in textbooks?
Nuclear family structure
Which radical feminists found patriarchal values were passed through school textbooks?
Heaton and Lawson
What did Heaton and Lawson find with the gender division of roles in school?
Women were more likely to be teachers, Men were more likely to be in managerial positions
What did DfE Data (2018) show with the fraction of teachers that are women and the fraction of men that are headteachers?
2/3 of teachers are women, 2/3 of headteachers are men
What happens to sexual harassment of girls in education?
It is normalised
Which radical feminist found sexual harassment is not taken seriously by the education system?
What did Banyard say schools acted as for boys against girls?
Acted as training grounds for boys
What did Ofsted’s Sexual Harassment Report (2021) show about how many girls felt with reporting sexual harassment in school?
There was no point reporting it
What would Intersectional feminists say gender inequality is also heavily linked to?
What did Basit find in schools?
Teachers would not pay attention to Muslim girls
According to Basit, why would teachers not pay attention to Muslim girls?
They assumed they had different goals to the rest of the students
What was the result for the Muslim girls of being ignored in relation to their attainment?
They got lower educational attainment
What institution would radical feminists argue is present in society to sustain gender inequality?
The media
Which 2 radical feminists looked at the media coverage of the ladettes?
Jackson and Tinkler
What did the media create with the ladettes?
A moral panic
Why did the media create a moral panic over the behaviour of the girls?
They were going against gender norms
Name 2 behaviours highlighted in the moral panic of the ladettes
Violence, Excessive drinking
What does the media say about the behaviours of the ladettes?
They say it is bad behaviour
What would be the media response if boys engaged in ladette behaviours?
A moral panic would not be made against them
What would Postmodernists say about this Feminist explanation of gender inequality being sustained by the media?
It is outdated
What would Lyotard call Feminism?
An outdated metanarrative
What does it mean if Feminism is an outdated metanarrative?
It is no longer able to explain how society works
What would Lyotard say about news sources in a postmodern society?
People can get news from a variety of sources
Name 2 apps that act as news sources
Snapchat, Twitter
What would Radical feminists say shows inequality in the workplace?
The gender pay gap
What does ONS Data (2020) show about the percentage difference between male and female wages?
Men are paid 15% more than women
Which society identified 4 reasons for the gender pay gap?
The Fawcett Society
According to the Fawcett Society, what is the first reason for the gender pay gap in relation to discrimination?
Women will often be dismissed from their jobs when they become a mother
According to the Fawcett Society, what is the second reason for the gender pay gap in relation to caring responsibilities?
Women have more responsibilities to look after their family
According to the Fawcett Society. what is the third reason for the gender pay gap in terms of the labour market?
The labour market is divided
What percentage of low paid social care jobs are women?
According to the Fawcett Society what is the fourth reason for the gender pay gap in terms of the roles that men and women have in a business?
Men are more likely to be in senior positions
How many CEO’s of companies in the FTSE 100 are female?
Which theory would some sociologists argue shows the gender pay gap does not show inequality in the workplace?
Preference theory
Which sociologist made the idea of preference theory?
According to Hakim, what is classification for the majority of women working?
They are adaptive women
According to Hakim, what are the 2 situations for the minority of women when working?
A minority of women dedicate all of their time to a career, and another minority of women dedicate all of their time to supporting their family
What does it mean if women are adaptive?
They can have a career but will make sure they have enough time to support their family
Which other sociological theory can blend with Feminism?
Why is a gender pay gap caused by most women being adaptive women?
They will have less time to dedicate fully to their career
What is the name for the blend of Feminism and Marxism sociologists?
What do Marxist-Feminists argue about the exploitation of women in the family?
It benefits the ruling class
What does Ansley say about the position of women in the family in relation to the husband?
They put up with the complaining of their husband
According to Ansley, what will the husband complain about to his wife?
Complain about how much he is exploited at work
How do wives respond to the complaining of their husbands about exploitation?
They listen to to and acknowledge it
What does the role of the wife taking in information from the husband legitimise?
Domestic abuse
What army does Bruegel argue women work as?
They are the reserve army of labour
Which Marxist-Feminists said women are used in the workforce and discarded when they are no longer necessary?
Why is the reserve army of labour beneficial to the working class in terms of pay?
They do not mind being paid less to work
What is easy to be done with the reserve army of labor when they are no longer needed?
They can be disposed of easily.
What would Postmodernists say about this Marxist-Feminist explanation of gender inequality?
It is outdated
Which Postmodernist said women can now arrange their family structure to their needs?
According to Stacey, what can be the situation with breadwinners in a family in a postmodern society?
Both the man and the woman can be a breadwinner
What would Marxist-Feminists say about what youth cultures do in society?
They emphasise gender inequality
Which Marxist-Feminists found girls were not allowed to play outside?
McRobbie and Garber
What did girls have to do instead of playing outside?
Stay in their house
What would girls be more likely to do if they stayed in their house, according to McRobbie and Garber?
Do chores in their house
What form of youth culture did girls make to adapt to their gender roles, according to McRobbie and Garber?
Bedroom culture
What did the girls learn in the magazines they read?
The codes of femininity
Name 2 values that girls obtained from the codes of femininity
Valuing fashion, Valuing beauty
Name 2 magazines girls used in bedroom culture
Jackie, Cathy and Claire
What did the codes of feminity socialise girls into?
Socialised them into their gender roles
What would Postmodernists say about youth cultures acting as a way to enforce gender inequality?
Youth cultures have been replaced with neo-tribes
Which postmodernist argued youth cultures had been replaced with neo-tribes?
Name 2 characteristics of neo-tribes
No fixed norms and values, no fixed membership
What is the situation for boys and girls in joining neo-tribes?
Both boys and girls can join neo-tribes
Which section of Feminists talk about gender and ethnicity?
Intersectional feminists
What do Intersectional Feminists argue when talking about gender inequality?
Ethnicity should also be taken into consideration
Which Intersectional Feminist created the triple systems theory?
What does the triple systems theory say?
The experiences of women will be impacted by their class and ethnicity
What does the triple systems say about experiences in the workplace?
A middle class white woman will have different experiences in the workplace to a working class black woman
According to Parsons, what is the expressive role?
The role in which women provide emotional support for their family
What would Functionalists argue about the ability to understand Intersectional Feminist arguments?
They are too complex
Which Functionalist said women were more suited to an expressive role?
What is the instrumental role, according to Parsons?
The role of working and being the breadwinner of the family
Why does Parsons say women will be more fitted to the expressive role in relation to the man?
It allows the man to keep the gender role of being the breadwinner of the house
According to Parsons, what will the man be provided with if traditional gender roles are followed?
Emotional support
What theory did Parsons create showing it was necessary for traditional gender roles to be preserved?
Warm bath theory
Which institution that young people go to did Intersectional Feminists argue has gender inequality in it?
The education system
What do teachers often hold against students with an ethnic minority background?
They hold negative assumptions
Which Intersectional Feminist found teachers had low expectations of black female students?
In Mirza’s study, how did teachers act towards their black female students due to the stereotypes given?
They would not give them extra support in lessons
In Mirza’s study, what was the impact on the attainment of the black girls?
They got lower attainment
What did Basit study?
The way teachers acted towards Muslim schoolgirls
In Basit’s study, what did teachers assume about female Muslim students?
They had different aspirations to the rest of the students
In Basit’s study, what aspirations did teacheres believe Muslim girls had?
That they wanted to become housewives
In Basit’s study, how did the assumptions of teachers impact the Muslim girls?
They were put into lower sets
What was the result of Muslim girls being put into lower sets for their educational outcomes?
Their attainment would be lower
Which sociologist would argue students have agency over how they are treated by teachers?
How did teachers treat a group of black schoolgirl’s in Fuller’s study?
They were called lazy and stupid
How did the girls in Fuller’s study respond to the negative assumptions by teachers?
They worked hard to get good grades