Age Inequality: Postmodernist Explanations of Age Inequality Flashcards
What do Postmodernists argue about age inequality for elderly people in postmodern societies?
They do not face age inequality
What form of culture does Blaikie argue is present in postmodern societies?
Consumer culture
Which Postmodernist argues a consumer culture is present in postmodern societies?
According to Blaikie, what does consumer culture offer to elderly people?
It gives them opportunities to keep healthy
According to Blaikie, what will elderly people be able to do with work if they are slowing down ageing processes?
They can work longer
Name 2 things that elderly people might use in consumer culture to stay healthy
Eating healthy foods, Doing workout programs
What would Functionalists argue elderly people will naturally do in society?
They will withdraw from society
What is disengagement theory?
Where elderly people start to detatch themselves from their jobs
Which Functionalists created disengagement theory?
Cumming and Henry
How will elderly people start to detatch themselves from their jobs?
They will reduce their working hours
What will elderly people eventually do with their jobs?
They will retire
According to Cumming and Henry, how is disengagement beneficial to wider society?
Young people can take up the roles the elderly have left
According to Cumming and Henry, how is diesngagement beneficial to elderly people?
It helps with their wellbeing
According to Postmodernists, what mask is a source of age inequality to Elderly People in the Workplace?
Mask of ageing
What does the mask of ageing say for elderly people on the outside?
On the outside, elderly people look old
What does the mask of ageing say for elderly people on the inside?
On the inside, elderly people still feel young
Which Postmodernists created the term “mask of ageing”?
Featherstone and Hepsworth
How would the mask of ageing apply to a labor-intensive job for an elderly person?
An elderly person might be physically able to do a labour-intensive job, but be rejected due to appearance
What would Feminists argue Postmodernists ignore for Elderly Women in the Media?
Elderly Women are given by the media to appear younger
Which Feminist said the media enforces a double standard?
What do men gain status from in society, according to Feminists?
What do women gain status from in society, according to Feminists?
Their reproductive cycle
What happens in a patriarchal society to female status as they get older?
Their status decreases
According to Itzin, what do the media do to older women?
They put pressure on them to look young again
Name 2 things old women will buy to try and appear young
Makeup, Perfume