Social/Emotional Development in Preschoolers Flashcards
evaluation judgments about specific areas such as sports, physical appearance, and cognitive abilities
refers to more global assessment of self worth
kids become either more independent and autonomous if their parents encourage exploration and freedom of they experience shame if they are restricted
autonomy versus shame and doubt
kids face conflict between doing things by themselves versus being embaressed
initiative versus guilt
Erikson’s term for a child’s sense of independent purposefulness
sense of being able to do things effectively on one’s own
gives kids a sense of power in their world
imagination and play fantasy
kids need for continual reassurance and attention from adults
emotional dependency
kids normal need for adult help in solving complex problems
instrumental dependency
set of beliefs of who we are as individuals
many Asian societies promote the notion of interdependence
collectivist orientation
Western cultures emphasize personal identity and uniqueness of identity
individualistic orientation
sense that the self endures despite temporary disruptions in relationships
self constancy
positive thoughts and feelings and self
knowledge of cultural stereotype regarding males and females
gender-role concept
actions that confirm culture expectations of what is appropriate for girls and boys
sex type behavior
can label themselves as girls or boys
gender identity
understanding that gender in permanent; around 4-6 years old
gender constancy
mental network of beliefs and expectation about males and females
gender schema
ability to experience the emotions of another person
wanting to want another person
hurtful behavior that is intended to get or keep something that someone else has
instrumental agression
impulsive retaliation for another person’s intentional action
reactive agression
researchers use this term for behavior that inflects unintentional harm
insults or social rejection aimed at harming that social connection between victim and other people
relational aggression
unprovoked, repeated physical or verbal attacks, especially on victims who are least likely to defend themselves
hostile aggression
incorporation of standards of behavior into self
kids understand themselves with self-esteem and start to know themselves as a person
secondary emotions
self-conscious emotions
people blames themselves when they do something wrong
people feel that others blame them or disapprove of them
ability to monitor one’s own and other’s feeling and to use that information to guide thinking and actions
emotional intelligence
capacity to control and direct emotional expression
emotional regulation
ability to withhold a dominant response in order to make a non-dominant response
effortful control
children who are of interest to their friends, highly regarded and can take lead as well as follow; able to sustain give and take relationships
social competence
play that mimics aggression through wresting, chasing; no intended harm
rough and tumble play
pretend play; very thought out and coordinated
sociodramatic play
means by which kids explore environment, work on new skills and behaviors, social workshop
kids play next to each other but not together
parallel play
kids do an activity together but not engaged together
associative play
“give and take” relationship in play
cooperative play
kids watch other kids play
onlooker play
parenting style in which the parents are nurturing, responsive and supportive, yet have firm limits on kids
authoritative parenting
parenting style in which parents are unresponsive, inflexible and harsh in parenting style; speaking of emotion is rare
authoritarian parenting
parents fail to set limits or to require appropriate mature behavior for kids; don’t feel responsive for shaping child
permissive parents
approch to child rearing in which the parents are indifferent toward their children and unaware of what is going on in their children’s’ lives
neglectful/uninvolved parents