Middle Addulthood Flashcards
bones become fragile, brittle, thin
amount of fat tends to grow in average person
“middle age spread”
loss of near vision
pressure in the fluid in the eye increases; either can’t drain or too much is produced
inability to hear high frequency sounds
problems identifying direction and origin of a sound
sound location
multiple activités carried at once
polyphasic activités
characterized by competitiveness, impatience, and a tendency towards aggression and hostility; driven to accomplish more than others
type A personality
non-competitiveness, patience, and lack aggression; little sense of time urgency, rarely hostile
type B personality
information processing abilities, reasoning, memory
fluid intelligence
accumulation of information, skills, and strategies that we have learned through experience that we apply to problem solving situations
crystalized intelligence
suggests that it is the particular events in an adult’s life, rather than age, that determines the course of personality development
life events model
we either sound our adult life making contributions to family and community or isolation, which leads to lack of psychological growth
generativity versus stagnation
this Psychologist said that between 45-55 we are “keeping the meaning” versus rigidity; he said we seek to extract the meaning from our lives
George Vaillant
around ages 45-55; a period of questioning
midlife transition
a period of uncertainty and indecision brought on by the realization that life is finite
midlife crisis
Erikson and Levinson suggest that there is substantial change over time; set pattern of change; personality becomes more engrained as we age
stability versus change in personality
adult’s sense of subjective well-being
instances in which parents experience unhappiness, worry, loneliness, and depression from the departure of children from home
empty nest syndrome
returning children
boomerang children
parents that are caring for their children and for their own parents at the same time
sandwich generation
stage in which batterer will become upset and show dissatisfaction initially through verbal abuse
tension building
stage in which physical abuse actually occurs
acute battering incident
stage in which spouse feels remorse and apologizes for their actions
loving contrition stage
situation that occurs when highly trained professionals become dissatisfied, or weary with their jobs