Late Adulthood Flashcards
prejudice/ discrimination against older people
involves the universal and irreversible changes that occur to people as they get older due to genetic programming
primary aging
changes that include illness, health habits, and other individual change that are not due to increased age itself and are not inevitable
secondary aging
processing in all parts of the nervous system is less efficient
generalized slowing hypothesis
overall processing speed declines in the peripheral nervous system
peripheral slowing hypothesis
cloudy/opaque areas in the eye
affects the macula, the yellow area of the eye located near the retina where vision is almost accurate
macular degeneration
our body’s built in DNA genetic code has a time limit for reproduction of cells
genetic programming theory of aging
mechanical functions of the body wear out
wear and tear theory
autobiographical positive memories are more likely to be remembered
Pollyanna Rule
this last stage is characterized as a period of time of looking back over one’s life and coming to terms with it
integrity versus despair
unable to accept aging and fall into despair
disorganized/ disintegrated personalities
fearful of aging, falling, own ability to cope; may seek out help even when they don’t need it
passive dependent personalities
stope aging in its tracks; attempt to act young, exercise vigorously, engage in youthful activities; set up unreasonable expectations
defended personalities
accept getting older and maintain a sense of dignity
integrated personalities
people examine and review their lives
life review
suggests that power and privileges are distributes unequally to different age groups
age stratification approach
expert knowledge in the practical aspects of one’s life
adulthood involves gradual withdrawal from society on physical, psychological, and social levels
disengagement theory
successful again occurs when adults continue to pursue same interests they did in earlier adulthood
activity theory
people focus on a particular skill to make up for losses in other areas
selective optimization
residence have different levels of care, provided by community
continuing- care community
people live in independent housing but provided with medical assistance to extant required
assisted living
people receive care during the day
adult-day care
provide full-time nursing care to those with chronic illness
nursing home