in tsarist society
deeply patriachle society, men in charge of family and marriages > Marx > inequality was natural(inherent) in capitalist society, women oppressed by dual burden
GENDER: Bolsheviks wanted greater gender equality
wanted them to participate in full time emplyment+ gain economic independence
play active role in communist party+gov
achieve elegy status with men
liberating them from tradiotnal role as house wife
key changes of gender:
nov 1917- decree agsint sex discrimination (women given right to own property and vote in soviet election)
divorce law 1917- (women easier to get divorce)
social welfare laws (maternity pay for 2 month, abortion permitted, contraception allowed)
limitations to key changes in gender
easier divorces>men abaosnond pregnant women
70% divorces initiated by men 1920
1927>2/3 of marriages ended in divorce
gov couldn’t fund enough nursery
dual burden still cocured
after rcw expressive role still occurred
continuity of gender:
leaders of communist party showed limited interest in lives of women
women who tried to involve themselevs>prejudice
wives of communist party members expect to stay home
Zhenotdel shut down 1930(women’s branch central committee)
women played limited role in communist party
1917-10% 1928>12.8%
ethnicity :
progress/ change
ussr was federation equal ethnic gorups
separate republics for Ukraine, belarus
all legal discrimination agsint jews abolished 1917
restrictions on lang/culture disappeared
ethnicity : ethnic inequalities still existed
ussr rolled by sovnarkom
republics had little to say in what policies could choose
religious restrictions placed upon orthodox christians and jews still targets via pograms > esp during rcw
ethnicity : civil war and pograms > KLUKHLIV CASE
klukliv taken over by red army> Ukraine fought bolsehivks > red army recaptured aims was to eliminate jews > UKRAIN claimed payed to fight boslehivks and sided with boslehviks
jewish intelelgensiq slaughters and orderd large scale shooting of jewish property
ethnicity : jewish pograms 1918-20
1500 took place, 250k died, w/r/g placed. condemned by the west
sexuality : acceptance
1918 abandonment of old criminal code and with it restrictions on sexuality
legislation of homosexuality
1922-26 homosexuality and its associated acts were legal, new sexual freedoms appeared
sexuality however :
many leading communist still conservative with views to sexuality
free love is a distraction from min rev struggle and waste of energy
social attitudes had not changed
class : got better
rev happened because of wc, their superiority reflected by having better rations, more rights compared to privileged bourgeois
relaxation of working conditions and living conditions of peasants and workers
class: however
life difficult for workers> trade unions turned org that forced workers to work harder
not allowed to change jobs during civil war paid “in kind”
harder punishment for those who slacked
peasant had to hand over mroe grain than In tsarist gov >famine
some forced to collectivise their land > loosing own farms
class: social inequalities still increased
nep men new class saw a new class of borgeuous private trades>capitalist class on the market
nep men became hated group
bukharin encourage peasants to enrich themselves > kualks
education essential for socialsim, restrictions and display, komsoma > org young people to spread communise tteaching preparing future member son communist party communsit values