under krushvhev, the social de that was underway was not be underestimated, first time their was a a genuine desire to inc standards of living
new party programme 1961: bold claims made by krushcve to the 22nd party congress
-communism est by 1980, s.u has already built socialsim and was on the way to communism, 1970 their will be no housing shortages and will of overtaken the us in per capita
workers changes
min wage inc, pensions schemes for elderly and disabled, holiday pay introduced, 7h working days
housing scheme
a rapid attempt to resolve housing shortage . Moscow 64k built 1961-8, built in two weekss.
anual building rate doubled 1956-65, 108m families moved into these>greater encorugament of urbanisaion
cheap, pre fabricated- it was poor quality but the change it made to peoples lives was massive
numbers in higher ed x3 during krushev time in office
secondary school leaving age 14>15
higher ed could be accessed by those who completed 2 yeas of work exp> shorted the gap between privelegded and wc in higher eg, fiercely resisted
doctors and hospital bed numbers inc
expansion of rural healthcare
more focus on preventive medicine
campaigns against tb (major killed 1960)
re-emering of religious intolerance
k sought to strengthen anti religious propaganda as it tied with lenin militant atheism
religious institutions cam under heavy surveillance of kgb
1959-64> 3/4 of churches/monastries closed, synagogues and mosques cam under attack
schools ciricilum atheistic
religious life remained in rural areas as urban areas more secularised
krushchev and cultural change- the ‘thaw’
link to policy of desalinisation
-restriciton of foreign literature/radio broadcast lifted
limited number of people can travel abroad
in tourist shame allowing foreigners to visit s.u
greater contact with western culture (music /movies)
material published done through party controlled bodies
kurshcev and the arts
Solzhenitsyn released form gulag and allowed to public ‘one day in the life of Ivan denisovish’ 1962 (described conditions in the Gulag
kruschev and rehabilitation
many victims of zhdanovschina were rehabiltied and permitted to work again
including Leningrad writers , political prisoners in the gulag
kruschev and rehabilitation : but was limits
material that critiqued the excess of stalinism was permitted but not those who challenged the basis of communism nd soviet system
kruschev and rehabilitation : eg of cultural change not being permitted
vladimir buvoksy
writings exposed society use of psychiatry agsint political prisoners, undermining communism, 1976 thrown out of the country after 12y in prisons and labor camps and pyscharitic hospitals (as made photocopies of band anti soviet literature