soviet agriculture had been totally damaged by ww2
100k collective farms stopped operating(only 1/3 remained)
many peasants had returned to private farming
shortage of labour (war deaths)
‘scorched earth’ policy had devastated the countryside
much land had not been cultivated during the war> leaving it infertile
live stock levels had been destoryed during war
1945 harvest produced only 60% of pre war output
continuity of agricultural policy- collectiviaion/centralisaion
main emphasis of econonmic policy war industry, ag field industralision
the aim was to restore kolkhozes(collective farms) and eliminate the kulaks
kokhozey was expected to provide the state demands for high procurments=in 1947 the state took 70% of the harvest
new ag policies
taxes on peasants private plots introduced 1947> as these were producing more than collective lands
aimed to revitalise the barren land with tree plantations, canals and irrigation ditches
stalin followed pseudo-scinetfiic theories of Lysenko
Mendelian genetics
inherited characteristics, foundation of modern genetics
acquired characteristics (organisms can pass on traits acquired during lifetime and is inherited
LYESENKOLSM: pro lamarckian and anti mendelain
repressed genetics and stagnated biological science , became massively politicised and highly favoured
LYESENKOLSM:he promised rapid progress by applying lamarckain logical to crop production
vernalisation-treating seeds with cold to inc crop yeilds
this led to solidegradation and severely low crop yields IDEOLOGY TAKEN OBVER SCENCE AND THIS WAS AG FOCAL POINT ONWARDS
the result of lysenkiasm -disastorus
harvests were very poor years before stalin death
howevee,r scientist who challenges lysenkos theories were arrested and purged(3k true biologist met this fate)
a dark chapter of Soviet Union where political ideology of marxist dogmatism dominated scientific truth
stalin unsuccessful in leading agricultural recovery
by 1950 grain prodcuon had not recovered to reahc pre war levels as severe dought 1946
peasants continued to suffer> nearly 1.5m died form starvation 1946-7
peasants were only earning 1/6th of what average worker earned
stalin critised for not changing direction in policy
post war policies focused on squeezing peasants (taxes, higher procurements) same as before ww2
however incentivising the peasantry might have been a better notion as ag fuedl the industry
5th 5 year plan
continued policies fo forth plan (taxes and higher procurements) until death 1953