Social (1890-1920) Flashcards
Describe lynchings 1890-1920
- 3724 lynchings between 1889-1929
- 85% of victims were AA
- only 4 lynchers arrested
- 1901, proposed anti-lynching bill introduced by former slave Congressman George Henry White openly opposed by elected politicians
Describe Ben Tillman
- Democrat Governor of SC
- Nicknamed ‘Pitchfork Ben’
- Openly encouraged lynching mobs - even participated personally
- Escaped criticism through his local political dominance
Why was their a lack of civil rights activism 1890-1920?
Hard to make progress in white dominated South
Describe the Springfield riot 1908
- lynch mob ran riot in Springfield, Illinois (birthplace of Lincoln)
- 9 black people and 8 white people killed
Describe W.E.B Du Bois
- his collection of essays ‘The Souls of Black Folk’ (1903) is landmark of AA literature
- founded Niagara movement in 1905 - opposed racial segregation and disenfranchisement
- founded NAACP in 1909
Describe the NAACP
- Founded 1909
- Coalition of black intellectuals and white liberals (latter was initially majority)
- committed itself to the abolition of segregation and to enforce equal voting rights
- By 1919, had 90k members in 300 branches
Describe the revival of the KKK 1890-1920
- Revival of KKK from 1915
- 1915 - Epic silent film ‘the birth of a nation’ glorifies KKK
Describe Ida Wells
- black newspaperwoman in Memphis
- wrote articles in 1891 critical of education available to AA children
- 1892, attacked the lynching fever and a mob destroyed the paper’s office
- Her office was ransacked and she fled the South
Describe Frazier Baker
- 1897, appointed postmaster of Lake City under McKinley administration
- Local campaign forced his removal
- 1898 , white mob attacked his home and murdered him and his infant daughter
Describe segregation 1890-1920
- Between 1887-1892, 9 states passed laws requiring segregation on public conveyancers
- Plessy v Ferguson 1896
Describe Plessy v Ferguson 1896
- 1892, Homer Plessy imprisoned for refusing to move off white first-class carriage
- Violated Separate Car Act 1890 in Louisiana
- Ruled segregation and Jim Crow constitutional permitted ‘separate but equal’
Describe Booker T Washington
- Founded Tuskegee institute in 1881
- Moderate compared to W.E.B Du Bois
- Atlanta Compromise 1895
- TR invited him to WH in 1901
Describe the Atlanta Compromise 1895
- Promoted industrial education, industrial occupations and learning of other practical trades for AAs
- Suggested AAs should not focus efforts on equality or integration
- Work with system not against it
- first supported then opposed by WEB Du Bois
Describe political progress in the AA situation 1890-1920
- Booker T Washington invited to WH - denoucned by Tillman
- Wilson public statements gave hope
- NAACP formation 1909
Describe political limitations in the AA situation 1890-1920
- Ben Tillman
- Black leaders like Du Bois disillusioned by cautious approach of Pres Taft
- Wilson electorally dependent on South
- Plessy v Ferguson 1896
- Atlanta Compromise 1895
Describe the ‘Great Migration’
Movement of 6m AA from rural Southern areas to urban areas of Northern states between 1916-70
Describe the push factors for the ‘Great Migration’
- Ongoing racial oppression in JC laws
- Poor economic conditions
Describe the pull factors for the ‘Great Migration’
- Reports of good wages and living conditions - spread by AA newspapers and word of mouth
List the different factors of segregaton 1890-1912
- Plessy v Ferguson 1896
- Lack of unified political movement - Atlanta Compromise
- Lynching (including Tilman)
- Regional tensions in urban North
Describe mass immgration 1890-1920
- 1890-1920, 20m imms, mostly from Europe (18.4m 1890-WW1)
- Record 8.5m imms in 1900-1910
- By 1900, NY had more Italians than Naples and over double the Irish as Dublin
- By 1914, 1.4m Jews in a NY pop of 4.7m
- Chinese and Japanese imms usally settled in SF
- By 1890, 1/10th of population was Chinese
Describe the effects of immigration on cities
- Agencies ensured employment within hours of arrival
- Formed unskilled cheap workforce in rapidly growing industries
- Assmilated and became important consumers
- Shaped character of cities e.g. Polish Triangle in Chicago
Describe urbanisation 1890-1920
- Percentage living in urban areas grew from 20% (1860) to 51% (1920)
Describe the poor conditions of urban areas 1890-1920
- By 1900, over ⅔ of those arrivals from 1880-1900 existed below subsistence level
- Regularly lived in tenement housing
- Low wages meant women and children often had to work
Describe tenement housing 1890-1920
- Overcrowded - up to 12 people
* In 1900, only 4% of NYC tenements had indoor plumbing - Disease common - 1 in 5 children dying before the age of 5 in some urban areas
Describe political reformist responses to mass urbanisation 1890-1920
- In 1901, NYC established the Tenement House Department
- City Beautiful Movement emerged in 1900s - aimed to improve urban design and provide more green spaces
- Progressive Movement and goo-goos advocated for political reforms and better working conditions for immigration
What did the Tenement House Department (NYC) do?
required landlords to provide basic sanitation and ventilation
Describe the reaction to immigration 1890-1920
- Groups like American Protective Association put pressure on government to limit immigration
- Trade Union and existing urban worker opposition as imms often used as strikebreakers
- Southern/Eastern Europeans did not assimilate into US culture as much as Northern Europeans
- Fears they brought radical left ideas of anarchism and socialism
Describe the Gentlemen’s Agreement (1907)
- Japan agreed to deny valid US passports for workers intending to emigrate to USA
- except to certain categories of business and professional men
Describe change for women in WW1
- 1m in war effort
- Employment rate grew from 24% to circa 40% (1918)
- 90k served in armed forces in Europe as clerks, nurses, etc
- Greater freedoms - smoking, drinking, going out unchaperoned
- Participation in WW1 weighed heavy on passage of 19th amendment (1920)
Describe continuity for women in WW1
- Few in specialised-industry - only 6k in aircraft manufacture
- Role seen to buy war bonds
- Unions still opposed hiring of women
- Little job security as dimissed after war
Describe change for AAs in WW1
- ‘War for Democracy’ saw 360k volunteer and 200k serve abroad
- Industrialisation in North accelerated Great Migration
- Black consciousness spurred by interaction with attitudes of less racist French
- Black Press comprised 200 weekly papers and 6 monthly magazines
- The NAACP periodical The Crisis increased circulation from 41k to 74k (1917-1918)
Describe the ‘Great Migration’ in WW1
- 500k Southern AAs moved to Northern cities
- 1914 to 1918, population of Detroit rose from 5k to 41k
- Pay considerably better than cotton fields of South
Describe continuity for AAs in WW1
- Segregation in armed forces
- AA troops confined to labour battalions (construction, transportation, etc) rather than combat
- Black Press investiagtions fearing subversion of AA troops
Describe the causes of the Red Summer 1919
- large scale ‘Great Migration’
- industrial labor competition
- overcrowding in urban ghettos
- greater militancy among AA men that had fought to ‘preserve freedom’
Describe the Red Summer 1919
- Approx 25 race riots throughout USA
- Chicago Race Riot 1919 most severe - 38 died (23 black, 15 white)
- 19 more lynchings than year prior
List anti-immigration and espionage laws 1917-24
- 1917 Espionage Act
- 1917 immigration act
- 1918 Sedition Act
- 1918 Immigration Act (Dillingham-Hardwick Act)
- 1921 Emergency Quota Act
- 1924 Immigration Act (Johnson-Reed Act)
Describe the Espionage Act 1917
- Intended to prevent insubordination in military operations or recruitment
- Debs prosecuted under this act
Describe the immigration act 1917
- Implemented literacy test that required over 16 year olds to demonstrate basic comprehension language
- Excluded anyone from ‘Asaitic Barred Zone’, except for Japanese, Filipinos and China (already barred since 1882)
Describe the Sedition Act 1918
- Curtailed free speech during war
Describe the Immigration Act (Dillingham-Hardwick Act) 1918
- Gave government power to deport ‘undesirable aliens’
- Specifically anarchist, communists and labor organisers
Describe the Palmer Raids 1919-20
- Triggered by anarchist bombings of the Italian Galleanists
- Nov 1919, agents under the orders of Palmer’s justice department raided the offices of ‘radical organisations’ in 12 cities across America
- Documents seized and suspects arrested
- Dec 1919, 249 ‘radicals’ deported back to Europe
- Jan 1920, all known communist party offices shut down after raids in 33 cities
Palmer - Attorney General
Describe the aftermath of the Palmer Raids 1919
- Similar action at local and state level
- ‘Red flag’ laws banned left-wing insignia
- Vigilante gangs operated against union activists in Washington State and California
- Red Scare lost momentum during 1920
- SC ruled evidence collected during the Palmer raids was illegal and could not be used in prosecution
- Torpedoed Palmer’s expected 1920 campaign
Describe the different reasons for the support of female suffrage
- temperance movement wanted greater voting bloc behind cause
- some mc white women believed it could reinstall white supremacy by countering growing black vote
Describe the expansion of female suffrage in the 1910s
- 1910 - Washington
- 1911 - Oregon and CA
- Number of female voters at 2m
- Yet presidential franchise had not been granted in any Eastern states
Describe the NAWSA
- 1890, factions merged to form National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Led by Elizabeth Cady Stanton
- 1916, announced last blitz ‘Winning Plan’ campaign
Describe the ‘Winning Plan’ campaign
- avoid ‘detours’ into hopeless states, namely in South
- focussed on moblising lobbying of federal government
Describe the National Woman’s Party
- Splinter group of NAWSA formed in 1916
- led by Alice Paul
- drew influence from militant tactics of British suffrage campaign
- hunger strikes and White House pickets (1917)
Describe the granting of the 19th amendment
- WW1 slowed campaign but furthered argument by demonstrating women’s dedication to war effort
- ‘Anthony Amendment’ (19th amendment) ratified in 1920
- 1920 elec - more than 8m women voted