Domestic politics (1945-75) Flashcards
Describe the policy platforms of all Presidents from 1945-74
- Truman - Fair Deal
- Ike - dynamic conservatism
- JFK - New Frontier
- LBJ - Great Society, ‘war on poverty’
- Nixon - New Federalism (federal powers shifted to states)
Describe issues facing Truman in 1945
- Shadow of FDR who had reshaped role of state intervention, international involvement and Democrat Party
- Impact of WW2
- Labour relations
- 1946 mid-terms
List Truman domestic policy
- Full Employment Bill 1945
- Rapid reconversion
- Labour relations
- Fair Deal
Describe the impact of the 1946 mid-terms
- Republican majorities in both houses
- Caused Presidential/Congressional gridlock
- Truman nicknamed it the ‘Do Nothing Congress’
Describe Truman’s Full Employment Bill 1945
- Bill declared full employment to be a right
- Required government to ensure jobs were available
- Bill included increased social security payments, higher minimum wage, farm price support and public works programmes
- Formed Employment Act 1946
Describe limits to the Employment Act 1946
- Republicans/Conservative Democrats opposed to socialist measures of bill
- wording of bill watered down to remove federal committment to ‘full employment’
- opposed to wider proposals to extend FEPC, initiate national health insurance and expand social security system
FEPC - Fair Employment Practices Commission
Describe labour relations by 1945
- Unions gain considerable power in WW2
- Full employment meant strikebreakers couldn’t be brought in
Describe rapid reconversion under Truman
- Truman called for quick military demobilisation
- Inevitably floundered due to difficulty of objectives
- Aimed to maintain full employment, increase production of consumer goods, initiate cordial industrial relations in short term
Describe progressive labour relations under Truman
- Aug 1945, announced he would maintain price controls but relaxed rules to allow unions to pursue higher wages
- Nov 1945, called special labour-management conference in attempt to deter any further stike action
- Vetoed Taft-Harley Act 1947
- Called 1948 special session of Congress to pass various ND-style measures (though failed)
Describe restrictive labour relations under Truman
- April 1945, United Mine Workers announced strike for pay increase
- Railroad strike
- Recommended compulsory arbitration after series of strike in steel, coal, automobile and railroad industries across 1945-46
- Inc 750k steel workers, 93k meat packers
- Failed to prevent passage of Taft-Harley Act 1947
Describe the railroad strike 1945
- May 1945, railroads went on strike
- Truman announced he would conscript striking railroad workers and have army operate railroad
- Threatened to introduce legislation to impose severe penalties for breaking trade union laws
- Rail strike called off after sizeable increase to railroad workforce
- Yet demonstrated continued hostility to trade unions
Describe the Taft Harley Act 1947 (Labour Management Relations Act)
- Red wave (congressional) in 1946
- Act prohibited wildcat strikes, secondary boycotts, mass picketing, closed shops, etc
- Truman veto overturned by Congress after significant congressional Democrat support
Describe increased opposition in the 1948 Presidential election
- Henry Wallace, Truman’s predecessor as VP, set up Progressive Party
- Strom Thurmond, conservative democrat Governor of SC, set up ‘Dixiecrat’ party opposed to Truman’s push for civil rights
Describe Truman in the 1948 Presidential Campaign
- Went on 30k mile whistle-stop tour of USA
- Promised ND-style measures (Fair Deal)
- Criticsied ‘do nothing’ Republican Congress
Describe the results of the 1948 Presidential election
- Opinion polls predicted easy victory for Dewey (Gov of NY)
- Chicago Daily printed ‘Dewey defeats Truman’ headline
- Truman easily defeated Dewey with 2m najority in pop vote
Describe the Fair Deal 1949
- Now equipped with electoral mandate
- Wide programme to expand welfare support
- declared ‘every segment of our population and every individual has right to expect from our government a fair deal’
Describe the success of the Fair Deal
- Moderately effective public housing and slum-clearing bill in 1949
- 1949, minimum wage raised from 40c to 75c an hour
- 1950, significant expansion of Social Security - extended insurance coverage to 10m additional individuals
Describe the failures of the Fair Deal
- National Health Insurance and repeal of Taft-Harley resisted by conservative Congress
- Southern Democrats fillibustered civil rights legislation
- ‘Brannan Plan’ to provide income support to small farmers replaced by less effective program to continue price supports
Describe ‘dynamic conservativism’
- Eisenhower middle-way ideology
- Economically conservative, socially liberal
- Small state - possible due to rising prosperity
Describe praise of Eisenhower’s political style
- Embodied strong military leadership in face of rising Communist threat
- Let experienced cabinet ministers dictate much policy
- Co-operated well with Congress controlled by Democrats for 6/8 years of Presidency to achieve numerous legislative victories
- Left office with net 31% approval, far above Truman’s -24% approval
Describe criticism of Eisenhower’s political style
- seen as ‘do nothing’ President that preferred to play golf
- 3 Cabinet Ministers were car industry millionaires
Describe legislative successes under Eisenhower
- Ended wage/price controls, reduced farm subsidies
- Created NASA in 1958 following Soviet launch of first space satellite, Sputnik, in 1957
- Atomic Energy Act 1954 to encourage peaceful use of nuclear power
- continued most ND/FD programmes
- 1956, raised minimum wage from 75c to $1
- Created Department of Health, Education and Welfare in 1953
- Federal-Aid Highway Act 1956
both expanded and shrank state
FD - Fair Deal
Describe failures under Eisenhower
- Accussed of overly-representing Big Business
- Military-industrial complex only grew despite Eisenhower’s warnings
- Spending policies permitted by rising prosperity of time
- Showed little sympathy for civil rights (though supported SC ruling in Brown v Board of Education 1954)
- Criticism of Federal-Aid Highway Act 1956
Describe road construction under Eisenhower
- Federal-Aid Highway Act 1956
- Large sums spent on completion of St Lawrence Seaway (linked Great Lakes to Atlantic)
Describe the Federal-Aid Highway Act 1956
- Created interstate highway system
- Largest public works programme in US History
- $25bn to construct 41k miles of road over 10-year period
- Original principle aim of bill to facilitate rapid evacuation in the event of nuclear attack
Describe criticism of the Federal-Aid Highway Act 1956
- Accussed of displacing black communities
Describe developments that encouraged McCarthyism
- China fell to Communism in 1949
- The development of the Cold War in Europe
- Increasing US involvement in Asia, particularly in the Korean War
- Spying scandals
Describe the domestic reaction to China’s fall to communism in 1949
- Unexpected and criticism that State department should have done more to prevent it
- Pat McCarran (Democrat Senator from NV) a key figure in in Senate Internal Security Subcommittee
- tried to persuade people that China’s fall was a result of secret Communist infilitrators within State department
- ‘China lobby’ created to campaign for detailed investigation into failings of USA
Describe McCarthyism
- Ruthless witch-hunt against communist suspects in State Department through Senate Government Operations Committee
- Mass removal of suspects from goverment posts
- FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover would remove American Communists from positions of power
- Followed previous media interrogation of Charlie Chaplin and others in 1940s
Describe spying in the USA that caused the 1950s ‘Red Scare’
- 1938, Whittaker Chambers (Time Magazine editor) produced evidence in court that Alger Hiss (senior State department official highly involved at Yalta Conference) has handed over copies of secret documents to Soviets
- 1950, German physicist involved in Manhattan Project, Klaus Fuchs, convicted of giving nuclear secrets to USSR
- 1953, Scientists Julius and Ethel Rosenburg executed for leaking atomic secrets to Communists despite little evidence supporting latter’s involvement
- Soviets later claimed they had 221 operatives spying in various branches of US Government
Describe the Loyalty Review Board
- Introduced by Truman in 1947
- Any government employee found to be sympathetic to ‘subversive organisations’ could be fired
- by 1951, 1.2k dismissed and 6k resigned
- 110 communist-supporting organisations banned
Describe the use of the 1940 Smith Act under Truman
- 11 Communist Party leaders prosecuted
Describe the rise of Joseph McCarthy
- junior Republican senator from Wisconsin
- won praise for Feb 1950 speech alleging State Department was infested with spies, despite lacking evidence
- 1953-55, chaired Senate Government Operations Committee
Describe support of McCarthy
- Won support from American Legion (veterans campaign group) and Christian Fundamentalists
- Also won support from less-educated, less prosperous Americans that rallied against wealthy State Department bureaucrats
Describe the criticism of progressive policies under McCarthyism
- ND/FD measures seen as communist
- Civil rights measires, UN support, redistributive welath policies attacked
- One Indiana school librarian famously banned Robin Hood books as robbing rich to give to poor seen as communist
Describe the downfall of McCarthyism
- Accussed of bullying and fabricating evidence
- McCarthy criticised eminetly-respected General George Mashall
- 1954 investigation into army seemed to contradict recent full-scale military action against Communists in Korea
- President and former Supreme Allied Commander in Europe Eisenhower criticised army investigation
- Censured by Senate following attempts to gain preferential treatment for an aide drafted into military
- Fell into obscurity and died in 1957 from alcoholism
Censure - formal statement of dissaproval, though not removal
Describe the reasons why Kennedy won in 1960
- Youthful image of New York Lawyer (43 years)
- Desire for change inherent in ‘New Frontier’
- Criticism of catholic roots had waned by 1960
- Use of MLK’s popularity
- Catholic Irish roots gave him underdog status
- TV debates
Describe the Kennedy family
- Joseph Kennedy (Father) was millionaire who served as US Ambassador to Britain
- Provided heavy financial backing for campaign
- Robert Kennedy was former member of McCarthy team and a political hack
Describe how MLK’s popularity contributed to JFK’s 1960 victory
- Oct 1960, MLK arrested for trying to desegregate after Atlanta sit-ins
- JFK phoned MLK’s wife to offer support
- RFK used influence to obtain’s MLK’s release
- Well-publicised and won AA support weeks before election
Describe TV debates in the 1960 election
- First televised presidential debate
- watched by 70m Americans
- 87% of Americans had TV by 1960
- JFK used blue suit to stand out and appeared more confident against erratic Nixon in grey suit
- radio listeners felt Nixon won; TV viewers felt JFK won (demonstrating power of image)
Describe the impact of TV debates in the 1960 election
- studies showed that debate made up mind of 4m voters, 3m of which decided on JFK
- important given JFK pipped Nixon by just over 100k votes in election
List members of Kennedy’s New Deal Coalition
- Labour unions
- Blue-collar workers
- racial/religious minorities
- liberal white Southerners and intellectuals
Describe Kennedy’s New Frontier
- Vague election slogan transformed into reformist platform
- Aimed to make a fairer society and extend equal rights to AAs
- Reorganised central government to do this
Describe the ‘Brains Trust’
- Included brightest young experts from American universities
- Hoped they generate new ideas to tackle America’ fundamental issues
Describe positives in JFK’s civil rights policies
- Appointed 5 federal judges, including Thurgood Marshall, a leading civil rights activist, 1961
- Oct 1962, sent 23k troops to ensure that James Meredith, a black student, could attend Univeristy of Mississippi
- Feb 1963, introduced Civil Rights bIll to extend equal rights to housing and education
- 1963, threatened legal action against Louisiana for refusing to fund desegregated schools
Describe negatives in JFK’s civil rights policies
- Civil Rights Bill defeated by Congress
- Hesitant to alienate conservative base in South, unlike LBJ
- Unemployment twice as high among AAs
Describe positives in JFK’s economic policy
- Tax cut proposals in 1963
- Public Works Act 1962
- Manpower Development and Training Act 1962
- Limited prices/wages to tame inflation
- Increased defence and space technology spending, creating jobs e.g. Telstar Act 1962
- Promised to put a ‘man on the moon’ by end of decade in 1961 speech
Describe JFK’s tax cut proposals
Proposed to cut…
* income taxes from range of 20-91% to 14-65%
* corporation tax from 52% to 47%
Describe the Public Works Act 1962
- Public works programmes totalling $900m
Describe the Manpower Development and Training Act 1962
- Grants to high-tech companies to invest in equipment to train workers
Describe the Telstar Act 1962
- Gave federal spending to develop satellite technology
Describe negatives in JFK’s economic policy
- Little to tackle tradition industrial unemployment due to $295bn debt by 1963
- Unemployment twice as high among AAs
- Boom heavily depedent on continued government spending
Describe the positives of JFK’s social reforms
- Tenure saw minimum wage increase from $1 to $1.25
- Manpower Development and Training Act 1962 provided retraining for long-term unemployed to adjust for technological change
- Area Redevelopment Act 1961 provided $394m loans/grants to private sector to stimlate job creation
- Housing Act 1961 provided cheap loans for inner-city redevelopment
- Social Security Act 1962 provided greater financial support to elderly, unemployed and children with unemployed fathers
Describe the negatives of JFK’s social reforms
- Medicare system thrown out by Congress
- Slum clearance created housing shortages in inner-cities
- Housing crunch saw poorest unable to pay mortgage
- Minimum wage increase came to no aid of unemployed
Describe the failings of the New Frontier
- Acheived little due to focus on FP and vagueness of policy platform
- Most fervent opposition came from Southern Democrats, who feared that expansion of black franchise would erode their support base
- More impactful reforms didn’t come until LBJ’s ascession
Describe the background of LBJ
- Southern Democrat from Texas
- Congressional veteran who had led Senate Democrats from 1953-61
- known as ‘Great Persuader’
- Chosen as running-mate in 1960 to balance youthfulness and northerness of Kennedy
Describe the issues facing LBJ in 1963
- Had 11 months to deliver JFK’s New Frontier
- Rumours he would be displaced as running-mate in 1964
- internal criticism within Government
Describe internal criticism of LBJ in 1963
- Coarse Texas way of speaking and supposed lack of education (despite being most well-read in Washington) mocked by Eastern liberlas
- Long-standing feud with Bobby Kennedy stemming from 1960 running-mate selection
What did LBJ do to JFK’s cabinet?
- invites all members to retain place, including RFK
Describe civil rights legislation/rulings under LBJ
- Civil Rights Act 1964
- Voting Rights Act 1965
- Loving v Virginia (1967) - SC ruling struck down state laws prohibiting interracial marriage
Describe the Civil Rights Act 1964
- Stagnated under JFK due to congressional deadlock
- Bill passed into law by LBJ, who held considerable political capital among Southern Democrats
- Banned discrimination based on race and gender in employment and in federally-assisted programmes
- ended segregation in public places
- LBJ faced down powerful opposition such as Richard Russell Jr (Governor of Georgia)
Describe the Voting Rights Act 1965
- Banned literacy tests and other disenfranchising methods
- Appointed agents to ensure voting procedures were carried out properly
- By end of 1966, only 4/13 southern states had fewer than 50% of AAs registered to vote
Describe the impact of civil rights legislation under LBJ
- Number of AA living below poverty line fell by over 50%
Describe economic policy under Johnson
- Revenue Act 1964
- omnibus Economic Opportunity Act 1964
- Appalachian Recovery Programme 1965
- Programme to provide additional education for very young, poor children to widen opprtunity
- Minimum wage increased from $1.25 to $1.40 an hour
Describe the Revenue Act 1964
- Reduced top rate of federal income tax from 91% to 70%
- below JFK tax cut proposals (1963) of a 65% top rate
Describe the Economic Opportunity Act 1964
- established ‘job corps’ to provide vocational training for those aged 16-21
- VISTA recruited volunteers to states, local agencies and private non-profits to perform duties to combat poverty
- Schools in improverished areas recieved volunteer teaching attention
VISTA - Volunteers in service to America
Describe the Appalachian Regional Development Act 1965
- Provided federal funds for development of mounainous areas in Eastern states
Describe the impact of LBJ’s economic policy
- by 1966, number of families with incomes of at least $7k reached 55%, compared with 22% in 1950
Describe social legislation under LBJ
- Wilderness Protection Act 1964
- Medical Aid Act 1965
- Immigration and Nationality Act 1965
- National Endowment for the Arts and Humanities Act 1965
- Civil Rights legislation
- Education legislation
- Housing legislation
- Congress passed stronger Air and Water Quality Acts to tighten pollution controls
- Safety standards raised in consumer products
Describe the Wilderness Protection Act 1964
- Saved 9.1m acres of forestland from industrial development
Describe the Medical Aid Act 1965
- provided Medicare (for old) and Medicaid (for poor) to offset healthcare costs
- 25m Americans given access to decent healthcare for first time
Describe the Immigration and Nationality Act 1965
- Removed long-standing discriminatory quotas based on ehtnic origin
Describe the National Endowment for the Arts and Humanities 1965
- Public funds for artists and galleries
- granted $2.5m in first fiscal year
Describe education legislation under LBJ
- Higher Education Act 1965 - expanded access to college courses
- Elementary and Secondary Education Act 1965
Describe the Elementary and Secondary Education Act 1965
- Provided first major federal support for American public schools
- Aimed to ensure equal education standards in all states
Describe housing legislation under LBJ
- Housing and Urban Development Act 1965
- Model Cities Act 1966
Describe the Housing and Urban Development Act 1965
- Greatly expanded funding for exisiting federal housing programmes
- Provided authority for families qualifying for public housing to be placed in empty private housing
- Created Housing and Urban Development cabinet-level post
Describe the Model Cities Act 1966
- Provided federal funds for slum clearance
- Better provision of services in dilapitated city centres
- Continued JFK policy of urban renewal
Describe opposition to Johnson’s Great Society
- Republicans criticised welfare spending that undermined ‘rugged individualism’, especially in health
- Exacerbated by Vietnam War spending, which was costing $77.4bn annually by 1968
- Oubreak of violence in late 1960s confirmed social friction despite progressive policies
Describe limits to opposition to Johnson’s Great Society
- Opposition to LBJ focussed on FP rather than domestic policy (unlike JFK and predecessors)
What agency was responsible for administering most of the War on Poverty programmes?
Office of Economic Opportunity
What is the Southern Strategy?
- Political realignment where Republican leaders consciously appealed to racial grievances of white Southerners to gain their electoral support
Describe the return of Nixon in 1968
- 1962, ‘Time’ magazine wrote Nixon’s ‘political career was over’ following unsuccessful 1962 gubernatorial campaign in CA
- 1968 Republican Convention saw Nixon elected on first ballot
- Confirmed political rehabilitation of ‘New Nixon’ who had quitely rebuilt his credibiliy
Describe the image of Nixon in 1968
- Positioned himself as moderate who could appeal to ‘silent majority’
- Had been born into poor family in Quakers, California
- Opposed ‘unpatriotism’ of violent direct action and left-wing movement
- Appealed to growing conservatism of older voters
Describe Nixon’s policies in 1968
- Appealed to ‘Middle America’ concerned by Great Society
- Promised ‘peace with honour’ in Vietnam
- Keen to exploit Southern Strategy
Describe the Crisis of the Democrat Party in 1968
- March 1968, LBJ announced shock exit from Presidential race following increasing discontent over Vietnam
- ‘Old politics’ of Johnson, Humphrey v ‘New politics’ of RFK, E. McCarthy
- June 1968, Bobby Kennedy assassinated immediately following CA and SD primary victories by anti-Zionist man
- Democratic National Conference 1968
SD - South Dakota
Describe the Democratic National Conference 1968
- VP Humphrey v Eugene McCarthy
- Richard Haley, mayor of Chicago, accussed of permitting police brutality
- Violence in conference hall and streets broadcast on TV
- Chaos damaged prospects of winning
Describe the failings of VP Hebert Humphrey in the 1968 election
- Too moderate for angry idealists backing Senator Eugene McCarthy
- Supported Vietnam War, though less so than Johnson
What did LBJ do shortly before the 1968 election?
October 1968, made peace offer to North Vietnam, creating an atmosphere of instability
Describe evidence against the Southern Strategy in the 1968 election
Dixiecrat George Wallace won 5 Southern states
Describe the issues facing Nixon in 1968
- Increasing polarisation between youthful liberals and hardening older conservatives
- 1968 elections had given Democrats majorities in both houses
- Vietnam
Describe Nixon’s political machine
- Placed capable loyal administrators at key advisory positions
- Chief of Staff - ‘Bob’ Haldeman
- Assistant to President in Domestic Affairs - John Ehrlichman
- Known collectively as ‘Berlin Wall’ to journalists for tight administrative control of government
- Later appointed Kissinger as simultaneous Sec of State and NSA from 1973-77
Describe Nixon’s family assistance plan
- 1969, introduced Family Assistance Plan (FAP) which implemented negative income tax of $1.6k to replace Great Society benefits programmes for WC families
- Rejected by Congress
- Nevertheless, there was increased spending on social programmes introduced by Great Society
negative income tax - money transfer
Decribe the Tax Reform Act 1969
- Created Alternative Minimum Tax
- Intended to tax high-earners who had previously avoided payment through exemptions
Describe health care policy under Nixon
- 1971, Nixon proposed Family Health Insurance Programme (FHIP)
- All businesses with 1 (later revised to 10) or more employees required to provide standard health insurance to employees and families
- Failed to gain congressional backing
Describe Nixon’s environmental policy
- Established Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1970 - advised govt on environmental issues
- Passed Clean Air Act 1970
- Declared first ever Earth Day in 1972
Describe Nixon’s regressive civil rights policy
- Conservative race relations views
- Encouraged VP Spiro Agnew to attack liberals and appeal to white Southerners
- Slowed down implementation of desegregation of schools in Mississippi
- Blocked moves to extend Voting Rights Act 1965
- Appointed conservative Warren Burger as Chief Justice
Describe limits to Nixon’s regressive civil rights policy
- By 1971, there were 81 black mayors and 13 black congressmen
- 1969 - 600k black students in mixed schools in South
- 1970 - 3m black students in mixed schools in South
Describe Nixon’s law and order policy
- Used Justice Department to challenge activists
- Huston Plan 1970
- ‘plumbers’
Describe the Huston Plan 1970
- Plan would’ve allowed FBI and CIA to conduct wire-tapping and covert surveillance
- Vetoed by J. Edgar Hoover to protect power of FBI
- Nixon set up secret ‘plumbers’ in response
Describe the ‘plumbers’
- Secret intelligence unit within White House to stop leaks
- Headed by Gordon Liddy (former FBI) and Howard Hunt (former CIA)
- First operation was to target former military analyst Daniel Ellsberg, who had leaked the Pentagon Papers to the press
Describe Nixon’s conservative values
- Espoused conservative rhetoric in 1968 to ‘silent majority’
- Attacked George McGovern as ‘ultra-liberal’ in 1972 election
Describe limits to Nixon’s conservative values
- 2nd SC appointment, Harry Blackmun, became considerably liberal in rulings and decisive in Roe v Wade 1973
- Policy reminiscent of Johnson’s Great Society
Describe the 1972 election
- Had focussed on FP successes which had dominated first term
- Nixon won landslide, carrying 49 states
- Despite high polling ratings, George Wallace’s democratic primary attempt derailed by assassination attempt
Describe the Pentagon Papers
- Released 1971
- Top secret Department of Defence study on US political and military involvement in Vietnam from 1945-67
- Revealed that successive administrations from Truman-Johnson had misled public over involvement
- e.g. Eisenhower administration actively worked against Geneva Accords
Describe ‘New Federalism’
- Nixon’s policy of decentralising programmes and powers of Fed Govt to state and locally elected officials
- Created 10 regional councils containing top regional officials from 9 federal agencies/departments to organise grants, regulation, etc
Describe CREEP (Committee to Re-Elect the President)
- 1972, Nixon set up CREEP following concerns he would not be re-elected
- Set aside $350k for ‘dirty tricks’
- Encouraged to use whatever methods necessary
Describe the Watergate complex break-in
- June 1972, 5 CREEP members arrested for breaking into DNC HQ at Watergate Office Building and attempting to plant bugging devices
- 2 Washington Post journalists Bernstein and Woodward published discovery that individuals were CREEP members and that CREEP was controlled by White House
- Nixon denied all involvement by him or advisors
- Jan 1973, Watergate burglars went on trial and all convicted
Describe the investigation of the Watergate break-in
- March 1973, James McCord (one of the burglars) claimed in court there had been a WH cover up
- Nixon denied personal involvement, but admitted Haldeman and Erlichman had been involved, who subsequently resigned
- Senate Committee set up to investigate scandal from May-November 1973
- John Dean, WH official, claimed there had been cover-up by Nixon
Describe Nixon’s tape-recorded conversations
- A White House aide told the committee that Nixon had recorded all White House conversations since 1971
- Nixon tried to avoid providing the tapes and provided heavily-edited 7/9 tapes
- One tape had 18 mins missing
- Eventually forced to provide all unedited tapes
Describe the aftermath of the reveal of Nixon’s providing of tapes
- Revealed dirty tricks campaign
- Had repeatedly lied throughout investigation
- Excessive foul language undermined dignity of elder statesman reputation
Describe the resignation of Nixon
- July 1974, Congress moved to impeach Nixon
- 8 Aug 1974, Nixon resigned in televised broadcast to avoid impeachment
- Ford fatally issued immediate decree pardoning ‘Tricky Dicky’
- 31 of Nixon’s team served sentences for Watergate-related offences
- Carter elected in 1976 promising to never lie
Describe the reduction to executive power that followed the Watergate scandal
- War Powers Act 1973
- Election Campaign Act 1974
- Privacy Act 1974
- Congressional Budget Act 1974
Describe the War Powers Act 1973
- Required President to consult Congress before sending American forces into combat
Describe the Election Campaign Act 1974
- set limits on electoral contributions to prevent corruption
Describe the Privacy Act 1974
- Allowed US citizens to acess any files Government held on them
Describe the Congressional Budget Act 1974
- President could not use Federal funds for personal purposes