Social (1865-90) Flashcards
Describe urbanisation from 1865-90
- Chicago population grew from 30k (1850) to 1m (1890)
- Chicago a railroad centre that served upper-Midwest as hub for lumber, meat and steel production
- Cities evolved from commercial centres for rural areas to urban centres in themselves after the CW
Describe living conditions from 1865-90
- Rapid urban growth led to poor quality housing
- Those with wealth soon moved from slums to suburbs
- Development of ‘boss’ system
Describe the ‘boss system’
- Corrupt mayor who would sell rights to basic utilities (housing, transport, etc) to highest bidder
- Provide employment and housing for immigrants and AA from South in return for vote in election (vote buying)
Describe some key aspects of the North 1865-90
- Forefront of Civil Rights
- Home of banking and commerce
- Railroads connected national trade
- Urbanisation fuelled by immigration and industrial expansion
- 1860’s to 1890’s = 10 million immigrants
- Fears of a socialist revolution
- No/few trade unions
List some reasons for division within the North
- Divisions between old and new immigrants and ethnic tensions
- Class divisions with emerging Robber Barrons
- Railroad tensions
- Urbanisation
- Disunity of working class
- Gang tensions
- Radical fringe
Describe how immigration caused divisions in the North
- Between ‘districts’ of immigrants
- Between ‘new’ and previous generation immigrants
- Divisions immigrants brought with them
- ‘Nativism’ = protection of ‘traditional’ American values from foreign influence
- ‘Yellow Peril’ = immigrants from China, didn’t speak English, hardworking and cheap labour; Chinese Exclusion Act 1882
Describe how railroad tensions caused divisions in the North
- ‘Freight rates’ (the amount charged by the railroad corporations to move goods)
- Interstate Commerce Act of 1887, enables ICC to regulate railroads and freight rates
Describe how urbanisation caused divisions in the North
- Overcrowding, poverty, poor housing and poor hygiene
- Immigrants from all over forced to live in close quarters, exacerbating violence
Describe how disunity of the working class caused divisions in the North
- Fledgling but divided trade union movement
- Serious divisions due to immigration and competitive labour prices
Describe how the radical fringe caused divisions in the North
- Fears of a socialist revolution
- Haymarket Bomb 1886
List some key aspects of the South 1865-90
- New South emerged - modernising and embracing new technologies
- Greater industrialisation encouraged by railroads
- Focus on cotton market
- Limited black education/rights + little land redistribution
Describe the cotton market in the South
- Britain made other arrangements for cotton during the Civil War
- USA’s market share in 1867 smaller than 1857
- Lack of cash in the economy for cotton production
- Yet Southern industrialisation remained focused on cotton in textile factories in the South
- 1870s glut
Describe black education in the South
- Government-sponsored education fell through very quickly when money ran out
- Prevented black leadership in business or politics
Describe black rights in the South
- 1873 Slaughter House cases (14th Amendment did not prevent states setting their own citizens rights rules)
- 1883 Civil Rights cases
- 1883 the Court struck down 1875 Civil Rights Act
- Jim Crow laws
- Rise of racial violence and populism
Describe the divisions within the South
- Divisions between white plantation owners and black sharecroppers
- Land class division
- Divisions among black citizens over whether to be radical or moderate in pursuing goals
- Colfax Massacre 1873 exposed violent divisions
Describe the shifts in Northern immigration 1865-90
- Shift in population to Northern and Eastern industrial/urban hubs of New York, Chicago, Pennsylvania, etc
- Unlike earlier scandinavian and german immigrants who had settled into rural areas
- Debate between optimistic ‘melting pot’ vision of America vs pessimists warning of strained ethnic relations
- NY pop doubled 1860-90
Describe Northern Gang Violence 1865-90
- Orange Riots in New York in 1870 and 1871 led to deaths of 8 and 60 people respectively
- Irish gangs terrorised Italians, Jews and Poles in Chicago’s South Side in 1870s
Orange riots - conflict between Irish protestants and catholics
Describe evidence of the New South
- railroad mileage doubled in 1880s
- made it possible to develop new industries such as coal mining in West Virginia
- City of Birmingham, Alabama had plentiful supplies of coal, iron and limestone nearby became centre of steel industry
- James Buchanon Duke revolutionised tobacco industry through machinery - factories could produce 100k cigarettes a day
Describe key aspects of the West 1865-90
- Filled with pioneers, Native Americans and Cowboys
- Rapid settlement and homesteaders
- Development of cattle industry fed Eastern cities
- Many Chinese immigrants worked in construction
pioneers - farmers who took advantage of natural resources in West
Describe evidence of rapid settlement in the West
half pop of Nevada and Arizona were foreign born by last quarter of 19th century
Describe reasons for divisions within the West
- Native American policy - battles
- Railroads cut through bull culls, cutting off NA food supplies
- NA infringement encouraged by US army and Bureau of Indian Affairs, but also ordinary Americans
- Homestead Act’s 160 acres not enough to make a living
- Ghost Towns
- Pioneer settlers vs ‘big agriculture’
- The Granger movement
Describe the Granger movement
- Formed 1867
- helped farmers with loans and advice
- the ‘Grange’ was hostile to railroad companies
- support peaked in 80s - led to ICC
- support would shift to ‘Farmer’s Alliance’ movement, which was more openly political and demanded currency reform and lower tariffs
Describe the North’s divisions with the South/West 1865-90
- North continued to prosper as industrial, ethnic and urban hub
- Remained the most influential
- e.g. Chester Arthur’s attempts to reduce tariffs struggled as Congress raised as many as he cut down
Describe the South’s divisions with the North 1865-90 (political divisions)
- ‘New South’ still evokative of ‘Old South’
- Still harboured feelings of defeat
- Endless complaints against ‘carpetbaggers’ and ‘scalawags’
- New redeemer governments increasingly distant from DC
Describe the South/West’s divisions with the North 1865-90 (farming divisions)
- Farmers in South and West regulary dependent on Northern borrowing
- Borrowing based on expected levels of harvesting
- Yet market instability and price falls plunged many into debts
- Led to support of low interest rates and expanded money supply
- Ideas vehemently opposed by industrial North
Describe immigration 1865-90
- 10m immigrants
- Majority from Britain, Ireland, Germany, Scandinavia, Netherlands and Switzerland
- Open door policy until 1882
- Statue of Liberty erected in 1886 - symbol of welcome and promise
- 1890, 56% of labour force in manufacturing and mechanical industries were foreign born or of foreign parentage
Describe pull factors for immigration 1865-90
- Space - America had vast plains where farm settlements were far apart. Growing cities had plenty of room e.g. NYC largest city in world by 1900 and still growing
- Natural resources - massive natural resources: oil, timber and minerals.
- Land was cheap
- Economic opportunity - rapid industrialisation, 2nd largest money market, entrepreneurism
- Wages considerably higher in skilled trade
- Freedom of religion
- Pamphlets
- Railroads
Describe how railroad employment encouraged immigration 1865-90
- provided loans at low rates of interest
- classes in farming
- building of churches/schools
Describe a pamphlet that encouraged immigration 1865-90
- Minnesota, The Empire State of the North-West (1878)
- claimed it could support 5m people
Describe push factors for immigration 1865-90
- Overcrowding and shortage of land in Europe
- Youngest in European families could expect little inheritance
- Lack of opportunity - Europe was still a class-dominated society
- Unemployment in Europe - economic depression, agricultural mismanagement and mechanisation
- Religious persecution
- Repeal of Japanese emigration ban in 1885
Describe religious persecution in Europe 1865-90
- Regular attacks against Jews in Russia triggered by the assassination of Alexander II in 1881
- Number of Jewish immigrants rose from 5k (1880) to 90k (1900)
Describe the impact of the Japanese repeal on emigration in 1885
Most went to Hawaii to work on sugar plantations
Describe the economic reaction to immigration 1865-90
- Economic fear of immigrants being a drain on natural resources bred a culture of ethnic intolerance, especially in NE with rapid social change
- Trade unions, led by Samuel Gompers strongly opposed Chinese labourers
- New tide of immigration closed off traditional escape route of discontented Easterners through closures of settlements of available land
- Local Assembly 300
- Chinese Exclusion Act 1882 and Foran Act 1885
Describe Local Assembly 300
- Skilled Belgian and British glass workers brought under contract at lower wages in Kent, Ohio and Baltimore
- 1882, 2 unions of skilled glass workers amalgamated to oppose contract labour
Describe the Foran Act 1885
- Banned foreign contract labour
- Did not extend to skilled workers needed for new industries
Describe wider social discrimination 1865-90
- English workmen targeted by New York Herald Tribune
- Many ethnicities stereotyped by Atlantic Monthly
- Anti-semitism most prominent form of ethnic discrimination - Jews had been barred from voting until early-19th century in America
- Some hotels and clubs displayed ‘no jews or dogs admitted here’ signs
- Crowded tenement housing for immigrants
- Speed and intensity accentuated discrimination
Describe Nativism 1865-90
- Policy of protecting interests of native-born or established inhabitants against those of immigrants
- Led by trade unions, more extreme protestant christians, social reformers who saw immigration as exacerbating existing problems in cities
- American Protective Association
- Contradictonary feelings over assimmilation within communities
Describe the American Protective Association
- Protestant extremist group
- Established 1887 in reaction to increasing enrolment in Catholic schools
- Led by Henry Bowers
Describe the growth of Chinese immigration 1865-90
- Swelled in California after California Gold Rush 1849 and construction of Union Pacific Railroad in the 60s
- Most worked on Central Pacific railways
- Provided half of SFs workforce
- Census data shows that Chinese immigration grew from 63k men (1870) to 106k (1880s)
- They were known to be cheap, hard-working and caused few social problems
Describe the fear of the ‘yellow peril’
- Panic of 1873 accentuated fears of cheap Chinese labour
- By 1879, President Hayes was warning of the ‘present Chinese invasion’
- Chinese Exclusion Act 1882
Describe the Chinese Exclusion Act 1882
- Prevented Chinese immigration for 10 years by denying right of citizenship (with exceptions)
- Renewed in 1892 and continually thereafter
- finally repealed in 1943
Describe the National Woman Suffrage Association
- Formed 1869
- tied markedly less popular female suffrage to black vote movement
Which territory granted women unrestricted franchise in 1869?
Wyoming territory