Sleep and dreaming Flashcards
Restorative Hypothesis
Species with higher metabolic rates typically spend more time in sleep
Adaptive Hypothesis
The amount of sleep depends on the availability of food and safety
Environmental stimuli that regulate sleep/wake cycle
Sleep-inducing hormone
Ultradian Rhythms
Cycles that are shorten than a day
What contains melanopsin?
Retinal ganglion cells
Synchronizes rhythm
sensitive to light at dawn/dusk
sets the clock
Activation Synthesis Hypothesis
During REM sleep the forebrain integrates brainstem neural activity with info stored in memory
What does REM sleep do?
Promotes childhood neural development
Promotes memory
Slow wave sleep
Responds to temperature
Reverse learning hypothesis
Memories are purged during REM sleep
What is important for sleep regulation?
Preoptic area and pons
Basal Forebrain Area
Induces drowsiness
Arousing Pathway
Hypothalamus releases orexin to prevent the brain from switching to sleep
sends impulses to the magnocellular nucleus to produce REM atonia