Skin Flashcards
5 functions of skin
- protection
- thermoregulation
- sensation
- metabolism
- Communication
2 parts of skin that help with protection
melanin and sebum
How does skin help with metabolism?
synthesis of vitamin D
What is the most prevalent skin related issue in healthcare
pressure ulcer
Newborn and infant skin changes
- reduced ability to thermoregulate
- more susceptible to rashes, blistering, chafing
Toddlers and preschooler skin changes
- sunscreen
- playing causes injuries
School age and adolescent skin changes
- lice/scabies/impetigo
- acne
- sunscreen
Adult and older adult skin changes
- dry skin more common
- wrinkling and poor skin turgor
- slower healing
3 Mechanical forces that damage skin?
-pressure, friction, sheering
Wound type- injury such as knife, gunshot, burn, or surgical incision, heals within 6 months
wound that persists beyond usual 6 month healing time or recurs with new injury to area
open wound
break present in the skin; tissue damage present
closed wound
no break seen in the skin, but soft tissue damage evident
clean surgical wound
closed surgical wound that did not enter GI/Resp/Genituourinary system
-low infection risk
clean/contaminated wound
wound entering GI/Resp/Genituourinary system
-infection risk
contaminated surgical wound
open, traumatic wound; surgical wound with break in asepsis
-high infection risk
infected surgical wound
wound site with pathogens present
-signs of infection
What is pressure?
localized damage to skin or underlying tissue over bony prominence as a result of pressure or pressure in combination with shear
Stage I Pressure Ulcer
- skin intact
- nonblanchable redness (stays red when you press it)
- painful or different feel to rest of skin
- will feel cool in temperature
Stage II pressure ulcer
- shallow OPEN ulcer with PINK wound bed
- no sloughing/no eschar
- PARTIAL thickness loss of dermis
- skin shear, tape burn, maceration, excoriation
- will feel warm
Stage III pressure ulcer
- FULL thickness tissue loss
- may have slough or eschar
- NO bone tendon muscle exposure
Stage IV pressure ulcer
- EXPOSED bone tendon muscle
- may have slough or eschar
- tunneling or undermining
-narrow passageway in soft tissue of open wound going down
area of tissue deconstruction under the edge of wound opening
dea tissue, bacterial debris, dark in color
What is an unstageable pressure ulcer?
- wound cannot be visualized
- base is covered in slough or eschar
Tool for pressure ulcer screening
Braden Scale
What is in protective creams to help healing and prevention?
-zinc, vitamin A,D,E
____ rather than ____ when repositioning patient in bed
lift, pull
small spot like freckle or petechia
-circumscribed, flat, non palpable changes in skin color
macule, primary lesion
larger than macule like vitiligo,flat, non palpable changes in skin color
patch, primary lesion
up to 0.5 cm like elevated nevus, palpable elevated solid mass
papule, primary
flat elevated surface larger then 0.5 cm, often formed by coalescence of papules
plaque, primary
larger than 0.5 cm, deeper and firmer than a paule, palpable elevated solid mass
nodule, primary
large nodule, palpable elevated solid mass
tumor, primary
somewhat irregular, relatively transient superficial area of localized skin edema like mosquito bite or hive
wheal, primary
up to 0.5 cm, filled with serous fluid, circumscribed superficial elevation of the skin formed by free fluid in cavity within skin layers
vesicle, primary
> 0.5 cm , filled with serous fluid, like 2nd degree burn
bulla, primary
filled with pus like acne or impetigo
pustule, primary
loss of the superficial epidermis, surface moist but does not bleed ex:moist area after rupture of vesicle from chicken pox
loss of skin surface,secondary