Asepsis and Infection Flashcards
What are 2 types of asepsis technique?
Medical and Surgical
What is the single easiest intervention?
Put the 6 links in the chain of infection in the right order:
- portal of exit
- portal of entry
- mode of transmission
- source
- susceptible host
- infectious agent
- infectious agent
- source
- portal of exit
- mode of transmission
- portal of entry
- susceptible host
What are 4 things that lead to MDRO?
- overuse of antibiotics
- not using long enough/too long
- food supply contamination
- using the wrong antibiotic
How can providers help stop the spread of infection?
follow precautions b/w patients to prevent spread
What is usually the causes of sepsis that is contracted in hospital?
Central Line Infection
What are examples of the “portal of exit” in the chain of infection?
-sputum, emesis, urine, stool, wound, blood, genital secretions
What are the 3 sources for infectious agents?
fomite, animal, human
What are the 5 modes of transmission? (3 precaution+ 2 others)
contact, droplet, airborne, vehicle (food), vector borne (mosquitoes, needles)
What are the basic precautions for Contact?
gown and gloves
What are the basic precautions for Droplet?
What are the basic precautions for Airborne?
respirator and negative pressure room
When do you recap needles?
What are the characteristics of Medical Asepsis?
- hand hygiene(alcohol hand sani, soap/water)
- using barriers (gown, gloves, mask)
- sterilizing (instruments, tools)
When should use soap and water?
- hands visibly soiled
- before/after eating
- after going to restroom
- Cdiff spores
- contact with any body fluids/mucous membraes, breaks in skin
When can you use alcohol hand sani?
when hands are not visibly soiled and between patient rooms
What is the chemical or physical process that removes pathogens?
What is the process that destroys all organisms including spores?
Before something can be disinfected it has to be….
When do you wear gloves?
anything containing broken skin, mucous membranes, or body fluids
When do you wear mask or gown?
contact/droplet, anticipate splashes/sprays
When do you remove PPE?
In the patient Room
When do you clean/disinfect instruments?
before reuse with another patient
What situation would I remove a mask b/w each patient contact?
b/w droplet/airborne to other patient
When can you wear a mask longer?
to protect the patient from you
When do you use Medical asepsis
- when skin is broken as part of a procedure
- any procedure that involves blood
- some dressing changes/ wound care
- insertion of catheter
- immunocompromised patients
What do you heave to wear to touch sterile items?
sterile gloves
The sterile field must be above…
the waist
Can you reach across the sterile Field?
Infection prevention for newborns involve education on…
- hand hygiene
2. getting vaccinations
Infection prevention for toddler involves…
teaching child about hand hygiene
Infection prevention for school/age and adolescent involves….
- hand hygiene
2. STI education
In older adults we focus on preventing infection through…
preventative health
What are the 5 infectious agents?
- bacteria
- Virus
- parasite
- prion
- fungi