Skeleton, bone bio and joints Flashcards
week 4
What makes up 2/3 of the Extracellular matrix and proved 65% of compression strength?
inorganic components of the ECM
mesenchymal stem cells
found in endosteum and periosteum
mitotically products stem cells
What are the four types of bone cells?
What is the function of osteocytes and osteoblasts?
Osteoblasts – form bone matrix and bone deposition
Osteocytes – maintain matrix and communicate
What is the structure and function of osteoclasts?
large, multinucleate cells that dissolve in bone and release Ca.
What type of bone makes up the internal and external surfaces of the bone respectively?
internal = cancellous/ spongy
external= compact
Basic unit of compact bone
= cylinders arranged parallel to each other
What are the canalicului and what do they allow?
little canals in ECM between lacunae. Contain slender osteocytes= communication and exchange of nutrients and wastes.
Perforating (volkmann’s)
perpendicular connections to central canal.
What are the three main canals of compact bone?
Central canal
Do compact or cancellous bones contain osteons?
Elongated cylindrical shaft, surrounds medullary cavity
Mostly compact bone
Knobby, enlarged regions
Mostly spongy
Flared region between epi and diaphysis
Articular cartlidge structure and function
Thin layer of hyaline Cartlidge covering epiphysis
Reduces friction and absorbs shock
Medullary cavity structure and function.
Hollow, cylindrical space in diaphysis
lightens bone
CT surrounding diaphysis
covers most external surafces
thin membrane lining medullary cavity
covers most internal surfaces
Periosteum function
Anchor for blood vessels and nerves
Contains osteoprogenitor cells and osteoblast = active remodeling, growth and fracture repair.
Endosteum function
covers internal surafces
Contains osteoprogenitor cells, osteoclasts and osteoblast = active remodeling, growth and fracture repair.
What is ossification and when does it occur?
formation and development of bone
8th wk of development –> adulthood
What are the two patterns of ossification?
Intramebrous ossification
endochondral ossification
What does intramembranous ossification arise from and produce?
from mesenchyme cells
= flat bones, skull, facial bones, mandible and central portion of clavicle.
What does Endochondral ossification arise from and produce?
Begins with hyaline Cartlidge model
Produces majority of bones in body
What are the first three stpes of Endochondral ossification and when do they occur?
In utero
Hyaline Cartlidge template formed by
Cartlidge template continues to grow
Primary ossification center appears:
What are the 4th and 5th steps of Endochondral ossifcation and when does it occur?
Formation of medullary cavity: elongation of osteoclast action of trabeculae, Diaphyseal wall become compact bone
A secondary ossification center appear
What is the 6th step of Endochondral ossification and when does it occur?
hyaline Cartlidge forms at growth plate (allows for growth until late adolesence)
Describe the deposition of osetoblasts
Osteoblasts produce and secrete organic component (osteoid) which undergo mineralization = mature bone
Large GA = involved in much secretion