Hip and gluteal Flashcards
week 10
What are the three apertures of the pelvis?
What forms them?
Greater Sciatic Foramen
lesser Sciatic Foramen
Obturator Canal
Formed by:
Sacrocpinious and sacrotuberous ligaments
Structural and functional type of Hip Joint.
Synovial ball and socket
What is the function of the acetabularlabrum?
fibrocartilaginousrim that further deepens the acetabulum
Name the ligaments that stabilise the Hip Joint
ligament of head and neck
O/I and function of Iliofemoral Ligament
AIIS –> intertrochanteric line
Holds femoral head into acetabulum (when standing)
Tightening = limited ext, add, abd and lat rotation.
O/I and function of Pubofemoral
Obturator crest and iliopubic eminence –> iliofemoral ligament
Tightening limits ext, abd and lateral rotation
O/I and function of ischiofemoral ligament
Ischial part of acetabular margin –> neck of femur
Tightening limits ext, add and medial rotation
O/I and function of the ligament of the Head of the Femur
Fovea –> acetabulum
Structural support for vessels providing nutrients to head of femur
What is the main muscle of the iliac region and what two muscles make it up?
-psoas major
O/I of Illiposaos
Iliac fossa –> blends with psoas major –> lesser trochanter
O/I of Psoas Major
T12-L5 vertebrae –> lesser trochanter
Innervation, movement and other functions of the iliopsoas
Femoral nerve = illacus
Anterior rami L1—3 = psoas major
Hip flexion
Postural muscle
Name the muscles of the gluteal region
Tensor fasciae latae
Gluteus maximus
Gluteus medius
Gluteus minimis
Superior gemellus
Obturator internus
Inferior gemellus
Quadratus femoris
What are the functions of the gluteus minimis?
Hib abd and medial rotation
Steadies pelvis when opposite foot is raised
Prevents pelvic drop on opposite swing side
Where do all but two (name these two) muscles of the gluteal region insert?
greater trochanter
except for: tensor fasciae latae and Gluteus maximus
What muscles of the gluteal region does the superior gluteal nerve innervate?
gluteus medius, gluteus minimi and tensor faciae latae
What muscles of the gluteal region does the nerve to the Obturator internus innervate?
Superior gemellus and obturator internus
What muscles of the gluteal region does the Nerve to the quadratus femoris innervate?
inferior gemellus and quadratus femoris
What are the two muscles of the Anterior compartment of the thigh?
Quadriceps Femoris group abd sartorius