Skeletal System Part 2 (vertebral Column - Thoracic Cage) Flashcards
The number of bones in the vertebral column
Region of the vertebral column that articulates with the skull. Has 7 vertebrae.
The two cervical vertebrae that support the skull and determine the movement of the head.
Atlas and Axis
Region of the vertebral column that articulates with the ribs. Has 12 vertebrae.
Region of the vertebral column that forms your lower back and supports the bulk of your weight. Has 5 vertebrae.
This is a single bone formed by the fusion of the embryonic vertebrae. Has an APEX and a BASE.
This is considered your “tailbone”. Formed by the fusion of tiny vertebrae.
Coccyx (Coccygeal region)
These two regions form your primary curves of the vertebral column. They appear late in development.
Thoracic and Scaral
These two regions form your secondary curves and will appear months after birth.
Cervical and Lumbar
This is approximate age when all vertebral curves are fully developed.
This area is also referred to as your “ribcage”
Thoracic Cage
Ribs are _____________ bones.
The human body has ____ pairs of ribs.
The first seven pairs of ribs that connect to the sternum by costal cartilage are considered…
True ribs
Ribs 8-12 are considered this type of rib, because they do not directly connect to the sternum.
Ribs 8-10 merge with rib seven by…
costal cartilages that have fused together.
Ribs 11 and 12 have NO connection what so ever, so they are considered _______ ribs.
This is often called the “breastbone”
The triangular portion of the Sternum that articulates with the first pair of ribs and the clavicles.
The elongated portion of the sternum.
The slender end of the sternum.
Xiphoid process
The approximate age when the three parts of the sternum are fused.