Bones of the Skull and Bone Features Flashcards
forms the forehead and roof of the orbits
Frontal bone
is an openingthatabove each orbit thatworks as apassageway for nerves and blood vesselstoand from the eyebrows andeyelids
Supraorbital foramen
air-filledinternal chambers thatwillconnect with the nasalcavity…this area includes _______ which makes the bone lighter and produces mucus that cleans and moistens the nasal cavities.
the frontal sinuses
an opening for a major sensory nerve from the face.
Infraorbital foramen
Onboth sides of the skull.
Is posterior to the frontal bone.
Form the roofandsuperior walls of the cranium.
Parietal bones
Parietal bones interlock along the
Sagittal suture
Both parietal bonesarticulatewiththe frontal bonealong the
Coronal suture
Forms theposterior andinferior portionsof the cranium
Occipital bones
Along thesuperior margin the occipital bonecontacts twoparietalbones at the
Lambdoid suture
The __________ connects thecranial cavity to the spinal cavity
foramen magnum
The _______ are on either side of theforamenmagnum andare the sites ofarticulationwith the skull and vertebral column.
Occipital condyles
Below the parietalbones andcontributingto the sidesand baseof the cranium.
Temporal bones
Contact theparietalbonesalongthe
Squamous suture
Feature of the temporal bone that leads to thetympanum (eardrum).
External acoustic canal
Feature of the temporal bone that is a transverse depression which marksthepoint ofarticulation with the lowerjaw (mandible).
Mandibular fossa
This feature of the temporal bone is a prominentbulgeposteriorand inferior tothe entranceto the externalacousticcanal.Provides a sitefor attachmentof muscles that rotate or extend the head.
Mastoid process
This temporal bone feature is next to the base of themastoid process. Long and sharp.Attached to ligaments thatsupport the hyoid bone and anchorsmuscles associatedwith thetongue and pharynx.
Styloid process
Formspart of thefloor of the cranium.
Actslike a bridgeunitingthe cranial andfacial bones.
Braces the sides of the skull.
Looks like a giant bat with wings extended
Sphenoid bone
The sphenoid bone contains a pair of sinuses called the
Sphenoidal sinuses
The lateral “wings” of the sphenoidextendto either sidefrom a central depression called the ______.This structureencloses the pituitary gland.
Sella turcica
Anteriorto the sphenoid bone.
Consists oftwohoneycombedmasses of bone.
Formspart of the cranial floor, contributes tothe medial surfaces of theeye orbits, and forms the roof and sides of the nasal cavities.
Ethmoid bone
This feature of the ethmoid bone is a prominentridge that projects above the superior surface of the ethmoid.
Crista galli
This feature of the ethmoid bone permits passage of the olfactorynerves(smell).
Cribriform plate
These ethmoid features are projectionsthat extend into thenasal cavitytoward the nasal septum, which dividesthe nasalcavity into left and right portions.The conchaeslow andbreak up airflowthrough the nasal cavity.
Superior andMiddlenasalconchae
This ethmoid feature extends inferiorlyfrom the crista galli and passing between the conchae.
Perpendicular plate
Referred to as the maxillae
Articulate with allother facialbones except the mandible.
Forms the:
floor andmedial portion of the rimof theorbitals
walls of the nasal cavity
the anterior roofof the mouth (hard palate).
Maxillary bones
Large and lighten thebonesabove theembeddedteeth.
Maxillary sinuses
Form theposteriorsurface of the bony palate (roof of the mouth).
Superior surfaces contribute to thefloor of the nasalcavity
Superiortipformspart of the floor of the orbitals.
Palatine bones
Inferior marginarticulateswith thepairedpalatine bones.
Supportsa prominentpartitionthat formspart of the nasal septum (divides the nostrils)alongwith the ethmoidbone.
The Vomer
On each side of the skull.
Articulateswith the frontal bone and the maxillato complete the lateralwall of the orbit.
Zygomatic bones
Alongits lateral margin there is a slender bony extension that curve laterally and posteriorly to meet a process from the temporal bone. Together they will form the ________________ (cheekbone).
Zygomatic arch
Located within theorbits and its medial surface.Articulates with the frontal, ethmoid, and maxillary bones.
Lacrimal bones
Project from thelateral walls of the nasalcavity.
Shape helps airflow and deflectsarriving airtoward theolfactory (smell) receptors.
Inferior nasal conchae
Includesbones that formthe superior and lateral wallsof the nasal cavities.
Sinuses drain into them
Nasal complex
separates the left and rightsides of thenasal cavity
Nasal septum
reducesweight of the skull.Help protect therespiratory system.Connected to the nasal cavities and lined by mucous membranes.
Paranasal sinuses
Bone of the lowerjaw.
Horizontal curve withverticalprocessesat either side
posterior.Curved surfacearticulates with themandibular fossaof the temporal bone. Very mobile.
Condylar process
anterior.The attachment pointfor the temporalismuscle (closes the jaw).
Coronoid process
Suspended below the skull
Ligaments extend from thestyloid processes of thetemporalbones to the lesserhorns.
Serves as a base for muscles associated with the larynx (voicebox), tongue, andpharynx.
Supports andstabilizesthe position of thelarynx.
Hyoid bone
Any projection or bump
An extension of a bone making an angle with the rest of the structure
A large, rough projection
A smaller, rough projection
A small, rounded projection
A prominent ridge
A low ridge
A pointed process
The expanded articular end of an epiphysis, separated from the shaft by a neck
A narrow connection between the epiphysis and the diaphysis
A smooth, rounded articular process
A smooth, grooved articular process shaped like a pulley
A small, flat articular surface
A shallow depression
A narrow groove
A rounded passageway for blood vessels or nerves
A passageway through the substance of a bone
An elongate celft
A chamber within a bone, normally filled with air