Muscles of the Head, Neck, and Spine Flashcards
origin at the maxillary bone and mandible
origin at the maxillary bine and madible
orbicularis oris
origin at the zygomatic bone
origin at the medial margin of the orbit
orbicularis oculi
Origin at the epicranial aponeurosis
origin at the occipital bone
origin at the zygomatic arch
origin along the temporal lines of the skull
origin from the cartilage of the second rib to acromion of the scapula
origin at the clavicle and sternum
origin at the styloid process of the temporal bone
origin at the superior margins of the sternum and clavicle
the sternocleidomastoid inserts here
mastoid region of the skull
the stylohyoid inserts here
hyoid bone
the sternohyoid inserts here
hyoid bone
the platysma inserts here
mandible and skin of cheek
the temporalis inserts here
coronoid process of the mandible
the masseter inserts here
the lateral surface of the mandible
the occipitalis inserts here
epicranial aponeurosis
the frontalis inserts here
skin of eyebrow and bridge of nose
the orbicularis oculi inserts here
skin around the eyelids
the zygomaticus inserts here
angle of the mouth (upper lip)
the orbicularis oris inserts here
the buccinators inserts here
fibers of the orbicularis oris
compresses cheeks
compresses, purses lips
orbicularis oris
draws corners of the mouth back and up
closes the eyes
orbicularis oculi
raises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead
tenses and retracts scalp
elevates mandible
elevates mandible
tenses skin of neck, depresses mandible
depresses the hyoid bone and larynx
elevates larynx
both sides flex the neck, alone one side bends head toward shoulder and turns face to the opposite side
Origin is the spinous processes of the lower cervical and upper thoracic vertebrae.
Insertion is the mastoid process, base of the skull, and upper cervical vertebrae.
Splenius capitis
Origin is the Iliac crest.
Insertion is the last rib and transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae
Quadratus lumborum
Together they will depress the ribs, flex vertebral column
Separately they produce lateral flexion.
Quadratus lumborum
Together they extend the neck.
Alone they will rotate and laterally flex the head to that side.
Splenius capitis
Origin is the spinous processes and transverse processes of the cervical, thoracic, and upper lumbar vertebrae & superior borders of he ribs and iliac crest.
Erector spinae
Insertion is the base of skull and processes of cervical and upper thoracic vertebrae, processes of temporal bone, transverse processes of cervical vertebrae and inferior surfaces of ribs.
Erector spinae
Extends vertebral column; moves ribs, rotate and laterally flex the head, extend the neck or laterally flex the head or rotate the vertebral column.
Erector spinae