Skeletal System Flashcards
• Functions:
o ____
o ___ and _____
• Of various organs
o _____
o ____: ___ ____ ____
• Functions: o Movement o Support and Protection • Of various organs o Hematopoiesis o Storage: Ca, lipids, Iron
• Number of Bones
o Adult: ___ bones
o At Birth:____ bones
- A child’s skeleton is still developing
- A lot of our bones will fuse as we develop
• Number of Bones o Adult: 206 bones o At Birth: 300 bones • A child’s skeleton is still developing • A lot of our bones will fuse as we develop
• Divide skeleton into two parts:___ + ____
• Divide skeleton into two parts: Axial + Appendicular
• Axial skeleton:
o Like a ___ ___ holding up the 4 appendages
o Like a straight line holding up the 4 appendages Skull Hyoid Auditory Ossicles Ribs Sternum Vertebrae Sacrum Coccyx
o Skull
- ___ bones • Will learn these later
- Frontal, Parietal, occipital, temporal, ___ ____
- Only moveable joint in the skull is ____!
- Mandible articulating with the__ ___
o Skull • 22 bones • Will learn these later • Frontal, Parietal, occipital, temporal, mandible, maxilla • Only moveable joint in the skull is TMJ! • Mandible articulating with the temporal bone
o Hyoid
- Little bone in the ____
- Below the ____
- Its name is derived from Greek hyoeides, meaning “__________”.
- Does ___ ____ with another___
- Most bones articulate with other bones for movement
____ structure for____
• Held in position by a bunch of muscles
o _____ muscles,____muscles
o It also anchors to the tongue
- Postmortem detection of hyoid fracture is relevant to the diagnosis of _____
- Dr. Michael Baden famous forensic pathologist says fracture more common in homicidal strangulations
o If someone is strangled and they die, normally they have hyoid bone fracture. That’s also what happens in hanging
o Hyoid • Little bone in the neck • Below the mandible • Its name is derived from Greek hyoeides, meaning “shaped like the letter upsilon (υ)”. • Does not articulate with another bone • Most bones articulate with other bones for movement • Anchoring structure for tongue • Held in position by a bunch of muscles o Superhyoid muscles, infrahyoid muscles o It also anchors to the tongue • Postmortem detection of hyoid fracture is relevant to the diagnosis of strangulation • Dr. Michael Baden famous forensic pathologist says fracture more common in homicidal strangulations o If someone is strangled and they die, normally they have hyoid bone fracture. That’s also what happens in hanging
o Auditory Ossicles
- In the ___
- 3 tiny bones in middle ear
___ ___ ____
o Auditory Ossicles • In the ear • 3 tiny bones in middle ear • Malleus • Incus • Stapes
o Ribs
• We have our ribs and ___ ___
o Ribs • We have our ribs and costal cartilages
o Sternum
• ___: Chest Plate at top
____: middle
___ ____: Little piece at bottom (triangular)
• This is what you don’t want to break doing___
o Sternum • Manubrium: Chest Plate at top • Body: middle • Xiphoid Process: Little piece at bottom (triangular) • This is what you don’t want to break doing CPR
o Vertebrae (___ ____ ___)
- Vertebral column extending down to ___ and ___
- ___ Vertebrae: Top
- ____ Vertebrae: Middle
- ____ Vertebrae: Bottom
- Each vertebrae composed of
- ___
- ____
- ___
- Central area is vertebral canal. ___ ___ goes down here
o Spinal cord is protected by ___ of ___ all the way skull to lower vertebrae
o Vertebrae (cervical, thoracic, lumbar) • Vertebral column extending down to sacrum and coccyx • Cervical Vertebrae: Top • Thoracic Vertebrae: Middle • Lumbar Vertebrae: Bottom • Each vertebrae composed of • Body • Pedicles • Spine • Central area is vertebral canal. Spinal cord goes down here o Spinal cord is protected by ring of bone all the way skull to lower vertebrae
o Sacrum
- Articulate with __ ___
- Numerous ___ ___ together
o Sacrum • Articulate with lumbar vertebrae • Numerous fused vertebrae together
o Coccyx
- Tiny piece at the ___
- ___of axial skeleton
o Coccyx • Tiny piece at the bottom • End of axial skeleton
• Appendicular skeleton
Upper and Lower Limbs Pectoral Girdle Pelvic Girdle
o Upper limbs
- ____
- Arm bone
- ____
- Forearm
- On the thumb side
- ____
- Forearm
- ____
- Little Wrist bones
- _____
- Little Long bones
- _____
- Finger bones
o Upper limbs • Humerus • Arm bone • Radius • Forearm • On the thumb side • Ulna • Forearm • Carpals • Little Wrist bones • Metacarpals • Little Long bones • Phalanges • Finger bones
o Pectoral (shoulder) girdle
- Attaches__ ___ to axial skeleton
- ____
- 2
- Triangular Bone
- ____
- 2
o Pectoral (shoulder) girdle • Attaches upper limbs to axial skeleton • Scapula • 2 • Triangular Bone • Clavicle • 2
o Lower limbs
- ____
- Thigh
____ and____ bone of the body
____: knee cap, ___ bone
- Little tiny bone on the lateral side of lower leg
- Means lateral in Latin
- ____
- Lower Leg bone
- Ankle bones
- ____
- _____
- Bones of the toe
o Lower limbs • Femur • Thigh • Largest and longest bone of the body • Patella: knee cap, sesamoid bone • Fibula • Little tin bone on the lateral side of lower leg • Means lateral in Latin • Tibia • Lower Leg bone • Tarsals • Ankle bones • Metatarsals • Phalanges • Bones of the toe
o Pelvic girdle
- Attaches lower limbs to axial skeleton
- Pelvis (___, ___ ,____)
___ ___ that was originally 3 bones
• 2 pieces join together at ___ ____
o Pelvic girdle • Attaches lower limbs to axial skeleton • Pelvis (ischium, ilium, pubis) • Fused bone that was originally 3 bones • 2 pieces join together at pubic symphysis
Types of Bone
Long Short Flat Irregular Sesamoid
o Long: eg: ____
- Discuss only a typical long bone at this point. Later, other bone types will be discussed.
- Continue to ____ until adolescence
- ____ bones, ___ and ____ are little long bones
o Long: eg: humerus • Discuss only a typical long bone at this point. Later, other bone types will be discussed. • Continue to grow until adolescence • Appendage bones, Metatarsals, Metacarpels are little long bones
o Short: ___
- Only in ___ (____) and ___ (___)
- Example:____ • One of the bones of the____
o Short: trapezoid • Only in foot (tarsals) and wrist (carpals) • Example: Scaphoid • One of the bones of the wrist
o Flat:
- ____, _____, ____, ____ bones: frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal
- Fcn _____
- Bones of the skull, the sternum, and the scapula
o Flat: • Sternum, manubrium, scapula, skull bones: frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal • Protection • Bones of the skull, the sternum, and the scapula
o Irregular:
- _____ bones, ____, ____, ___ ____
- ____ Bone: in the____ of the skull
- Some bones can be in multiple categories
o Irregular: • Facial bones, vertebrae, scapula, maxilla, mandible • Sphenoid Bone: in the middle of the skull • Some bones can be in multiple categories
o Sesamoid:
• Protect ____ from___ and____
Very few
- ____ in the knee o Embedded in tendon of the ____
- ___ in the tendon of the ___ ___
o Sesamoid: • Protect tendons from wear and tear • Very few • Patella in the knee o Embedded in tendon of the quadriceps • 2 in the tendon of the big toe
• Bone Markings and Formations
o Will learn these later!
o ____ of tendons, ligaments, and fascia
o The___ of a tendon
o ____ passing by or through
• Bone Markings and Formations o Will learn these later! o Attachment of tendons, ligaments, and fascia o The passage of a tendon o Arteries passing by or through
• Joints
o Bones can’t move unless they are____ with another ___
o Muscles will move them
o Hyoid does not articulate with another bone
o Articulations are called ____
o Joints determine ___of movement
o Many types of Joints in body:
• Immovable • Limited movement: ____ • Very Movable: ___ and ___
o Types of Joints: ___ , ____ , ____
• Joints o Bones can’t move unless they are articulating with another bone o Muscles will move them o Hyoid does not articulate with another bone o Articulations are called joints o Joints determine degree of movement o Many types of Joints in body: • Immovable • Limited movement: Spine • Very Movable: Hand and Hip o Types of Joints: Fibrous, Cartilaginous, Synovial
o Fibrous: _____
- In fibrous joints, articulating bones are joined by ___ ___.
- ____
o Bw the ____bones
o ___ in neonates and ____up as they grow bc brain is still growing
o Sutures of the skull are examples of type of fibrous joint where bones are close together and united by__ ___e, often interlocking along the __ ___.
Flat bones consist of ___ plates of __ ___ separated by __ ___e and ___ (diploe).
• ____
o In areas where we don’t want much movement but we still have to articulate them
o Example: ___ and ____ in the foot
o In a syndesmosis, the bones are joined by a ___ of__ ___ (e.g., interosseous membrane joining forearm bones).
• ____
o Fibrous connection is the___
o Holds tooth the tooth to ___ ___
o Only joint in which a bone does not join another___
o Fibrous: Immovable • In fibrous joints, articulating bones are joined by fibrous tissue. • Suture o Bw the skull bones o Open in neonates and close up as they grow bc brain is still growing o Sutures of the skull are examples of type of fibrous joint where bones are close together and united by fibrous tissue, often interlocking along the wavy line. Flat bones consist of two plates of compact bones separated by spongy bone and marrow (diploe). • Syndesmosis o In areas where we don’t want much movement but we still have to articulate them o Example: Tibia and fibula in the foot o In a syndesmosis, the bones are joined by a sheet of fibrous tissue (e.g., interosseous membrane joining forearm bones). • Gomphosis o Fibrous connection is the PDL o Holds tooth the tooth alveolar bone o Only joint in which a bone does not join another bone!
o Cartilaginous: ___ Moveable
- In cartilaginous joints, articulating bones are united by _____ or ___ ___
- We have cartilage here
- _____
o In a symphysis the binding tissue is a ____ ____ (e.g., between two ____).
o Pubic Symphysis
o Common type of synchondrosis is that in a developing long bone where bony epiphysis and body are joined by an ___ ___
. o Bw body of ___ and the ___
o Some joints of the ____
o Cartilaginous: Slightly Moveable • In cartilaginous joints, articulating bones are united by fibrocartilage or hyaline cartilage. • We have cartilage here • Symphysis o In a symphysis the binding tissue is a fibrocartilaginous disc (e.g., between two vertebrae). o Pubic Symphysis • Synchondrosis o Common type of synchondrosis is that in a developing long bone where bony epiphysis and body are joined by an epiphyseal plate. o Bw body of sternum and the ribs o Some joints of the shoulder
o Synovial: ___ Moveable
• Types Range in Movements
o Synovial: Freely Moveable • Types Range in Movements Gliding Pivot Hinge Ellipsoid Saddle Ball and Socket
• Gliding: AKA ____
o Where? ___ ___
o Tend to be___
o ___ axis
o Bw ____ and ____
• Pivot
o ___ and ___
___ ___ vertebrae in spinal column
o Allow ____
o ___ axis
• Hinge
o ___ , ___ (where)
o Moves in ___ axis
o Only ___ and ____
o If rotated, you have__ ___ in the knee
• Ellipsoid: AKA ____
o ____
___ ____ are oval or ellipsoid
o Move in __ axes
o_______joints, ____(radiocarpal)
• Saddle
o Only ___ in the body
o ____
o saddle-shaped
o ___axes
o 1st ______joint
o____ and 1st metacarpal thumb
• Ball and socket
o ___ and ____
o ____ axial
___ moveable
• Gliding: AKA Plane o Between vertebrae o Tend to be small o 1 axis o Bw clavicle and scapula • Pivot o Axis and atlas • First 2 vertebrae in spinal column o Allow rotation o 1 axis • Hinge o Knee, elbow o Moves in 1 axis o Only flexion and extension o If rotated, you have torn ligaments in the knee • Ellipsoid: AKA Condyloid o Knuckles o Articulating surfaces are oval or ellipsoid o Move in 2 axes o Metacarpophalangeal joints, wrist (radiocarpal) • Saddle o Only 1 in the body o Thumb o saddle-shaped o 2 axes o 1st carpametacarpal joint o Trapezium and 1st metacarpal thumb • Ball and socket o Hip and Shoulder o Multiaxial o Most moveable
o TMJ • Both ___ and ____
o Can move up and down and rotate
- Unique!
- Confusing: modified hinge, hinge-gliding, “synovial sliding-ginglymoid”
- The condyle of the mandible articulates with the ___ ___ in the__ ____
. The mandibular fossa is a ____ depression in the ____s portion of the temporal bone.
o TMJ • Both Hinge and Gliding! o Can move up and down and rotate • Unique! • Confusing: modified hinge, hinge-gliding, “synovial sliding-ginglymoid” • The condyle of the mandible articulates with the temporal bone in them mandibular fossa. The mandibular fossa is a concave depression in the squamous portion of the temporal bone.
o Characteristics of Synovial Joints:
- ___ ___
- ___ ___
o ____ of bones are covered by articular cartilage (_____)
• ___ ___
o Articular (fibrous) capsule ____ the joint cavity (____ lined with ___ ____)
o Characteristics of Synovial Joints: • Joint cavity • Articular cartilage o Ends of bones are covered by articular cartilage (Hyaline) • Articular capsule o Articular (fibrous) capsule encloses the joint cavity (fibrous lined with synovial membrane)
o Synovial membrane and Synovial fluid
• Synovial membrane produces ___ ___ which has 3 fcns o____o ___ ___o ____
o Synovial membrane and Synovial fluid • Synovial membrane produces synovial fluid which has 3 fcns o Lubrication o Shock absorber o Nutrients
o Joint Damage: ____ of joints, including ___ ___ and subchondral bone.
• Symptoms may include joint ___, ____, ____, ____, and sometimes an ____
o Joint Damage: degradation of joints, including articular cartilage and subchondral bone. • Symptoms may include joint pain, tenderness, stiffness, locking, and sometimes an effusion
• Bursa
o__ ___ sac lined with __ ___ between___
o Purpose:___ ___ ___
o #____!
o Bursitis of the Knee and Elbow • ___ • ___ Puffy and sore
• Bursa o fluid-filled sac lines with synovial membrane between tissues o Purpose: Lubricate friction points o #160! o Bursitis of the Knee and Elbow • Swelling • Inflammation. Puffy and sore
• Anatomy of a long Bone
o____• On the ends • Proximal and distal
o____ • Shaft of the bone
o _____ • Area that connects the epiphysis to the diaphysis
• Anatomy of a long Bone o Epiphysis • On the ends • Proximal and distal o Diaphysis • Shaft of the bone o Metaphysis • Area that connects the epiphysis to the diaphysis
• Layers in Long Bone
o _____ bone • Surrounding the long bone
o ____bone • Inside the compact bone • AKA ____ bone • That’s where we have our __ ___ • Yellow Marrow, Red Marrow, Fat storage and hematopoiesis • The interior of long bones is made up_____of spongy bone. The use of spongy bone____overal___ ___
o ___ ____
• Layers in Long Bone o Compact bone • Surrounding the long bone o Spongy bone • Inside the compact bone • AKA trabecular bone • That’s where we have our bone marrow • Yellow Marrow, Red Marrow, Fat storage and hematopoiesis • The interior of long bones is made up primarily of spongy bone. The use of spongy bone lessens overall bone weight. o Medullary cavity
• Bones are very ____ o That’s why they heel faster than a sprain, tendon or ligaments that have torn (they have no blood supply)
• Bones are very vascular o That’s why they heel faster than a sprain, tendon or ligaments that have torn (they have no blood supply)
• Other tissues of the skeletal system___, ____ ___, ___ ___
• Other tissues of the skeletal system Cartilage Articular Cartilage Epiphyseal Plate
o Cartilage is a ____ vascularized C.T. with a matrix composed of ___ ___ and various ____. • ___ ___ distinguish hyaline cartilage from fibrocartilage or elastic cartilage
o Cartilage is a poorly vascularized C.T. with a matrix composed of chondroitin sulfate and various fibers. • Fiber types distinguish hyaline cartilage from fibrocartilage or elastic cartilage
o Articular cartilage is the thin layer of ____ cartilage covering the ____ of long bones. • Articular cartilage is found where the bone forms an____ (joint) ____ - where one bone ___ ___ another bone.
o Articular cartilage is the thin layer of hyaline cartilage covering the epiphysis of long bones. • Articular cartilage is found where the bone forms an articular (joint) surface - where one bone moves against another bone.
o Epiphyseal plate • We also have ____ right at the ____
• Growth • Site of ____ an ____ of bones • Adults __ __ ___epiphyseal plates • Once growth ends, that turns into a ___. We no longer have any cartilage there. Will have cartilage at articular surface • In adults, the epiphyseal cartilage is no longer present and elongation of bones has ____ • The epiphyseal growth plate becomes an “__ ___”,as growing cartilage is replaced by ___ ____ • The epiphyseal line is ___ ____ and on ____
o Epiphyseal plate • We also have cartilage right at the metaphysis • Growth • Site of growth an elongation of bones • Adults do not have epiphyseal plates • Once growth ends, that turns into a line. We no longer have any cartilage there. Will have cartilage at articular surface • In adults, the epiphyseal cartilage is no longer present and elongation of bones has stopped • The epiphyseal growth plate becomes an “epiphyseal line”,as growing cartilage is replaced by calcified bone • The epiphyseal line is visible externally and on X-rays.
• Tissues of the Skeletal System
o Besides bone and cartilage, the skeletal system contains other important tissues:
• Epithelium (____)
o Forms the ____ walls o Lines the___ ____ of the bone
- _____: Connective Tissue that ____ the bone
- ____ (the periosteum is especially tender)
- Red marrow – ____
- Yellow marrow – ______
• Tissues of the Skeletal System o Besides bone and cartilage, the skeletal system contains other important tissues: • Epithelium (endothelium) o Forms the capillary walls o Lines the inner cavity of the bone • Periosteum: Connective Tissue that covers the bone • Nerves (the periosteum is especially tender) • Red marrow – hematopoiesis • Yellow marrow – fat storage
• Osteoarthritis o TMJ osteoarthritis • Pain=problem!
Degradation of a ___, including ____, wearing of ___ and ___
• Osteoarthritis o TMJ osteoarthritis • Pain=problem!
• Osteoporosis
o Osteoporosis is a condition where __ ___ outpaces ___ ___
o Often due to depletion of ___ from the body or inadequate ___
o When bone ages, we __ ___
s o Certain bones are prone to this • ___ ___ ____
o Thinned out bc we removed Ca. • Softer • Bones will collapse o ____collapse
o Fractures: • Bodies of vertebrae • Hip • Distal radius=Colles fracture
o Best Prevention • ___ __ ___! • Calcium may do no good •
• Osteoporosis o Osteoporosis is a condition where bone resorption outpaces bone deposition o Often due to depletion of calcium from the body or inadequate intake o When bone ages, we remove minerals o Certain bones are prone to this • Spine, Hip, Wrist o Thinned out bc we removed Ca. • Softer • Bones will collapse o Vertebrae collapse o Fractures: • Bodies of vertebrae • Hip • Distal radius=Colles fracture o Best Prevention • Weight-bearing Exercise! • Calcium may do no good •