skeletal muscle Flashcards
indiv. muscle cell
muscle fiber
many myocytes fused together
contractile elements
muscle cytoplasm
muscle plasma membrane
skeletal muscle appearance
-cells are multinucleate
-nuclei migrate to periphery of cell
-striated fibers
-assembled into sarcomeres
can skeletal muscle proliferate?
CT that surrounds individual muscle fibers
several fibers bound together
CT that surrounds fascicles
formed from many fascicles
CT that surrounds entire muscle, continuous with tendinous attachment
where do blood vessels tend to follow in skeletal muscle?
along CT (epi- and perimysium for support)
two major types of skeletal Mm fibers
fast twitch & slow twitch
type I skeletal muscle fibers
slow twitch
slow twitch fibers
-“slow” myosin
-small fibers w/ large amount of myoglobin
-use 1’ aerobic respiration for oxidative metabolism
-large # of mitochondria (ATP for energy)
-resistant to fatigue
-generate only moderate muscle tension
-common in peripheral limbs
type II skeletal muscle fibers
fast twitch
fast twitch fibers
-“fast” myosin
-large fibers with less myoglobin & fewer mitochondria
-use 1’ anaerobic glycolysis for energy production
-abundant glycogen
-extensive sarcoplasmic reticulum for rapid Ca release
-fatigue rapidly, but generate high muscle tension for short bursts of activity
what types of skeletal muscle fibers present in muscle?
both (type I and type II)
where are you most likely to see more type I skeletal muscle fibers?
in muscles used constantly
ex: leg muscles for standing
type IIA skeletal muscle fibers
oxidative & fatigue resistant
type IIB skeletal muscle fibers
glycolytic & fatigue sensitive
what happens during peak periods of exertion for skeletal muscle?
both type I and type II fibers metabolize glycogen via anaerobic glycolysis to produce ATP –> intermediate metabolites (e.g., lactic acid) –> precipitate as crystals in Mm –> tearing of Mm fibers & pain after heavy exertion
what happens during severe oxygen debt?
ischemia, muscle cramps, and even cell death