Connective Tissue Flashcards
What are the three main components of connective tissue?
cells, fibers, and ground substance
What are fibroblasts/fibrocytes?
cells that help to form fibers of connective tissue
(collagen, elastin, and reticular fibers)
What are fibroblasts that are able to contract called?
What are reticular cells?
type of fibroblast that make reticular fibers
Where are reticular cells found?
lymph nodes and bone marrow
What are the function of adipocytes?
storage and metabolism of lipids
What are macrophages?
defensive cells of connective tissue
-made in bone marrow
-monocytes when they enter the tissue would become macrophages or dendritic cells
-specific defense mechanism
-antigen presenter to T cells
Fibers in connective tissue
Characteristics of collagen fibers:
-fibrous proteins
-secreted into extracellular
-tensile strength to matrix
Characteristics of elastic fibers:
long, thin fibers that form branching network in ECM
-help connective tissue stretch and recoil
Characteristics of reticular fibers:
short. fine collagenous fibers that branch extensively to form a delicate network
What is the extracellular material of CT
ground substance
-many fibers are embedded in
How many types of collagen are there?
At least 28
Type I collagen
90% of collagen
-in loose and dense connective tissue
Type II collagen
collagen in hyaline (joints) and elastic cartilage (ears and nose)
Type III collagen
seen in lymph nodes and bones
-reticulin fibers
-made by reticular cells
agyrphilic (stain black with silver stain)
Type IV collagen
in the basement membrane
-dense, sheet like form of ECM
Type V collagen
in cornea, placenta, and dermo-epidermal junctions
-Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
Type VII collagen
special anchoring fibrils that link ECM to basement membrane
Steps of collagen synthesis
-first made as procollagen of three alpha chains that form a triple helix
-packed into secretory vesicles and secreted into ECS
-extracellular modification to form tropocollagen monomers
-polymerization of tropocollagen into collagen microfibrils
-several microfibrils combine to form larger collagen fibers to make up collagen bundle
Characteristics of elastic fibers:
highly branched, random coiling pattern