Sister Callista L. Roy Flashcards
She is known for her groundbreaking work in creating the Adaptation Model of Nursing.
Sister Callista L. Roy
The prominent nursing theory aims to explain or define the provision of nursing
Adaptation Model of Nursing
Sister Callista Roy’s model sees the individual as a set of interrelated systems that maintain a balance between various stimuli.
Adaptation Model of Nursing
The Roy Adaptation Model was first presented in the literature in an article published in Nursing Outlook in 1970 entitled
“Adaptation: A Conceptual Framework for Nursing.”
humans are holistic beings that are in constant interaction with their environment
conditions, circumstances, and influences that affect humans’ development and behavior as an adaptive system
the state where humans can continually adapt to stimuli
facilitators of adaptation
the “process and outcome whereby thinking and feeling persons as individuals or in groups use conscious awareness and choice to create human and environmental integration.”
a person’s physiological coping mechanism. The body attempts to adapt via regulation of our bodily processes, including neurochemical and endocrine systems.
regulator subsystem
a person’s mental coping mechanism. A person uses his brain to cope via self-concept, interdependence, and role function adaptive modes.
cognator subsystem
are how the regulator and cognator mechanisms are manifested; they are the external expressions of the above and internal processes.
subsystem’s four adaptive modes
Physical and chemical processes are involved in the function and activities of living organisms. These are the actual processes put in motion by the regulator subsystem.
composed of the needs associated with oxygenation, nutrition, elimination, activity and rest, and protection.
Physiological-Physical Mode
In this mode, the goal of coping is to have a sense of unity, meaning the purposefulness in the universe, and a sense of identity integrity.
This includes body image and self-ideals.
Self-Concept Group Identity Mode
This mode focuses on the primary, secondary, and tertiary roles that a person occupies in society and knowing where they stand as a member of society.
Role Function Mode
This mode focuses on attaining relational integrity through the giving and receiving of love, respect and value. This is achieved with effective communication and relations.
Interdependence Mode
3 Levels of Adaptation
Integrated Process
Compensatory Process
Compromised Process
The various modes and subsystems meet the needs of the environment. These are usually stable processes
(e.g., breathing, spiritual realization, successful relationship).
Integrated Process
The cognator and regulator are challenged by the environment’s needs but are working to meet the needs
(e.g., grief, starting with a new job, compensatory breathing).
Compensatory Process
The modes and subsystems are not adequately meeting the environmental challenge
(e.g., hypoxia, unresolved loss, abusive relationships).
Compromised Process
Sister Callista Roy defined the environment as conditions, circumstances, and influences that affect humans’ development and behavior as an adaptive system. The environment is a stimulus or input that requires a person to adapt. These stimuli can be positive or negative and she categorized these stimuli accordingly;
These are the additional environmental factors present within the situation but whose effect is unclear. This can include previous experience with certain stimuli.
Residual Stimuli
These are characterized as the rest of the stimuli present with the focal stimuli and contribute to its effect.
Contextual Stimuli
These stimuli are the ones that confront the human system and require the most attention.
Focal Stimuli