Myra Estrin Levine Flashcards
A nursing theorist knew for her esoteric nursing model—the Conservation Model
Myra Estrin Levine
In this model, nursing aims to promote adaptation and maintain wholeness using the 4 principles of conservation
to improve a person’s physical and emotional well-being by considering the 4 domains of conservation she set out
The Conservation Model
Levine’s conservation model believes nursing intervention is a _____ activity
Nursing’s role in conservation is to help the person with the process of ______ the total person through the least amount of effort.
“keeping together”
Major Concepts of Levine’s Conservation Model
c- S, A, C, H, E, N, P, P, S
Social Integrity, Adaptation, Conservation, Health, Environment, Nursing, Person, Personal Integrity, Structural Integrity
Process of change and integration of the organism in which the individual retains integrity or wholeness
The environment includes both ____
internal and external environment.
the unique individual in unity, integrity, feeling, belief, thinking, and whole
The pattern of adaptive change of the whole being
Human interaction relying on communication
Joining together and is the product of adaptation
Person’s sense of identity and self-definition
Personal Integrity
Life’s meaning gained through interactions with others
Nurses intervene to maintain relationships.
Social Integrity
Healing is the process of restoring structural integrity
Structural Integrity
Sub-concepts Three Concepts of Adaptation
c- R, H, S
Redundancy, Historicity, Specificity
Responses are based on past experiences, both personal and genetic.
Each system has particular responses.
there is an interacting and evolving effect in which one sequence is not yet completed when the next begins
Nursing interventions are based on the conservation of the patient’s energy
Energy Conservation
The singular yet integrated response of the individual to forces in the environment.
Stable state normal alterations in physiologic parameters respond to environmental changes
The many ways information, needs, and feelings are transmitted among the patient, family, nurses, and other health care workers
Modes of Communication
Interventions that influence adaptation favorably, enhancing the adaptive responses available to the person
Therapeutic Interventions
a sentient being, and the ability to interact with the environment
Assumptions About Individuals
must be based on the unique behavior of the individual patient
Assumptions About Nursing
balancing energy input and output to avoid excessive fatigue. It includes adequate rest, nutrition, and exercise
based on nursing interventions to conserve through a deliberate decision to balance activity and the person’s available energy
Conservation of energy
maintaining or restoring the structure of the body preventing physical breakdown and promoting healing
the basis for nursing interventions to limit the amount of tissue involvement.
Conservation of structural integrity
Recognizes the individual as one who strives for recognition, respect, self-awareness, selfhood, and self-determination
based on nursing interventions that permit the individual to make decisions for himself or participate in the decisions
Conservation of personal integrity
an individual is recognized as someone who resides within a family, a community, a religious group, an ethnic group, a political system, and a nation.
based on nursing interventions to preserve the client’s interactions with the family and the social system they belong to.
Conservation of social integrity