Martha Rogers Flashcards
known as the Science of Unitary Human Beings (SUHB)
Martha Rogers Theory
theory views nursing as both a science and an art as it provides a way to view the unitary human being, who is integral with the universe.
Science of Unitary Human Beings
Concepts of Rogers’ Model
c- H, O, P, P, E
Homeodynamic, Openness, Pattern, Pan Dimensionality, Energy field
Humans are viewed as integral to the universe; human beings and the environment are one
Theory of Unitary Human Beings
“non-linear domain without spatial or temporal attributes“
Humans’ parameters to describe events are arbitrary, and the present is relative; there is no temporal ordering of lives.
Pan Dimensionality
postulates the way of perceiving unitary human beings
human field and the environmental field are constantly exchanging their energy; no boundaries that inhibit energy flow between fields
“provide a way to perceive people and environment as irreducible wholes”
Energy field
4 Paradigms
c- H, U, N, E
Health, Unitary Human Being, Nursing, Environment
This theory explains precognition, déjàvu, clairvoyance, telepathy, and therapeutic touch
there is no linear time nor any separation of human and the environmental fields
The Theory of paranormal phenomena
This theory postulates that evolutionary change is speeding up and that the range of diversity of life process is widening
The theory of accelerating evolution
Focus on the human field rhythms
Theory deals with the manifestations of the whole unitary man as changes in human sleep-wake patterns
Theory of Rhythmicity
humans interact with environment through ___
It provides a way to view people and the environment as irreducible wholes.
energy field
“An irreducible, indivisible, pan-dimensional energy field identified by pattern and integral with the human field.”
Environmental Field
unique behavior of whole systems, unpredicted by any behaviors of their component functions taken separately
which is the knowledge specific to the field of nursing that comes from scientific research
the science of nursing
the Science of Unitary Human Beings contains two dimensions
the science of nursing and the art of nursing
which involves using the science of nursing creatively to help better the lives of the patient
the art of nursing
postulate a way of viewing unitary human beings
Principles of Homeodynamics
three principles of homeodynamics are:
r, h, i
resonance, helicy, and integrality
Homeodynamics should be understood as a dynamic version of ____
a relatively steady state of internal operation in the living system
human and environment are inseparable
Principle of Reciprocity
change is determined by a simultaneous response to environment
Principle of Synchrony
change is symphony of interacting vibrations
identifies the human field and the environmental field by wave patterns manifesting continuous change from longer waves of a lower frequency to shorter waves of higher frequency
Principle of Resonancy
change in life process are continuous interaction
sequential changes in the life processes are continuous
Principle of Integrality (Synchrony + Reciprocity)
human and environment are dynamic open systems
change is continuous due to the constant interchange between the human and environment.
Principle of Helicy
The nursing process has three steps in Rogers’ Theory of Unitary Human Beings:
(A, VMP, E)
assessment, voluntary mutual patterning, and evaluation.
life process cannot be reversed, history cannot be altered