Single Family Dwellings Flashcards
What is a single family dwelling?
a detached structure housing 1 or more families in a single place of residence.
“In Northern Virginia, a single-family dwelling simply means a detached structure constructed to house one or more families in a single place of residence. These types of dwellings may vary in height from one to three stories.”
Colonial style home characteristics:
- usually 2 stories above ground
- may have a basement
- front door leads into main entry way and stairwell
- rooms typically branch off entryway
- living/dining areas on 1st floor
- bedrooms + bathrooms on 2nd floor

Ranch/Rambler Characteristics:
- usually 1 story
- may have basement
- open floor plans, large windows
- large extended eaves
“Ranch or rambler style homes are usually one story and may or may not have a basement. The floor plan is typically very open and the presence of large windows should be expected. Additionally, these homes will often have large extended eaves.”

Cape Cod Characteristics
- typically 1 and a half stories above ground
- front door provides access to main stairwell
- main stairwell leads to upper bedrooms/basement, if present
- top floor contains knee walls/dormers
“This style home is typically one-and-a-half stories above ground. The front door provides access to the main stairwell leading to the upper bedrooms and basement, if present. The top floor will contain knee walls and dormers.”

Split Foyer Characteristics:
- usually 2 stories
- stairs at foyer level, allows acces to both levels
- basement may have living quarters
“A split foyer style home is usually two stories with stairs at the foyer level, which will allow access to both levels of the home. The presence of living quarters could be expected on the basement level.”

Split Level Characteristics:
- 2 to 3 levels
- front entry between an upper and lower floor
- short stair set upon entry leading to upstairs/downstairs
- bedrooms typically on 2nd floor
“A split level style home is two to three levels. The front entry is on one level between an upper and lower floor; a short set of stairs will be encountered upon entry that will lead upstairs and downstairs. Bedrooms are typically located on the second floor level.”

Ballon Frame Characteristics:
- long continuous studsthat run from basemnt to attic
- no fire stops, rapid fire spread
- similar to colonial w/exception of wall construction
“This style home is similar to the layout of a colonial house with exception of the wall construction. Balloon frame construction walls are built with long, continuous studs that run from the basement to the attic. The presence of the fire stops between floors is non-existent, leading to rapid fire spread.”

Hybrid Characteristics:
- A variation of several styles
- typically wood frame -
- 2 seperate occupanices seprated by firewall in 1 story portion of structure
- space can be storage shed, garage or breezeway
“Hybrid style houses are a new genre that is becoming more popular. They can be a variation of several different styles. Hybrid homes are typically wood frame and are two separate occupancies separated by a fire wall in a one story portion of the structure. This space can be a storage shed, garage or breezeway. Consideration shall be given to potential for extension to exposure occupancy.”

Cluster Homes Characteristics:
- single family detatched homes
- usually lightweight materials
- 10 ft apart or less
- frame method, vinyl or wood sidings
- zero clearance chimneys
- spacious, open floor plans
- no firewalls
- Higher collaps potential
- 1 to 3 stories
“Cluster homes are a community of single-family detached homes, usually constructed of lightweight building materials that are in a very close proximity to each other, usually ten feet or less, Figure 9. They are generally built using the frame method and typically have vinyl or wood siding, zero clearance chimneys, and narrow travel lanes separating each structure. These homes are spacious and have well-designed, open floor plans which can provide rapid fire spread throughout the structure. A high potential for lateral fire spread exists in cluster home developments because firewalls are nonexistent. There is a higher potential for collapse compared to other residential structures. There are many types of cluster homes styles throughout Northern Virginia. These homes can be one to three stories in height with windows facing the exposures, leading to rapid horizontal fire spread. These homes present many challenges to the first alarm units depending on the involvement of the structure. Exposures are a major problem concern due to their close proximity”

McMansion/Estate Homes Characteristics:
- sq footage between 3,000 to 6,000 plus sq ft
- typically wood frame w/large ope space in attic
- HVAC deadloads
- bedrooms on upper floors
- large vaulted ceilings
- 1st floor living and dining areas
“McMansion is a slang architectural term that describes the recent large-sized homes that have been populating the Northern Virginia region within the past 20 years. These homes can be encountered in subdivisions solely devoted to large homes or in subdivisions with existing homes much smaller than the McMansion. The square footage of these homes typically ranges from 3,000 to well over 6,000 square feet. These structures are typically wood frame with a large amount of open space in the attic area. Additionally, due to the sheer square footage, they can have HVAC components in the attic area to facilitate the multiple zones necessary to heat/cool the area. This is a dead load that could have adverse effects on the companies operating below if fire involves this area. The interior layout of the structure is similar to Colonial-style homes, but significantly larger. The first floor typically consists of living and dining areas with bedrooms being located on the upper floors. Most rooms will have large vaulted ceilings that will aid in the fire travel. Additionally, the presence of large open foyer area should be expected.”

What is the most common type of construction?
Platform-frame construction
“Platform-frame construction is the most common type. A style of wood frame construction in which each story is built on a platform, providing fire stopping at each level”

Wood Frame Construction:
“the exterior walls, bearing walls, columns, beams, girders, trusses, arches, floors, and roofs are entirely or partially of wood or other approved combustible material smaller than the material required for Type IV construction”
Ballon Frame Construction:
“a style of wood frame construction in which studs are continuous for the full height of a building”

Roof framing generally falls into what 2 types?
Conventional and lightweight
“Roof framing for these structures generally falls into two broad types: conventional and lightweight.”
Roof decking will generally be __’ x __’ sheathing.
4 x 8
“Roof decking will generally be 4’ x 8’ sheathing. Roof covering will generally be shingle over paper, or a variation thereof. The vast majority will be either asphalt shingles or cedar shakes.”
Dimensional lumber, typically __” x __” or __” x __” boards, may be found in older structures.
1 x 6 or 1 x 8
“Dimensional lumber, typically 1” x 6” or 1” x 8” boards, may be found in older structures. Roof covering will generally be shingle over paper, or a variation thereof. The vast majority will be either asphalt shingles or cedar shakes.”
What is the most common style of roof?
peaked or gable roof
“The most common style of a roof is the peaked or gable roof, or a variation thereof. The pitch on this type of roof may vary.”
The attic space found when a roof is constructed of trusses is usually non-finished without a full floor, this space is used for what?
“The attic space found when a roof is constructed of trusses is usually non-finished without a full floor. This space is commonly used for storage.”
“The attic space found when a roof is constructed of rafters can be finished and floored. This space may be used for storage or as an occupied living area, usually a bedroom.”
“In Cape Cod-style homes, the presence of knee walls should be suspected.”

How can attic access be gained?
- scuttle in hallway outside of bedroom/in closet
- pull-down stairway
- constructed stairway
“Most attics are used for storage only. Access can be gained by one of three ways: a scuttle located in the hallway outside the bedroom or in the master bedroom closet, a pull-down stairway, or a constructed stairway (found mostly in older homes). Constructed stairways are normally accessed through a doorway and lead to a floored attic. In large homes or in remodeled homes there may be two or more access scuttles to one or more attic areas.”
What size dimensional lumber is generally used for framing in wall construction?
2 x 4
“Dimensional lumber, 2” x 4” in size, is generally used for framing in wall construction. Larger sizes may be found where added insulation is desired. Metal studs may occasionally be encountered.”
Interior coverings for walls are generally made of what material and are commonly referred to as what?
“Interior coverings for walls are generally made of gypsum, which is commonly referred to as drywall. Lightweight paneling may also be found in some areas. Plaster and metal or wood lath wall construction may be encountered in some older homes.”
What are some common types of exterior sheathing?
Insulated material or wood
“Exterior sheathing of many types may be used. Insulated material or wood are common types of sheathing.
Exterior coverings may include, but not limited to, wood, brick, vinyl, aluminum, and asbestos.”
Where will knee walls be found?
in units with lofts and dormers
“Knee walls will be found in units with lofts and dormers and will contain voids or may serve as a storage area. Knee walls may contain hidden fire and must be opened early to check for fire extension”

Insulation material used within exterior walls is generally made of what material?what
“fiberglass; wood cellulose, rigid plastic foam, or other blown-in material may also be found.”
Floor beams are generally what two types?
wood timbers
steel i-beam
“Floor beams are generally of two types: wood timbers or steel I-beam, with engineered I-beams being the norm since the 2000s.”
Engineered I-beams exposed to fire fail within how many minutes?
within 5 minutes
“Engineered I-beams exposed to fire fail within five minutes and all attempts need to be made to ensure whether they have been impinged upon. Wood or steel columns, or masonry walls or piers may support them.”
What is a truss design to do?
carry a load over the greatest span using the least amount of material
“he truss is designed to carry a load over the greatest span using the least amount of material,”

Floor joist are generally what three types?
dimensional lumber, truss, and plywood I-beams.
“Joists are generally of three types: dimensional lumber, truss, and plywood I-beams. Dimensions will range in size depending on the length of the span and the load the truss will carry.”
What are some common types of floor covering’s?
carpet, vinyl, or tile.
“Floor covering may vary greatly depending on the builder’s constraints or the buyer’s preference. Common types are carpet, vinyl, or tile.”
Floor decking is genrally what two types?
hardwood boards or plywood sheets.
“Floor decking is generally of two types: hardwood boards or plywood sheets.”
“Single-family dwellings will be set on a concrete slab or will have a crawl space or full basement underneath. Basement entry may be from an exterior and/or interior stairway.
Slab and basement floors are commonly poured concrete. Crawlspace floors will usually be dirt or gravel.
Crawlspace and basement walls are generally built of block or poured concrete. If the basement is finished, wood or metal studs covered by drywall or paneling may be found.
Unfinished basements allow the fire to directly attack the structural components and quickly enter void spaces.”
“Personnel should be cognizant of the inherent design characteristics associated with triple thickness window construction will lead to elevated heat conditions.”
Casement windows are usually found in structures from what time period?
late 1940s to the late 1960s.
“Casement windows create a special hazard. These types of windows are found in construction dating from the late 1940s to the late 1960s. These windows have steel frames set in concrete or masonry. While breaking all the glass in the windows will ventilate the affected area, entrance and exit through the remaining window frame is physically blocked. The window must be opened by lifting a latch and rotating a crank. Removing the frame with force would be very difficult under adverse conditions, and would require the use of heavy forcible entry tools. Firefighters should note these windows in their size-up upon arrival at a structure fire.”
How are casement windows opened?
lifting a latch and rotating a crank.
“Casement windows create a special hazard. These types of windows are found in construction dating from the late 1940s to the late 1960s. These windows have steel frames set in concrete or masonry. While breaking all the glass in the windows will ventilate the affected area, entrance and exit through the remaining window frame is physically blocked. The window must be opened by lifting a latch and rotating a crank. Removing the frame with force would be very difficult under adverse conditions, and would require the use of heavy forcible entry tools. Firefighters should note these windows in their size-up upon arrival at a structure fire.”
What can an egress window signify?
Sleeping quarters and the basement.
“When making your lap of a structure and egress windows are noted, this may indicate sleeping quarters in the basement.”

The bottom of an egress window should be no more than how many inches off the floor?
“Some homes are designed with sleeping quarters in the basement. By code there must be two exits for these bedrooms. The second exit may be a larger than normal size window.3 When making your lap of a structure and egress windows are noted, this may indicate sleeping quarters in the basement. The height of the window installation is also important. The bottom of the window opening should be no more than 44 inches off the floor. Outside, an oversized window well is required, Figure 15. It will need to be at least 36 inches wide and extend 36 inches out from the window. The window well height is also limited to 44 inches, as measured from the well floor. If a deep basement forces a deeper window well, most codes will allow a concrete block on the floor of the well to serve as a step, as long as it doesn’t interfere with the window’s opening.”

Egress Window Release
“Normally, older style bars and grates were completely set into the exterior wall with no way of opening or removing them. Newer installations should have quick-release devices to allow them to be opened immediately in an emergency. Without compromising security, these devices are operated from inside and allow the bars to be opened for emergency escape. The quick-release devices are designed to be used without a key and are easy to operate. Manufacturers and installers of security bars offer several solutions to residents to protect themselves from crime and yet remain safe during a fire. Some solutions include a handle device or a push button device. Release devices vary by manufacturer.”

Exterior doors are generally what two types?
solid wood or insulated metal
“Exterior doors are generally of two types: solid wood or insulated metal. Exterior doors are inward opening Conventional forcible entry will gain access in most cases. The hydraulic door opener is not recommended on single-family dwellings because of its lack of practicality. It is designed for multiple, inward-opening doors. If conventional forcible entry is required, standard entry methods will accomplish the task.”
Which way do exterior door swings open?
“Exterior doors are generally of two types: solid wood or insulated metal. Exterior doors are inward opening. Conventional forcible entry will gain access in most cases. The hydraulic door opener is not recommended on single-family dwellings because of its lack of practicality. It is designed for multiple, inward-opening doors. If conventional forcible entry is required, standard entry methods will accomplish the task.”
Which doors are commonly hollow-core wood doors?
Interior doors
“Interior doors are commonly hollow-core wood doors. Inward opening doors are typically bedrooms and bathrooms. Outward opening doors can be closets or the stairs leading to the basement.”
Inward opening interior doors usually lead to what rooms?
bedrooms and bathrooms
“Interior doors are commonly hollow-core wood doors. Inward opening doors are typically bedrooms and bathrooms. Outward opening doors can be closets or the stairs leading to the basement.
There are three standard locks on exterior, single-family dwelling doors. These are mortise, rim, and tubular dead bolt. Mortise locks used to be exclusive on older construction but have become popular once again in newer homes.”
What are the 3 standard locks on extior single-family dwelling doors?
mortise, rim, tubular dead bolt
“There are three standard locks on exterior, single-family dwelling doors. These are mortise, rim, and tubular dead bolt. Mortise locks used to be exclusive on older construction but have become popular once again in newer homes.
Garage floors are constructed of what material?
poured reinforced concrete
may have masonry block wall on some of the sides
commonly wood frame construction
“Garage floors will be of poured reinforced concrete, and may have a short masonry block wall on some of the sides. The remainder of the garage will be constructed in the same manner as the dwelling to which it is attached. This is most commonly wood frame construction.”
“The party wall shared by the garage and the living area is not required to be fire-rated, and should not be considered as such. According to the International Residential Code, “Openings from a private garage directly into a room used for sleeping purposes shall not be permitted. Other openings between the garage and residence shall be equipped with solid wood doors not less than 13/8 inches (35 mm) in thickness, solid or honeycomb-core steel doors not less than 13/8 inches (35 mm) thick, or 20-minute fire-rated doors, equipped with a self-closing device.”4”
Are overhead entry doors on garages fire rated?
“The attic of the garage may not be floored and/or finished. If there is living space above the garage the ceiling is required to be fire-rated. A vehicle or contents fire in a garage with an unfinished attic will allow for rapid fire extension to other areas of the structure. The presence of a finished living area over the garage presents a serious life hazard.
The overhead entrance door to the garage and its mounting hardware will not be fire-rated. These types of doors are known to collapse when left open and exposed to fire.”
What is the most definitive way to secure a garage door?
bend the track with a hand tool
“Open garage doors have closed without warning due to fire conditions and have trapped firefighters inside. All garage doors should be secured to prevent this problem. A set of vice grips works well for this also this may be accomplished by placing a tool into the track. The most definitive option to securing the door open is to bend the track with a hand tool preventing the door from closing. Personnel may also be able to disable the door by removing power or disengage the driving motor.”
What is the most common type of an interior stairway?
straight run, vertically stacked stairway
“Interior stairways may be open from the lowest living level to the highest. The type varies, but the most common is a straight run, vertically stacked stairway. Larger homes may have multiple stairways and may be remote from the front entrance (such as access stairs to upper floors from a kitchen area).”
What shape are most single family dwellings?
“Most single-family dwellings have four sides and are rectangular in shape. Two parallel exterior walls are load bearing and the other two are not. There is generally one interior load-bearing wall located centrally between, and parallel to, the exterior bearing walls. Except for unusual circumstances, the long wall will be the load-bearing wall.”
Except for unusual circumstances, which wall will be the load-bearing wall?
the long wall
“Most single-family dwellings have four sides and are rectangular in shape. Two parallel exterior walls are load bearing and the other two are not. There is generally one interior load-bearing wall located centrally between, and parallel to, the exterior bearing walls. Except for unusual circumstances, the long wall will be the load-bearing wall.”
Where is the interior load-bearing wall located?
centrally between, and parralel to, the exterior bearing walls.
“Most single-family dwellings have four sides and are rectangular in shape. Two parallel exterior walls are load bearing and the other two are not. There is generally one interior load-bearing wall located centrally between, and parallel to, the exterior bearing walls. Except for unusual circumstances, the long wall will be the load-bearing wall.”
What should personnel anticipate for fire’s that involve the chimney fluu?
extension into void spaces
“Fireplaces and chimneys may be found in these types of dwellings. These may be constructed of masonry or metal, each having particular inherent hazards. The fireplace and/or chimney may be in the center of the structure, or as part of an exterior wall. Many of the newer constructed homes will incorporate zero-clearance chimneys into the home design for cost and aesthetic reasons. Personnel should recognize this construction feature and anticipate extension into void spaces if fire has involved the flue.”
Where do most fires in a single family dweling start?
near cooking or heating appliances
“The location of the fire in this type of dwelling affects the life hazard. Most fires in single-family dwellings start in the vicinity of cooking or heating appliances. This situation directly exposes the fire floor and those floors above (basically the entire home) and, more importantly, the bedrooms.”
What is the fire loading for a single family dwelling?
10 gpm per 100 sq ft
“The use of combustible interior finishes and the type of furnishings found within these structures, contributes to the fire loading. Generally, these types of occupancies are considered to have a relatively low fire loading. Fire flow estimates will be based on a flow rate of 10 GPM per 100 square feet of involved area. Therefore, attack lines should be 1 3⁄4 inches in size.”
Noteworthy: Firespread
“The presence of highly-combustible siding can greatly affect the fire hazard. Vinyl and asphalt siding may contribute to vertical and horizontal fire spread, and can create a severe exterior exposure problem. Additionally, the presence of fire involving vinyl siding greatly contributes to fire traveling into upper floors or the attic space via the roof soffit. The presence of interior void spaces may add to fire spread. Vertical and horizontal openings allow smoke and fire to enter and attack the structure itself. Fire that has entered these voids will necessitate the opening of floors, ceilings, and walls. This is especially crucial in balloon-frame construction.”
“When the fuel oil tank or gas meter is located on the interior of a structure you can find its approximate location from the outside. The fuel oil tank will have a fill pipe and vent located on an outside wall near the tank. The interior gas meter will have a vent and may have a gray gas pipe going through an exterior wall to the interior where the meter is located.”
The potential for collapse in single-family dwellings as a result of fire is related to what two distinct factors:
- presence/abscence of lightweight construction materials
- fire attacking structural components or contents only
“The potential for collapse in single-family dwellings as a result of fire is related to two distinct factors: 1) the presence or absence of lightweight construction materials and 2) whether or not the fire is attacking the structural components or contents only.”
The greatest collapse potential exist when the fire is where?
in the basement
“The greatest collapse potential exists when fire is in the basement attacking the vital structural supports under the first floor. Since there may be no walls or partitions in the basement, large portions of the first floor can collapse into the basement fire area. This condition is exacerbated if plywood I-beams or other lightweight components are involved.”
“The McMansion or estate home can be larger than some commercial structures and may require commercial utility meters to accommodate the large square footage. It is not uncommon to find a commercial electrical transformer box supplying power to the structure. You may find more than one water meter supplying these structures, they may be together or one at each end of the home. When given the order to control utilities it may require more than one shut off for the water, gas, and electric.”
What is the highest priority at all structure fires?
life safety
“Life safety is the highest priority at all structure fires. The potential for life loss is most prominent in residential occupancies. This objective should be achieved through interior fire containment and primary search. All operational tactics should be assigned to support this strategic goal.”
Roof openings are usually needed when?
fire has entered the attic or gained access to vertical void spaces
“The need for roof openings typically will only be required when the fire has entered the attic area or has gained access to vertical void spaces. Conventional construction provides the needed support to accomplish rooftop ventilation. Lightweight construction does not provide the support necessary and may result in early collapse. Crews ordered to perform rooftop ventilation in lightweight construction should be independently supported by the use of aerial devices or a roof ladder.”
“The interior fire will be of two types: fires involving only the contents or fires that involve the contents as well as structural members. The latter scenario provides the means for fire to extend throughout the structure.”
In Balloon-frame construction fires, fire should be suspected of entering where?
exterior walls
“Balloon-frame construction requires the checking of all levels within the structure. Fire should be suspected of having entered the exterior walls. Platform construction offers some level of fire stopping, but all affected vertical voids must still be checked for the presence of fire with attention given to the plumbing and heating areas.”
Tanker Task Force Compliment:
- 3 tankers
- 1 engine
- 1 bc
The minimum resources assigned to incidents of reported fires in these types of structures are:
4 Engine Companies
2 Truck Companies
1 Rescue Squad
1 EMS Unit
2 Battalion Chiefs
1 EMS Supervisor
1 Command Aide
The assigned resources for fires in single-family dwellings in areas without hydrants should be modified to include a Tanker Task Force early into the incident:
3 Tankers
1 Engine Company
1 Battalion Chief
Who needs to be requested when encountered with a utility-fueled fire?
the involved utility company
“Utility-fueled fires will require the assistance of the involved utility company and the IC should request these resources as early as possible when the need is determined.”
Units encountering delays should communicate this immediately over what channel?
The tactical channel.
“Utility-fueled fires will require the assistance of the involved utility company and the IC should request these resources as early as possible when the need is determined.”
The rear of a truck needs to be kept clear how many ft, allowing for ladder deployment?
at least 50 ft
“Other units responding on the incident shall keep the front of the structure open for the truck. Units arriving after the truck should be cognizant of the possible need for access to the ground ladders and keep the rear open at least 50 feet for ground ladder deployment.”
In areas where hydrants are not readily available what procedure should be used?
relay or shuttle operations
“In areas where hydrants are not readily available, the procedure for relay or shuttle operations will be followed.”
“interior tactics shall not commence until a report from Side Charlie is received.”
What is a CAN report?
Conditions, actions, needs
“Ongoing size-up will continue after the fire is knocked down with the intent of informing the IC of overhaul and salvage operations, CO levels in the structure, and any other pertinent issues that the IC may require.
An easy way to answer or transmit a progress report is the CAN report; CAN stands for Conditions, Actions, and Needs. By using this report model, the person giving the report easily identifies how well the team is doing, the conditions faced, and any support or resource needs.”
C – Conditions
A – Actions
N – Needs
What is the purpose of the initial attack line?
protect occupants, the interior stairway, advance to the seat of the fire for confinement and extinguishment.
“The purpose of the initial attack line is to protect occupants, the interior stairway, and, if possible, advance to the seat of the fire for confinement and extinguishment.”
What are the two purposes for the line above the fire?
- Protect company doing primary research on floor above
- extinguish vertical extinction
“Officers should consider an additional hoseline for operations above the fire. There are two purposes of the line above the fire. The first is to protect the company doing the primary search of the floor above and the second is to extinguish vertical extension.
No more than two hoselines shall be stretched through any one entrance into a building.
The advancement of additional lines should incorporate alternate means of entry.”
Enclosed eaves are usually an extension of what?
“Eaves are often enclosed by nailing a fascia (board) to the ends of rafters or trusses and a soffit to the underside. Enclosed eaves are usually an extension of the attic, making it very vulnerable to auto exposure. Fire burning out of the top- floor windows or up combustible siding is very likely to impinge on and penetrate the soffit, spreading fire into the attic. Fire extension by way of eaves is hastened when they are enclosed with lightweight vinyl or sheet metal soffits. Soffits are commonly penetrated by attic vents to reduce temperatures and prevent condensation between the roof and the top-floor ceiling.”
Soffit vents provide a direct path for fire to enter where?
“Soffit vents provide a direct path for fire to enter the attic. Smoke pushing from soffit vents of an overhang is an indication that fire may have extended to or exist in the attic.”
Smoke pushing from soffit vents of an overhang is indication that fire may have extended to where?
“Soffit vents provide a direct path for fire to enter the attic. Smoke pushing from soffit vents of an overhang is an indication that fire may have extended to or exist in the attic.”
How do you perform a soffit attack?
match stream with angle/pitch of roof and flow under the gutter through the soffit
“Attic fires can be rapidly knocked down from the exterior upon arrival using the soffit attack, Figure 17. To employ this method, the engine company will match their stream with the angle/pitch of the roof and flow under the gutter and through the soffit.”

Hose line priorities on a deck fire:
- hoseline to deck
- extinguish deck, soffit and eaves
“In the event of a deck fire, the priority should be to get a hoseline on the deck side of the structure to extinguish the deck, the soffit, and eaves. If it is found that the deck is still structurally sound, the first engine may access the fire building through Side Charlie with the handline to check for extinguishment and fire extension investigation. It is okay to go from the burned portion of the structure to the unburned portion in this situation.”
What is the preferred point of attack for handlines on basement fires?
Exterior access leading into the basement.
“The preferred point of attack for the initial handline is an exterior access point that leads directly into the basement.
A line must be stretched to the front door to contain the fire and protect any occupants and searching firefighters. This line can cover the first floor and protect the interior stairs. Crews should not operate above the basement without the protection of this handline unless there is a confirmed life hazard,”

The door to the basement should be closed, if feasible. If the basement door cannot be closed, is non-existent, or burned through, what should be done?
use a narrow fog pattern aimed at the ceiling over the stairway to contain the fire.
“The door to the basement should be closed, if feasible. If the basement door cannot be closed, is non-existent, or burned through, use a narrow fog pattern aimed at the ceiling over the stairway to contain the fire. It is imperative that this narrow fog stream is NOT directed downward into the stairwell. The main objective of this line is to stop vertical fire extension.”
When advanced fire conditions are encountered and an exterior entrance is not present, the fire should be knocked down from outside the basement. This can be accomplished by:

- Stream through basement window
- Removed the band board
- Extended window cut an additional foot or 2
- Bresnan distributor nozzle(cellar nozzle) from the exterior
Applying a fire stream into the basement through a window opening, Figure 20.
Removing the band board on the exterior. In most cases, this stream should be a straight or solid stream. The band board area is where the floor joists for the first floor meet the exterior wall. In the case of a well-involved basement, dark smoke may be pushing from this area. Opening this area in buildings of lightweight construction can normally be accomplished with hand tools or a chainsaw.
Extend a window cut down an additional foot or two, the same band-board access point will be provided. This also creates another access/egress point which may be used later in the fire.
Deploying a Bresnan Distributor Nozzle (may also be known as a cellar nozzle) from the exterior into the structure, placing the nozzle through a hole over the immediate fire area is preferred and most effective. Personnel must be proficient in the deployment and operation of this nozzle if it is used.
“If no exterior basement entrance or opening exists, and all other methods have been considered, an attack via the interior basement stairs may be the only option. Again, if the basement is well involved, every effort should be made to knock down the fire. Under these circumstances, the officer will need to determine if it is safe to attempt going down the basement stairs for a direct attack on the fire. The officer must carefully evaluate the structural stability, life hazard, and the fire and heat conditions at the top of the stairs. Good judgment must be exercised in deciding if it is safe to proceed down the stairs. In this case, a second handline must be in place and ready before fire attack,”

Can water streams push fire through a building?
“Water streams do not push fire through a building, a misconception that has been disproven by national scientific studies.”
How was the manual release reached on a garage door?
“Breaching the overhead door in the center about three quarters of the way up from the bottom, can, at times, provide access to the overhead door manual release. If the manual pull cord is still intact, it may be within reach of the opening made in the door. Pull the cord to disengage the door from the motor, allowing the door to then be raised.”
What are attics?
space under the gabled roof.
“Attics are considered the space under the gabled roof. Cocklofts are considered the space under a flat roof. In both instances the size of the area will vary. Company officers should evaluate the area of involvement and gauge their tactics accordingly.”
What are cocklofts?
Cocklofts are considered the space under a flat roof.
“Attics are considered the space under the gabled roof. Cocklofts are considered the space under a flat roof. In both instances the size of the area will vary. Company officers should evaluate the area of involvement and gauge their tactics accordingly.”
Attic fires tactics:
- gain access and place line at level of fire (MOST EFFECTIVE)
- Hook ceiling direct stream from below into attic
- Wide fog stream into access hole
- cut through the gable end
- distributor/cellar nozzle through hole cut in roof
- Gaining access and placing a hose line at the level of the fire into the attic, Figure 22. This option is usually the most effective. An attic ladder needs to get to the top floor early when the officer has suspicion that fire has entered the attic space. When time is critical, consideration should be given to using available means/options of access to the attic until a ladder is available (use of a kitchen counter, dresser, bed, etc.)
- Hooking the ceiling and directing the stream from below into the attic area. This method is not as efficient as the previous method of placing the hose stream at the level of the fire.
- Placing a wide fog stream into an access hole is an effective method when the fire has not self-vented and the roof does not have a ridge vent. (Mass steam production.)
- Access to the attic area by cutting an access through the gable end.
- Distributor/cellar nozzle deployed through a hole cut in the roof while member is independently supported on a ladder or tower.
Figure 22: Gaining access to an attic fire.
In each case there must be an ongoing risk benefit analysis of maintaining an interior attack by both the IC and unit officers as to the progress of the fire and the structural integrity of the roof assembly. The interior officer should request a report from the command officer on the exterior to convey their observations as attack progresses. For example, a report of heavy steam production would indicate that the stream is effective.

A piercing nozzle typically flows how many gpm.?
over 100
“Attacking the fire through an exterior gable vent should be considered when access to the attic area from the interior would be too time consuming due to the presence of flooring in the attic. Breaching the siding for nozzle access is also an option when interior access is not possible. A piercing nozzle, which typically flows over 100 GPM, is also an option, but the reach of its stream is very limited.”
Projecting a stream into an attic:
“In Figure 23, several truss or joist bays have been exposed in the diagram to provide the firefighter area to project the hose stream into the attic. Projecting straight up into the space is not effective. The hose stream should be placed ahead of the fire to cut off the advance. This line is typically static, the stream is played toward the fire but the line is not normally advanced. The stream angle is often hampered by the 24 inches or less spacing of the roof joist.
Attic fires can be very fast moving. It is important to get a hose line ahead of the fire and into the attic as quickly as possible. Opening the ceiling and attacking the fire at the level of the fire must be accomplished in short order.
If there is active fire in the attic, multiple lines are preferred. Multiple companies will be needed to gain access to the attic area. The location of the access to the attic area must be appropriate to the situation regarding the percentage of fire involvement and structural integrity of the roof.”

What is the typical pound rating on pull down attic stairs?
250 lbs
“Pull-down attic stairs should not be used where fire has been present. These stairs are typically rated to only 250 pounds. Their integrity due to exposure to fire is questionable. An attic ladder may be needed, however in most situations the nozzle can be advanced through the opening in the 8-foot ceiling without ladders.”
“If wind-driven fire conditions are present, no horizontal ventilation should be performed until directed by Command.”
“The larger the structure the greater the amount of contents that will be found. The building components themselves tend to be more ornate and elaborate using combustibles such as finished wood. A quick way of getting two handlines in service on the fire floor is by the use of the leader-line. Stretching the 200 feet of 21⁄2-inch and gated wye to the fire floor landing and connecting the 13⁄4-inch standpipe pack hose to the gated wye will allow two handlines with minimal effort.”
Breaking windows is most efficiently accomplished by use of what?
pike pole
“This is usually accomplished by horizontal removing of window glass. If venting a first or second floor window, breaking windows is most efficiently accomplished by use of a pike pole. A pike pole is easy to handle and does a better job of removing all obstructions (drapes, blinds, screens, etc.) This is the preferred method when a series of windows must be taken out. Personnel shall ensure that the entire window assembly is removed and does not prove to be a hindrance to personnel attempting to vacate the structure.”
Rescue and Primary Search
Which areas are considered to be the two most dangerous areas?
close to the fire on the fire floor
directly above the fire
“The area close to the fire on the fire floor and the area directly above the fire, are considered to be the two most dangerous areas. Means of egress and sleeping areas are generally considered to be the most critical areas to search. The objective in a primary search will be to check these areas first. Various means may be used to arrive at these locations. Support for the primary search should include ladders to upper-story bedroom windows and hoselines engaged on the fire.”
What are the two most critical areas to search?
Means of egress
sleeping areas
“The area close to the fire on the fire floor and the area directly above the fire, are considered to be the two most dangerous areas. Means of egress and sleeping areas are generally considered to be the most critical areas to search. The objective in a primary search will be to check these areas first. Various means may be used to arrive at these locations. Support for the primary search should include ladders to upper-story bedroom windows and hoselines engaged on the fire.”
“Priority should be given to the sleeping areas and consideration for VES must be given if fire has possession of the stairs or the first floor is untenable.”
What type of ventilation shall not be used in balloon-frame construction?
“Vertical, rooftop ventilation should be accomplished through common methods, when ordered by command. The discovery of a lightweight trussed roof should be made known and reacted to appropriately. Members MUST be independently supported when operating on lightweight construction. A viable and safer option is to vent the ends of a gable roof.
Mechanical and positive pressure ventilation (PPV) works well for smoke removal in these types of structures after extinguishment. PPV shall NOT be used in balloon-frame construction.”