Engine Company Manual Flashcards
Define a well-hole?
The space between both handrails in a stairwell - that allows engine companies to achieve the maximum length of hose.
What are the 5 construction types?
Type I. Fire resistive Type II. Non-Combustible Type III. Ordinary Type IV. Heavy timber Type V. Wood frame(lightweight truss)
When responding which channels should be monitored?
The Tactical Channel and the Mobile Communication Terminal(MCT)
First due engine company responsibilities?
•Proceed ahead of truck/rescue if housed together. •Lay the primary supply line. •Deliver an on-scene report. •Perform 360 lap of structure. •Communicate results of 360 lap. •Force Entry, if without a special service, and control door. •Advance initial attack line/extinguish fire. •Perform search/coordinated ventilation, if needed, while advancing the hose line.
Second due engine company responsibilities?
- Ensure primary water supply is established.
- Assume command of incident if assigned.
- Ensure successful deployment/advancement of the initial attack line.
- Deploy a second hose line.
Third due engine company responsibilities?
•Position on opposite side of the involved structure from first due Engine company. •Lay the secondary supply line. •Perform visual inspection of Side Charlie. Report findings to command. •Deploy a third hose line.
Fourth due engine company responsibilities?
•Ensure secondary water supply is established. •Assume role of Rapid Intervention Team(R.I.T) •Take proactive measures to increase safety of members operating inside the IDLH area(placing portable ladders, forcing doors, cutting security bars off windows) while maintaining readiness if a RIT activation occurs.
When in response to a Fire Alarm what shall the Engine company bring if a building is standpipe equipped?
The Engine Company shall bring their high rise pick while investigating.
What does the Fire Tetrahedron consist of?
• Oxygen - Enables a fire to sustain combustion. • Heat - Raises material to ignition point. • Fuel - any combustible material(solid, gas or liquid) • Chain Reaction - Fire ignition when all 3 elements are present.
Define flashover?
The stage of a fire at which all surfaces and objects with a space have been heated to their ignition temperature and there’s a simultaneous ignition. Occurs between growth and the fully developed stages.
Define backdraft?
An explosion that occurs when additional oxygen is introduced into a smoldering fire as heated gases enter their flammable range and ignite with explosive force. This condition typically exists during the decay stage after the fire compartment has consumed all oxygen.
Define rollover?
Flames present in layers of smoke as a result of heated gases that are pushed under pressure from the fire area into uninvolved areas.
Define thermal layering?
The tendency of gases to form into layers according to temperatures.
Define stratification?
The layering of smoke and gas clouds.
Define pyrolysis?
As solid fuels are heated combustible gases are driven from the substance - this process is known as pyrolysis.
What are the stages of fire growth?
Stage 1: The incipient stage. Stage 2: The growth stage. Stage 3: The fully developed stage. Stage 4: The decay stage.
Define the Incipient stage?
When heat, oxygen and fuel combine and have a chemical reaction resulting in fire. Usually represented by a small fire that self extinguishes.
Define the growth stage?
Occurs when the fire increases in size from small flames to full fire that involves the entire room. Could be as rapid as seconds or as long as hours. Variables are: Combustible content, oxygen supply, room size and insulating qualities of the compartment.
During the growth stage what can often be seen in an adjacent compartment?
Rollover should serve as a warning of what?
Rollover should serve as a warning that the fire area may be reaching the point of flashover.
Define the fully developed stage?
The entire room and contents are involved in fire. Fire will burn until the available fuel and oxygen in the room/area is consumed or extinguished.
Define the decay stage?
Occurs once all available oxygen is consumed. Flames start to diminish and fire continues to smolder. High heat and smoke conditions remain and potential for backdraft is possible.
What are the warning signs of backdraft?
•Heavy dense smoke with no visible flame in a tightly closed occupancy. •Black smoke pushing around closed doors or window frames. •Glass stained with smoke condensation and pulsating from the pressure of the fire. •Reversal of air movement pulling smoke back into a building or through a doorway.
What do legacy materials consist of?
Natural materials, such as cotton, wicker, solid wood, and dimensional lumber.
What do modern materials consist of?
Man-made materials, such as plastics, synthetics, polyurethane, and polyester.
Define Heat Release Rate(HRR)
The amount of energy released over time.
An uncoordinated ventilation combined with HRR has the potential to lead to what?
Early flashover.
When should ventilation needs be identified?
Ventilation needs should be identified when the fire officer has complete their size-up.
An active fire pulls ( ) to itself while actively pushing ( ),( ),and ( ) away
Air. Hot gases, smoke and fire.
What is the primary advantage of hydraulic ventilation?
It is quick and simple to perform by an engine company from within the structure. •Position nozzle 2 feet from window. Set the nozzle to fog that will cover 80% of the opening and flow the hose line outside of the structure.
What could smoke that’s moving signify? What could smoke that’s not moving signify?
•Smoke that’s moving is getting air from somewhere, meaning the fire continues to grow. •Smoke that’s not moving means it’s not getting any air, fire may be lying dormant, waiting for additional oxygen or burned out.
What is RECEO VS?
•Rescue •Exposure •Confinement •Extinguishment •Overhaul •Ventilation •Salvage
What is the primary focus of any incident?
Rescue of life is the primary focus of any incident.
Where should firefighters check first when doing overhaul?
Check void spaces closest to the seat of the fire first, working outward until unburned material is reached.
Ventilation guidelines.
•Where’s the fire located? •What’s the current ventilation status? •Will adding additional openings affect fire conditions? •Where is the hose line?
What is salvage?
Salvage is property conservation.
What should an on scene report include?
•position of first arriving engine(side of the building) •What’s evident upon arrival •Occupancy type •Exposure concerns
What is a Situation Report?
It’s the information relayed to units either responding or on scene. The information consist of all that was gathered through the pre-incident, pre-arrival, on-scene report, and 360 lap.
Ongoing size-up bulletins.
The incident commander must be kept abreast of the fire attacks outcome. •fire extinguishment progression •number of victims and removal progress •status of building •need for additional resources After fire is knocked down inform IC of overhaul/salvage operations, CO LEVELS and all pertinent information.
What does C.A.N stand for?
An easy way to transmit a progress report. C- conditions A- actions N- needs
Defensive mode attack?
An effort to prevent area around the structure from being damaged. Defensive attacks are performed when it’s decided that a building is not savable. Employ defensive attack when fire volume is greater than available resources.
What is an Indirect attack?
Attacking the fire from a doorway, window, or other protected area. The heated atmosphere turns the water fog into steam. DO NOT PERFORM WHERE VICTIMS OR FIREFIGHTERS MAY BE LOCATED.
What does A.D.U.L.T.S stand for?
A helpful mnemonic for 2 1/2-inch line selection. Advanced fire conditions Defensive operations Unknown fire location Large open area Tons of water Standpipes
Fire service training falls into three categories, what are they?
A. Hands on classes, online training, mandated training
B. State and local regulations, federal regulations, company training
C. Computer based training, company based training, college course
D. Self-study, company training, Multi-unit training
In order to plan and facilitate training, fire service training falls into three categories:
Self-study training is appropriate for individuals or small groups to cover the material and information that all members of the department should review on an annual basis to maintain their base knowledge of policies, procedures, manuals, and other source reference material. Soft-copy training presentations, online-based programs, and websites and web-based repositories are all acceptable resources for self-study training.
Company training should be conducted on a daily basis in an informal setting and cover hands-on practical skills such as handline deployment, ventilation tactics, search and rescue methods, and firefighter survival topics. Company training is designed to identify the deficiencies in the knowledge, skills, and abilities of company members and correct them before the next emergency incident occurs.
Multi-unit training should be conducted on an annual basis and should include neighboring companies and mutual aid companies. The purpose of multi-unit training is to practice and coordinate general strategies and specific fireground tactics common at a structure fire. Fire department training academies are designed to accommodate the training needs of multiple units, but training officers should also consider using target hazards and known structures within the response area for added realism.
Smoke that is black / brown in color indicates what?
A. It is to lean to burn and the fire is still a early stage incipient/free burning fire
B. The fire is fully developed or decaying and the smoke is too rich to burn
C. Indicates early stage or moisture and is too lean to burn
D. A fully developed fire of class A or B and the smoke is in the range of flammability if heat is available

The earth’s atmosphere contains 2 percent oxygen. What are the percentages that will result in rapid death?
A. Less than 10
B. 15 or less
C. Between 16 and 10
D. 20 percent and less
“The third is oxygen. Earth’s atmosphere contains 21 percent oxygen. Percentages of less than 10 result in death rapidly.”
To figure out Victim Survivability Profiling (VSP), firefighters have to conduct a thorough size-up of a structure fire and determine the likelihood of a victim’s potential to be rescued. There are several background factors that must be understood regarding the physiology of the human body. What does NFPA suggest the upper range of temperature tenability of the human body to be and a human body is rendered unconscious within 4 -12 secs at approximately how many PPM of CO? D
A. 300 deg. F / 20,000 ppm
B. 215 deg. F / 220,000 ppm
C. 212 deg. F / 200,000 ppm
D. 250 deg. F / 185,000 ppm
There are several background factors that must be understood regarding the physiology of the human body to conduct the VSP.
The first is the human body’s threshold for heat. The NFPA suggests that the upper range of temperature tenability for humans is around 212 Fahrenheit.
The second is Carbon Monoxide (CO), the primary cause of fire-related death; at approximately 200,000 parts per million (ppm) the human body is rendered unconscious within 4-12 seconds with death following shortly thereafter.
The fire attack technique known as Penciling will immediately decrease building heat within a compartment by?
A. 75% to 80%
B. 50% to 60%
C. 40% to 50%
D. 65% to 75%
“Penciling is a maneuver used to move through a compartment where high heat or pre-flashover conditions exist to the point that the crew cannot safely advance their hoseline to extinguish the seat of the fire or initial room of involvement. Penciling will immediately decrease building heat within a compartment by 50% to 60%. This is a temporary decrease that will enable the crew to advance forward. Conditions will dictate how many times the nozzle firefighter needs to pencil in order to advance to the intended location.
To pencil, hold the hoseline and angle the stream at the ceiling. Open and close the nozzle fully with short, one second bursts at the ceiling while moving from one side of the compartment to the other in order to cover the entire width of the compartment.”
What is the formula for nozzle reaction of a Fog Nozzle?
A. 1.57 x diameter squared x nozzle pressure
B. 0.00505 x diameter squared x √pump discharge pressure
C. Pump discharge pressure x diameter x rated flow x 0.0550
D. 0.0505 x Rated flow x √nozzle pressure
Fog Nozzle= 0.0505 x Rated Flow x √Nozzle Pressure
What is the formula for nozzle reaction of a Smooth Bore nozzle?
A. 0.0505 x Rated Flow x √nozzle pressure
B. 1.57 x diameter squared x nozzle pressure
C. Diameter squared x flow x nozzle pressure
D. Length x diameter x 1.57
Smooth Bore= 1.57 x Bore Diameter squared x Nozzle Pressure
What four indicators form an incident profile regarding location, status, and extent of fire?
A. Size up, radio report, layout report, initial attack
B. Smoke, smoke density/color, velocity, volume of smoke
C. Fire load, heat release rate, time, fire tetrahedron
D. Dispatch, on scene, knock down, mop up
A blitz attack is performed when……?
A. Multiple companies arrive simultaneously
B. Initial attack is defensive then transitions to offensive once the fire is knocked down by exterior streams
C. A rescue company locates the seat of the fire and directs the Source: Engine Company where to make the attack
D. Utilizing a 2.5” attack line as the primary hose line
“Another common strategy is the blitz attack, which is commonly used when the initial attack is defensive then transitions to offensive once the fire is knocked down by the exterior streams.”
When chocking a door open in fire conditions where is it best to place the chock?
A. High so it does not get kicked out of the way
B. On the hinge side to get a tight fit
C. Low so it can be quickly removed to control the door
D. Leave a FF to control the door
“All doors through which dry hoselines are stretched must be chocked in some way to prevent the hose from running under the door. It is preferred to chock doors at a lower portion of the door in case personnel will have to retreat due to advancing fire conditions. By chocking low, the chock can be quickly removed to control the door. If placed high and advanced fire conditions chase personnel, they will have to enter the advanced fire area to remove the door chock.”
Smooth bore = 1.57 x bore diameter squared x nozzle pressure is the formula published by NFPA for…….?
B. Friction loss
C. Elevation loss
D. Nozzle reaction
The simplest design of all firefighting nozzles, the _______ is a tapered piece of material formed to deliver a specific amount of gallons per minute?
A. Automatic fog nozzle
B. Fixed-gallonage fog nozzle
C. Smooth Bore nozzle
D. Selectable-gallonage fog nozzle
“The simplest design of all firefighting nozzles, the smooth bore is a tapered piece of material formed to deliver a specific amount of gallons per minute. The exact size of the orifice dictates the amount of gallons per minute that the nozzle will flow. The simple design of the smooth bore limits it to the specific flow but also allows it to deliver a solid and compact stream of water to the seat of the fire.”
______ must be done and ensured before deploying the second or any other hoseline?
A. Ground ladders thrown
B. Primary line is in place and progressing
C. Water supply established
D. Side Charlie is clear
“All companies must ensure that the primary hoseline is in place and making progress before deploying any other hoselines.”
What is a good tool that allows officers the ability to maintain crew resource management in fire conditions?
A. Tag line
B. Haligan bar
C. Thermal imager
D. Flashlight
“The thermal imager is a valuable tool in saving the lives of victims in a fire by giving firefighters the opportunity to see the victim even in zero-visibility conditions. The thermal imager is also a very good tool to allow company officers the ability to maintain crew resource management in like conditions.”
Using a smoothbore nozzle at 80psi on a Mercury quick attack monitor yields a reach of approximately ____’
A. 100’
B. 200’
C. 150’
D. 185’
“Using a smoothbore nozzle at 80 PSI or a straight stream fog nozzle at 100 PSI yields a reach of approximately 185 feet. When using a medium fog pattern pumped at 100 PSI the reach is approximately 50 feet. On a wide fog pattern, the reach is approximately”
In terms of smoke flammability, black/brown smoke is typically? A
A. Too lean to burn
B. Possibly reaching the LEL level
C. Typically too rich to burn
D. Indicates the fire is in early stages