High Rise Flashcards
A high-rise building is defined as?
6 or more stories highest floor is greater than 75ft above lowest vehicle access
“a building with either six or more stories or a building where the highest occupied story/floor is greater than 75 feet from the lowest level of fire department vehicle access.”
Most High-Rise buildings are built using what type of construction?
Fire-resistive construction
“High-rise buildings are present throughout Northern Virginia. These buildings vary greatly in height, ranging from six or seven stories to structures that exceed 30 stories. Most are built using fire-resistive construction”
Modern High-rise buildings are of what 2 basic designs?
Residential and commercial
“Modern high-rise buildings are of two basic designs: residential and commercial”
What are Residential High-rise buildings characterized by?
Center Hallways & numerous interior compartments
“These occupancies are characterized by center hallways, numerous interior compartments (such as rooms, closets, etc.), and 24-hour occupancy”

What are Commercial High-rise buildings characterized by?
Center Core construction.
“Commercial high-rise buildings are characterized by center-core construction, with circuit corridors around the core of the building and may have relatively large, open expanses on each floor.”

Buildings constructed prior to the 1976 code requirements are typically constructed of what?
Steel and concrete
“Buildings that were constructed prior to the 1976 code requirements are typically steel and concrete”
A High-rise building constructed after the 1976 code will be of what construction?
Fire Resistive
“A high-rise building constructed after the 1976 code change will be of fire resistive construction, which provides resistance to collapse of structural members and floors and resistance to the passage of fire through floors and horizontal barriers”
What size are the outlets on a Class 3 standpipe system?
2 1/2 inches in diameter
“A class III standpipe system. The outlets on this system are 2 1⁄2 inches in diameter”
What size are the reducers on a class 3 standpipe system?
1 1/2 inch reducers
“A class III standpipe system. The outlets on this system are 2 1⁄2 inches in diameter and have 1 1⁄2-inch reducers”
Fire Walls are made of what material?
Gypsum and Masonry walls
“Multiple layers or thick gypsum and masonry walls are typically used to enclose stairway, elevator, and other shafts. These will typically have a two-hour fire resistance rating, at a minimum. Masonry fire walls may be found separating occupied areas from storage, utility, and commercial areas”
How long is a fire walls fire resistance rating?
atleast 2 hours
“These will typically have a two-hour fire resistance rating, at a minimum”
Where are HVAC shut-off switches found?
Adjacent to the unit or the fire control room
In most cases where are elevator control rooms located?
On the roof
“In most cases, elevator control rooms are located on the roof. The control panel (shut off) for each elevator is located in this room and should be labeled by the respective elevator car number”
What marking let’s us know that a windowpane can be broken?
Maltese cross or Fire helmet
“The windowpanes that CAN be broken are marked with a Maltese cross or a fire helmet etched in the lower corner of the pane”
The doors that seperate occupancies within a high-rise have what characteristics?
Either fire rated metal or wood in metal frames.
“Doors that separate the various occupancies within a high-rise are either fire-rated metal or wood in metal frames”
Inward opening doors lead to?
apartments and offices
“These are inward opening – that is, the door swings into the apartment or office from the hallway”
What could an outward door indicate?
Electric or telephone room
“The presence of outward opening doors indicates an electric or telephone room, or other type of closet”
Define an isolated stairwell?
a stairwell with an individual entrance that only accesses part of the building.
“Isolated stairs usually have individual entrances and access only one section of the building”

What are accomidation stairs?
floor to floor, unprotected stairways within a single occupant’s space
“Accommodation stairs, also known as access or convenience stairs are open, unprotected stairways leading from floor-to-floor within a single occupant’s space”

What are Scissor stairs?
Independent stairwells on either side of the core. Sometimes they only serve every other floor
“Scissor stairs, , may be found in center-core construction, although this is rare. These stairs are simply independent stairwells on either side of the core. However, in some cases, each stairwell will only serve every other floor. In other words, one of the stairs may serve the even-numbered floors and the other the odd-numbered floors”

What type of sprinkler systems do High-rise buildings constructed after 1976 tend to have?
Automatic sprinkler systems
“Automatic sprinkler systems are in place in high-rise buildings constructed after 1976, unless the compartmentation option was chosen”
Majority of standpipes found at a High-rise are what type?
Wet systems
“The majority of standpipes found in interior applications at a high-rise are wet systems. However, some older structures are equipped with dry standpipes”
A Hydrant should be located within how many feet of the standpipe and sprinkler FDC’s?
within 100 feet
“Generally (after 1976), a hydrant should be located within 100 feet of the standpipe and sprinkler”
Which risers are more preferabble, those within a stairwell or a hallway?
Risers within a stairwell
“preference should be given to using risers in the stairwell. Personnel should refrain from using hallway risers unless absolutely necessary”
Many new FDC’s have incorporated locking caps, how are these opened?
With a specifc key
“Many of these new FDCs have also incorporated locking caps, which can only be opened with a specific key”

Where are sprinkler control valves found?
Stairwell landings, hallway closets, and recessed aboved dropped
“Sprinkler control valves for each floor may be found at stairwell landings. Additionally, depending upon the length and size of the structure, valves may be located in hall closets or recessed above the drop ceiling”

Pressure-reducing valves can have what effect on fire streams?
Restrict flow
How do you bypass a pressure reducer valve?
Break the L shaped arm
“They can be defeated by breaking the “L” shaped arm that restricts the riser wheel”

Central air conditioning within a high-rise may interconnect how many floors?
10 to 20 or more
Elevators in high-rise structures are typically controlled by what?
Electric traction
What are express elevators?
elevators that bypass a portion of the building
“Express elevators, which bypass a portion of the building via a blind shaft, are found in many high-rises throughout the area”
Where are fire control room usually located?
near or at main lobby entrance
Where are telephone communication systems locaed within a high-rise?
Stairwell landings, elevator cars and floor lobbies
What is a Public address system?
allows personnel within the fire control room to communicate to any floor.
“Public address systems – A system is designed to allow personnel in the fire control room to communicate to any single floor, combination of floors, or the entire building. Speakers are located in hallways, elevators, stairwells, rooms, or tenant space exceeding 1,000 square feet, and all dwelling units. In addition to the use of the public address system, individual floors can be placed into alarm to assist in the evacuation operation”
When evacuating if more than 2 floors above the fire still contain occupants what must be established?
Search and Evacuatin Branch
What is mushrooming?
smoke rises until it reaches the roof/ceiling then it banks back down to the fire floor
“Mushrooming results in smoke rising upward from the fire floor until it reaches the roof/ceiling level. The smoke then banks off of the roof/ceiling and migrates downward, back towards to the fire floor”

What does cold smoke charecterize?
cool and low lying smoke thats under control by a sprinkler system
What is stack effect?
air movement within a sealed building based off the different air temperature’s inside and outside of the structure
“The stack effect is the natural movement of air within a relatively tightly-sealed building due to the temperature difference between the air on the inside and outside of the structure”
*more noticeable during winter*

What is reverse stack effect?
air movement in a vertical shaft due to higher outside temperatures
“The stack effect can be reversed (referred to as reverse stack effect), resulting in the movement of air in a vertical shaft, due to the outside temperature being higher than that inside”

What is the most effective measure for preventing flashover?
cooling the overhead area
“To prevent flashover, it is imperative that the overhead area is cooled with hose streams. This is the most effective method for controlling and preventing flashover. Additionally, since crews are dealing with enclosed or confined spaces, straight or solid streams must be used”
What is the area above the ceiling called?
Plenum space
“The plenum space, or area above the ceiling, is a clear avenue for a rapid collection of smoke and super-heated gases. Advancing personnel must check this area either with a thermal imaging camera or physical inspection”
What should the situation report include?
volume of fire
heat intensity
temperature from thermal imaging camera
“The situation report should include the volume of fire, intensity of heat felt and temperatures observed through the use of a thermal imaging camera”
Where do most wind-driven fires occur within a high rise?
upper floors
pg. 33
“Most wind- driven fires occur in the upper stories of high-rises, but have also been documented in lower levels down to the third floor. Additionally, these hazardous conditions can exist with exterior winds as low as 10-20 mph”
Who establishes a safe haven/refuge area in a wind-driven fire?
first due truck or rescue
“The wind-driven fire requires that either the first due truck and/or rescue squad establish a safe haven/refuge area by forcing entry into an adjoining apartment. Personnel should not force entry or open the door of the apartment directly across the hall from the fire apartment as this will allow the wind driven fire to have an outlet and increase the intensity of the fire. Additionally, by forcing or opening the doors of the apartments next to the fire apartment, personnel can establish alternate means of suppressing the fire. This may be accomplished by breaching an adjoining wall and directing the stream through the wall and on the fire. If this tactic cannot be employed, personnel can deploy their hoseline to the adjacent balcony and direct the stream into the fire apartment from there”
What’s an alternative method of attacking a fire apartment/compartment when entry can’t be made via stairwell?
exterior attack w/elevated master streams through window
exterior attack w/ portable ladders
An exterior attack using elevated master streams through the fire apartment window.
Exterior attack via portable ladders.
“If either of these tactics is employed, communication is paramount and must be coordinated between interior and exterior companies. The exterior personnel preparing for attack must ensure that no fire department personnel are present in the apartment or common hallway prior to flowing water”
If wind-driven fire conditions are present, no horizontal ventilation should be performed until directed by Command. True or False
“If wind-driven fire conditions are present, no horizontal ventilation should be performed until directed by Command. Additionally, personnel should not vent the bulkhead of any stairwell until personnel on the fire floor can confirm that the stairwell doors are closed and controlled”
“fires involving and areas should be a signal that extension into one of these shafts is a possibility.”
kitchen and bathroom
If you come across a metal door that opens towards you, what should you suspect?
Electrical vaults
Electrical Vaults
“These rooms may be present almost anywhere within the building. Firefighters operating in limited visibility must be extremely careful not to inadvertently enter one of these rooms. Firefighters who come across a metal door which opens toward them should suspect one of these rooms. While no longer commercially available, carcinogenic Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) may be present”
If a building is under construction where is a riser required to be located?
2 floors below the finished floor
“Buildings under construction are required to have a riser two floors below the finished floor. However, if concrete work is still underway and the formwork is in place and burning, personnel must not be committed to the interior for operations. Every effort must be made to fight the fire from exterior positions, as the formwork supporting the curing concrete is being destroyed”
What should comman officers consider requesting to supplement high-rise firefighting operations?
RIT Level 2
“Command officers should also consider requesting a RIT Level II response to supplement the operation”
What are the 5 basic points for the operation plan?
Determine fire floor.
Verify fire floor.
Control occupants.
Control building systems.
Confine/extinguish fire.
Building systems must be brought under fire department control. At a minimum, this must include what?
control of elevators
fire pump
air handling systems
“Building systems must be brought under fire department control. At a minimum, this must include control of the elevators, fire pump, and any air handling system(s)”
If an area has a suspended ceiling what should firefighters check prior to advancing?
check for fire in the plenum
“Prior to advancing hoselines into areas with suspended ceiling assemblies, firefighters should always check for fire in the plenum, either physically or with a thermal imaging camera”
If assisgned to vent the fire floor, what should companies take the time to do?
open windows on the same side of the building as the fire floor and check wind conditions before opening the fire door
“At residential high-rises, ventilation is more likely than at commercial occupancies. In residential high-rise fires, companies that are assigned to vent the fire floor should take the time to open a window on the same side of the building as the fire and check the wind conditions before opening the fire door. Engine crews should not open doors into the fire area until this information is relayed to them, or risk being driven off the floor or seriously injured should fire be blown over them”
In most cases who will be assigned as fire attack group supervisor?
2nd due chief
“The first chief at the scene must establish Command. In addition to overall Command, chief officers may also be used in tactical positions that include directing operations on the fire floor, lobby control, search and evacuation, planning and logistics, and others as needed by the Incident Commander. Chief officers should be assigned to Tactical Command positions early into an incident to establish and build an effective, efficient command structure. The second due chief will likely assume the first of these positions. In most cases, this will be as the fire attack group supervisor”
A fire load in residential occupancies requires a fire flow of what/
1O GPM per 100 SQ FT of the involved area
“The fire load in residential occupancies is considered low and requires a fire flow of 10 gpm per 100 square feet of involved area”
A fire load in commercial occupancies requires a fire flow of what?
20GPM per 100SQ FT of the involved area
“The fire load in commercial occupancies is considered moderate and requires a fire flow of 20 gpm per 100 square feet of involved area”
how should a vehicle fire in a parking garage attached to a high-rise building be treated?
High-rise building fire
“Additionally, there will be an extended reflex time in identification and location of a vehicle fire and the stretching of hoselines to extinguish the fire. This task may take several companies to accomplish and quickly tax the resources deployed. Considering these factors, personnel should treat a reported vehicle fire in a parking garage attached to a high-rise as a high-rise building fire, rather than a simple vehicle fire”
What’s the initial alarm assignment on a high-rise fire?
5 engines
2 trucks
1 rescue squad
1 EMS unit
2 Battalion Chiefs
1 Command Aide
1 EMS Supervisor
Where does the 1st due engine park on a high-rise fire?
in proximity to the building, not blocking access to others
“Park in proximity to the building so as to not block access for other apparatus”
What units proceed to the fire floor?
1st engine and 1st truck or rescue
“Officer and crew proceed to the reported fire floor, along with the crew of the first due truck or rescue squad, to verify the location and extent of fire and commence firefighting operations”
Who’s responsibility is to identify and verify the fire floor?
1st due engine officer
“It is the first due engine officer’s responsibility to identify and verify the fire floor. The officer should also advise if the entry level is other than the first floor, or if the floors have an odd configuration”
Firefighters should consider fire to be where if smoke is found in the lobby?
lobby, floor below, or elevator pit
“If smoke conditions are found in the lobby, personnel must determine if the fire is located on the lobby level or possibly on a floor below, or in the elevator pit. Elevators equipped with automatic recall will stop at an alternate floor above this area. The location of these cars must be determined and the car checked for occupants”
In addition to stand-pipe packs, what should crews bring with them to fire floor?
accesory bag, radios, handlights, forcible entry tools
“The first engine, along with the first due truck crew and rescue squad, shall proceed together to the reported fire floor. In addition to standpipe packs, at a minimum these crews shall also take the accessory bag, radios, handlights, and forcible entry tools”
Elevators that do not have fire service control shall not be used until when?
1st engine and truck or rescue squad have climbed stairs and assessed the situation.
“Elevators that do not have fire service control shall not be used until the first engine and truck/rescue squad have climbed the stairs and assessed the fire floor situation. The first engine officer will advise Command if the elevators can then be used”
Companies must stop floors below and use the stairs for the remainder of the ascent?
A. 1 below
B. 3 below
C. 2 below
D.4 below
“Companies must stop at least two floors below the fire floor and use the stairs for the remainder of their ascent to the fire floor. No more than two companies should be in the elevator together. If the fire is reported to be six floors above ground level, or lower, personnel should walk up”
“Proceed to the floor below the reported fire floor. Note: Due to the sheer size of these structures, the initial reported fire floor may be incorrect. Personnel must thoroughly inspect the surrounding area”
“The officer of the first engine, in conjunction with the officer of the truck or rescue squad, shall identify the standpipe outlet that is closest to the fire. The stairwell that contains this outlet shall be announced as the attack stairwell. ALL companies and chief officers must know which stairwell has been identified as the “attack” stairwell. Those assigned to evacuation must then use a different stairwell that shall be clearly identified as the “evacuation” stairwell.
Before the attack commences, take into consideration the possibility that occupants may be present in the stairwell above the point of attack. Once the door to the fire floor has been opened and the line advanced, the door will remain open and the stairwell may become polluted with smoke. This area should be confirmed clear of building occupants prior to commencing attack, if at all possible”
2nd due engine company responsibilities?
establish water supply
report to fire floor and assist with first line deployment
prepare to deploy a second hoseline depending on conditions
Once the first line is operating, members of the second engine may be used in different roles, depending on the needs of the situation. They may:
Be used as a rescue team and to comply with OSHA and NFPA requirements who should be paired as a rescue team and station where?
The 2nd due engine officer and firefighter.
They should be station in the attack stairwell
“Provide a rescue team until another crew is assigned to this duty. To comply with OSHA
and NFPA requirements, the officer and a firefighter from the second engine should be stationed at the standpipe outlet in the stairwell as a rescue team in the event that is needed. These two persons must not be committed to tasks that could not be stopped if the initial hose team got into trouble. At that point, hoseline advancement would be stopped and these two personnel could move in to assist”
Third due engine responsibilities?
If present establish seondary water supply
view opposite side of structure from 1st engine, report conditions
proceed to floor above fire
The third due engine company’s responsibilities are as follows:
Establish water supply to the secondary FDC (if one is present). If so, the driver/operator will have to remain with the apparatus. If no secondary FDCs are present then the entire crew can abandon the apparatus.
View the opposite side of the structure from where the first due engine positioned. Take note of fire/smoke location, number of floor, conditions evident, and persons in distress and report via radio.
Proceed to the floor above the fire to work with the second truck company in checking for extension and for occupants.
Fourth due engine company responsibilities?
park away from building
RIT, 1 floor below fire floor from the attack stairwell
Park away from the building.
The entire crew proceeds to the attack stairwell one floor below the fire floor as the RIT.
If the fire floor is below grade, the RIT shall position outside the IDLH however in close proximity of the fire floor. This may be one floor above the fire floor but not below the fire floor
Fifth due Engine company responsibilities?
report to command post
confer with ic and report to the lobby as lobby control
The fifth due engine will report directly to the Command Post. Upon conferring with the Incident commander, the entire engine crew will report to the lobby area of the building to assume Lobby Control.
The crew should proceed to the lobby with their complement of tools. Lobby Control is a vital operation on a highrise and requires coordination among the personnel.
Where should the 1st due truck park?
“The first due truck should park on Side Alpha unless fire location can be readily identified. If so, the truck should then park on the fire side of the building if it is accessible”
Fill in the blanks
3-person truck/tower crew with 2 personnel entering the structure:
Officer: ______, ______, ______
Firefighter: _______ or _______ and a ______
3-person truck/tower crew with 2 personnel entering the structure:
Officer: Thermal imaging camera, hook, 21⁄2-gallon water can
Firefighter: Set of irons or hydraulic door opener (depending upon occupancy type)
and lifeline
What’s a neccessity when searching large open areas in commercial occupancies?
“use of a tag line is a necessity in commercial occupancies with large open areas to search”
In residential occupancies what are the search priorities?
fire unit
exit hallways
adjacent units and units across from involved units
In residential occupancies, search priority is as follows:
The fire unit.
Exit hallways.
The adjacent units and the unit(s) across the hall from the involved unit(s).
Otherwise, search priority is as follows:
The immediate fire area and floor.
The floor above the fire area.
The top floor including the hallways, stairwells, and elevators leading to these areas. Floors between the floor above the fire and the top floor.
Fill in the blanks:
3-person truck/tower crew with 2 personnel entering the structure:
Officer: ______, ______, ______
Firefighter: ______ and ______
pg. 54
3-person truck/tower crew with 2 personnel entering the structure:
Officer: Thermal imaging camera, hook, 21⁄2-gallon water can
Firefighter: Set of irons or hydraulic door opener depending upon occupancy type and
Fill in the blanks:
3-person truck / tower crew with 3 personnel entering the structure:
Officer: ______, ______, ______
Driver: ______, ______
Firefighter: ______, ______
pg. 54
3-person truck / tower crew with 3 personnel entering the structure:
Officer: Thermal imaging camera, hook, and a prying hand tool (Halligan)
Driver: 2 1⁄2-gallon water can, hydraulic door opener
Firefighter: Set of irons, lifeline
Where does the rescue squad park on a High-rise fire?
away from the building
“The rescue squad must park away from the building and with the entire crew proceed to the fire floor with the first due engine. The rescue squad must NOT park close to the building to avoid inhibiting engine company access to supply the building’s systems, trucks positioning for aerial use, and ambulances moving in and out of the area with patients”
Fill in the blanks:
3-person rescue squad, truck/tower crew with 3 personnel entering the structure:
Officer: ______, ____, ______
Driver: ______, ______
Firefighter: ______, ______
3-person rescue squad, truck/tower crew with 3 personnel entering the structure:
Officer: Thermal imaging camera, hook, and a prying hand tool (Halligan)
Driver: 2 1⁄2-gallon water can, hydraulic door opener
Firefighter: Set of irons, tagline
Where should EMS unit park on high-rise events and report to?
away from the building allowing for rapid egress and report to command.
“EMS unit should park away from the building in an area that allows for rapid egress if a patient needs to be transported. The crew should assemble their EMS equipment on their stretcher and report to Command. If the EMS unit is staffed with personnel trained as firefighters, the crew should have their protective clothing and SCBA with them. If an EMS supervisor has responded, he or she should report to the Command Post”
Who’s expected to consume command of the fire attack operations on the fire floor?
2nd due chief
“The second due chief shall proceed to Command for briefing. It is expected that this chief will assume Command of the fire attack operations on the fire floor”
Every alarm after the first will bring what?
at least 3 engine
1 truck
1 bc
Every alarm after the first will bring at least three engines, one truck, and one Battalion Chief. Additional alarms may also include deputy or assistant chiefs, light and air units, and other special response units as needed. These additional units may be used for relieving first alarm units or filling essential roles on the fireground, including:
Rapid Intervention Team(s) Search and Evacuation
Stairway Support
EMS Branch or Group
Reconnaissance for fire extension and smoke migration
The base area is to be established by whom?
6th due engine
“The base area is to be established by the sixth due engine, typically the first engine on the second alarm. In a high-rise fire situation, this area will be designated as “Base” and will simply become a parking area for fire apparatus. If not already identified, that officer should announce this location”
What is the base area?
parking area for apparatus
“In a high-rise fire situation, this area will be designated as “Base” and will simply become a parking area for fire apparatus. If not already identified, that officer should announce this location”
Who becomes the base officer?
the driver of the 6th due engine
pg 57.
“The driver of the sixth due engine should become the Base Officer. It is expected that Command will later assign an officer to this position as the Command structure is built. The officer should check in with the Incident Commander for assignment. The remaining personnel of the sixth due engine company should be prepared to set up staging two floors below the fire floor unless otherwise directed to perform a different assignment by command”
On a high-rise firewhere is staging set up?
2 floors below fire floor
How many air cylidners should engine companies on second alarms and greater bring?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 1
“Given the critical importance of air supply in highrise firefighting operations, each engine company on the second alarm and greater shall bring two spare air cylinders per unit to the staging area”
What length and diameter sized hose should engine companies bring when reporting to staging?
100ft, 2 1/2 high rise pack
100 ft 1 3/4
“Additional engine companies shall report to Staging, unless otherwise directed by the Incident Commander, with a 100-foot, 21⁄2-inch highrise pack and a 100-foot, 13⁄4-inch highrise pack at a minimum. Based on the minimum complement of a second alarm in the NOVA region, this will result in the resources available at Staging having at least 300 feet of 21⁄2-inch hoseline available for large-flow firefighting and 300 feet of 13⁄4-inch hoseline available for overhaul and small fire knockdown”
Which alarm is the light and air unit included with?
2nd alarm
“The light and air unit is included with the second alarm and will need to be positioned at a forward position (close to the building) with stairwell access to Staging. Most of these units are equipped with a 250-foot air hose, as well as extra air cylinders that will be required at Staging. Incident Commanders should consider calling for multiple light and air units, as well as other sources of spare cylinders, if a major operation is underway”
What are the lobby control duties?
unit tracking( officer and firefighter)
elevator operations (driver)
building system controls (left bucket)
stairwell identification
civilian evacuation coordination
Lobby control is responsible for a variety of critical tasks, as described below. Unit tracking and recording, inclusive of:
o Unit identification
o Task assigned and location o Time entered and air level o Number of personnel
Elevator operations.
Building systems control.
o HVAC/pressurization systems
o Fire pump and fire suppression systems o Fire alarm
o Fire phone
o Building speaker system
Stairwell identification (attack/evacuation).
Coordinating civilian evacuation of building. Due to the possibility of displaced civilians congregating in the lobby area, personnel may have to designate an alternate area to which civilians are evacuated.
What is staging?
Where is it located?
area for assembling resources close to the fire floor
2 floors below fire floor
“Staging is the area for assembling resources close to the operations on the fire floor, ideally two floors below the confirmed fire floor”
Who becomes the staging officer?
an officer designated by command
“An officer should be designated as the Staging Officer by Command. As the incident escalates, it is likely that companies will be put to work quickly. However, the need for establishing Staging cannot be ignored and must be assigned. This may be delayed until a unit from the second or third alarm can be assigned, but does not diminish its importance”
How are units to be parked in the staging area?
diagonally along one side of the street
“The Base Manager should begin organizing units by function, and parking them in an orderly fashion. This would include parking units on diagonals along one side of the street to allow for easy egress and to keep a travel lane open. Parking all the engines, trucks, medics, and rescue squads in groups of like vehicles helps facilitate the operation. Equipment should be taken from the apparatus, particularly air cylinders, and assembled for movement up to the fire building as needed”
“Taglines shall be used in commercial occupancies, regardless of how small the fire might be, as conditions can change rapidly”
An X on a door indicates what?
a search has been conducted in that apartment
A / on a door or adjacent to it indicates what?
a search is underway
What should be written next to an X after the search is complete?
unit designator
Can horizontal ventilation be used in an active high-rise fire? Yes or no?
“Generally, horizontal ventilation in a commercial high-rise is not a prudent tactic. Window size and construction, the square footage of the fire floor, unpredictability of the wind, and the likelihood of increasing the intensity of the fire makes this a poor option. Therefore, while the fire is active, horizontal ventilation should not be used in a commercial high-rise”
If smoke has already polluted the attack stairwell and is not contained and venting out of the fire apartment what should be opened?
The exhaust opening at the top of the stairwell
“If smoke has already polluted the attack stairwell and is not contained and venting out the fire apartment, the exhaust opening (bulkhead, scuttle, etc.) at the top of the stairwell must be opened”
Can an evactuation stairwell also be used as a ventilation stairwell?
“However, personnel must remember that a stairwell that is still in use as an evacuation stairwell cannot be used for ventilation. The use of PPV in the evacuation stairwell is solely used for pressurization, since the bulkhead is closed”
What is the least desireable option for vertical ventilation?
using elevator shafts
“Vertical ventilation using elevator shafts is the least desirable option. The openings at the top of the shaft are typically inadequate, and on higher buildings, the shaft may not extend to the top of the building. Additionally, the mechanical room for the elevators is typically located at the top of the shaft, and the smoke will have to be moved up and through this room to get out of the building. Open shaft doors on affected floors create an additional hazard for firefighters and occupants”
“A Search and Evacuation Branch or Group should be activated if there are more than two floors above the fire that still contain building occupants”
Where should the search and evacuation post be set up at?
2 floors above the highest fire floor
“A chief officer, if available, should be assigned as the group supervisor. This officer should set up the Search and Evacuation post at least two floors above the highest fire floor. This should be located inside the floor, and near the evacuation stairwell. The location of the Search and Evacuation group shall be announced once it is established. The location must be specific as to what floor it is on and near what stairwell, for example, “Battalion 401 to Command, the Search and Evacuation group is located on floor 15 at stairwell Charlie.”
Whatis stairwell support?
where elevators areinoperable stairwell support is used to shuttle equipment
“Stairwell Support is a function that should not only be anticipated on the incident, but may be one of the highest priorities during the early stages of the event. If the fire occurs in a building where crews cannot use the elevators, or use of the elevators is lost, Stairwell Support becomes the “lifeline” to the operation at and above the fire”
Whose responsiblefor managing all civilian patients?
EMS branch
“The EMS Branch is responsible for managing all civilian patients. An EMS supervisor should be assigned to manage the EMS Branch. If units encounter civilian patients upon arrival, that is a good indication of more patients to come. At a fire in an occupied high-rise where patients are found by the first due units, additional EMS resources should be ordered to the scene”
What is the Medical Unit responsible for?
care/treatment of fire department personnel
Ideally where will the Medic unit be positioned on a high rise fire?
1 floor below staging
Given the complexity and sheer size of a high-rise incident, Command should consider requesting a second Safety Officer. The two Safety Officers could be directed to interior and exterior safety.
“The Battalion Aide or an EMS Supervisor will normally serve as the initial Planning Section Officer”