Garden Apartment Flashcards
How many stories in height are Garden apartments typically?
2 to 5.
How many apartment units are usually on a floor?
1 to 4 per floor.
Smoke issuing from a band board can be an indicator of what?
Fire has breached the truss floor space.
Ladders for rescue and egress should initially be placed where?
At the front and rear at the fire floor and every level above.
What warrants vertical ventilation?
High heat and smoke in a stairwell.
Fire on the top floor.
Fire in the attic/cockloft.
If the 3rd due engine is unable to position opposite of the first arriving engine. Then where should they position?
At the end of the row closest to the involved unit.
Smoke showing from more than one stairwell can be an indicator of what?
A basement/terrace level fire.
What is the difference between attics and cocklofts?
an attic is the space under a pitched roof.
a cockloft is the space under a flat roof.
How deep is the typical garden apartment?
about 50 feet.
When venting how big should the hole be?
4 x 4.
Before any water is flowed from a master stream, what must happen?
Evacuate the involved area and account for all personnel.
Choose the definition that best describes Garden Apartments. (Page 2)
A. A group of buildings, anywhere from two to five stories in height, with each floor housing one to four units.
B. A multi-story structure between 35–100 meters tall, or a building of unknown height from 12–39 floors.
C. A building having a moderately large number of stories, usually five to ten, and equipped with elevators.
D. A free-standing residential building.
The lowest floor of a garden apartment building will contain which of these areas. (Page 2)
A. Apartments
B. Storage
C. Laundry
D. Trash
E. All of the above
In which era were garden apartment buildings ordinary construction & masonry walls? (Page 2)
a. 40’s-50’s
b. 60’s-70’s
c. 80’s-present
d. Never
In which era were garden apartment buildings lightweight wood-frame construction, containing wood stairwells and some form of combustible materials for siding? (Page 2)
a. 40’s-50’s
b. 60’s-70’s
c. 80’s-present
d. Never
The lowest level is usually different from the rest in that it may incorporate terrace level apartments, storage rooms, trash rooms, laundry rooms, and/or utility accesses. (page 5)
A. True
B. False
Which definition best describes a “wrap around” style apartment. (Page 4)
A. Front door and balcony door lead to the living, dining and/or kitchen areas.
B. Large three or four-bedroom apartments occupy portions of quadrants A, B, and C, while smaller efficiency apartments occupy part of the B and C quadrants.
C. One room with a full bathroom and a kitchen. It may have an alcove for dressing or
D. Several rooms connected by doors but no hallway, where the apartment features three
rooms, but the layout doesn’t lend itself to creating more than one or two bedrooms.
Garden apartment buildings of ordinary construction typically do not exceed four stories and _____ feet in height on the addressed side. (Page 8)
a. 30 b. 40 c. 50 d. 60
The void space in flat roof construction is commonly referred to as the __________. (Page 8)
A. Plenum space
B. Void space
C. Scuttle
D. Cockloft
A pitched roof is constructed over a flat roof can be identified by all of the following
characteristics EXCEPT. (Page 9)
A. New shingles on the pitched roof.
B. Difference in siding at the gable ends of the building.
C. A new lightweight roof over bearing exterior brick walls.
D. A building with a pitched roof that has cockloft vents.
In ordinary construction, the majority of buildings have load bearing walls on which sides of the building? (Page 10)
A. A & B
B. C & D
C. A & C
D. B & D
Which of the following insulation materials has the greatest risk of fire spread. (Page 11)
A. Fiberglass
B. Rock Wool
C. Cellulose
D. None of the above
In ordinary construction, fire walls are made of what 2 types of materials? (Page 11)
A. Masonry & Gypsum Board
B. Wood Boards & Metal Sheathing
C. Plaster & Lathe
D. Carbon Fiber & Adamantium
.What hazard does a casement window present? (Page 12)
A. Metal framing can block egress
B. Casement windows are poisonous
C. Casement windows are highly flammable
D. Casement windows cannot be ventilated
In ordinary construction, the original door were made of? (Page 13)
A. Metal door, metal frame
B. Wood door, wood frame
C. Wood door, metal frame
D. Metal door, wood frame
Which of the following would be the BEST indicator that a unit is occupied? (Page 13)
A. Door is locked
B. Safety chain is in place on the door
C. Lights are on
D. Cold beer in the fridge
Stairwells in ordinary construction are typically enclosed. (Page 13)
a. True b. False
The location of the boiler room can be identified during size-up by which external feature? (Page 14)
A. Location of chimney at the roofline
B. Location of the main cockloft vent
C. Location of the stairwell
D. Location of basement windows
Most alarm systems in garden apartments are? (Page 16)
A. Local alarm systems
B. Supervisory alarm systems
C. Group alarm systems
D. Closed-Loop alarm systems
Garden apartments built in the early to mid-1960’s were typically what type of construction? (Page 16)
A. Wood frame
B. Ordinary
C. Noncombustible
D. Fire resistant
In the 1970’s through early 1980’s plywood used in roof construction was treated with a chemical to make it fire resistive. Known as Fire Retardant Treated (FRT) plywood presents what hazard for firefighters? (Page 17)
A. Chemicals may mask fire conditions
B. The chemicals used evaporate over time leaving wood vulnerable
C. Chemicals degrade the wood and glue over time and leave plywood subject to failure
D. Chemicals in plywood should never be used in any type construction
In garden apartments where sprinklers are provided firefighters should consider (Page 18)
A. That sprinklers replace the need for aggressive attic operations
B. That sprinklers in no way replace the need for aggressive attic operations
C. That sprinklers often times are faulty and can be a false indicator of fire location
D. That sprinklers rarely carry adequate fire flow for the building they occupy.
Firewalls are constructed of two types: (Page 20)
A. High and low heat absorption
B. Rated and unrated
C. Masonry or gypsum (multiple layers)
D. Wooden or steel fire stop
Balconies in garden apartment are of two general types: (Page 23)
A. Extended and recessed
B. Extended and under-mounted
C. Under-mounted and concrete poured
D. Solid-core and hollow-core
Regardless of the time of day, garden apartments of all construction types may have a significant life hazard. (Page 29)
a. True b. False
When dealing with window mounted air conditioners in regards to ventilation outside ventilation crews should: (Page 29)
A. Push units outside the structure as there is less hazard on the outside of the structure
B. Never remove an air conditioning unit from a window for ventilation purposes
C. Outside vent crews should cautiously push window air conditioners in from the outside as many fire victims have been found at the base of windows
D. Air conditioning units present a significant hazmat issue for all crews and should be only addressed by a hazmat level trained crew.
_________________is the number one priority for firefighters? (Page 29)
A. Emergency incident mitigation
B. Life hazards
C. Scene safety
D. Fire extinguishment
Fire flow estimates will be based on the flow rate of_____________ (Page 29)
A. 20gpm/100 sq. ft.
B. 15gpm/100 sq. ft.
C. 10gpm/100 sq. ft.
D. 10gpm/50 sq. ft.
When a natural gas explosion occurs, the action of the first arriving unit shall be to________
(Page 32)
A. Search for survivors
B. Turn off gas
C. Extinguish the fire
D. Call for a second alarm
Light wood frame construction is subject to early failure due to _____________ (Page 32)
A. Light weight trusses and fire entering void spaces
B. Inadequate fire stops
C. Lack of fire walls
D. No sprinkler systems
Smoke issuing from the band board indicates________________ (Page 32)
A. That backdraft in eminent
B. An attic fire
C. That fire is following the pipe chases
D. The fire is in the floor truss void area
Collapse zone is_____________ (Page 34)
A. 1 times the height
B. 1 1⁄2 times the height
C. 2 times the height
D. 2 1⁄2 times the height
All tactical operations should be assigned to support_______________ (Page 36)
A. Getting the first line in service
B. Establishing a water supply
C. An aggressive interior attack and primary search
D. Crew continuity
The greatest factor(s) that will drive the tactical decision-making process are____________ (Page 36)
A. Location and extent of fire
B. Number of stories of the structure
C. Number of occupants of the structure
D. Available fire flow
Life safety is typically achieved through _______________ and ______________. (Page 36)
A. SIOC; continuing education
B. Aggressive interior fire attack; primary search
C. Primary search; Blitz attack
D. Blitz attack; exposure protection
It is important to account for all occupants of the structure. This can be accomplished through a (n) ________________________________________________________. (Page 36)
A. Effective secondary search in areas that were involved or exposed to the fire or smoke.
B. Effective primary search in areas that were involved or exposed to the fire or smoke.
C. Interviewing the owner or neighbor of the occupancy.
D. Effective primary search of the adjacent occupancies.
The strategic goal of _____________________________ should be a high priority throughout the incident. (Page 36)
A. Fire containment and extinguishment
B. Rescuing trapped victims
C. Property conservation
D. Personnel safety
With many garden apartment buildings being several hundred feet from the apparatus, it can take a great deal of time to set up and maintain operations. This is known as___________, which is generally associated with high rise firefighting. (Page 36)
A. Extended response time
B. Reaction time
C. Reflex time
D. Extended reflex time
What are the greatest factors that will drive the tactical decision-making process? (Page 36)
A. Location and number of confirmed victims
B. Water supply and number of confirmed victims
C. Location and extent of the fire
D. Extent of the fire and water supply
The only tactic that should delay locating the fire is _________________________. (Page 37)
A. Establishing water supply for non-hydrant area
B. An obvious critical rescue
C. Protecting exposures
D. There is no hose line in service to protect interior crews
“Reading smoke” is an essential skill for _______________ and __________________. (Page 37)
A. Situational awareness; predicting fire behavior
B. Command officers; firefighters
C. Command officers; predicting fire behavior
D. Firefighters; situational awareness
Due to limitations of space and ability to operate, what resources are typically sufficient to handle tasks in any one apartment? (Page 37)
A. Two engines
B. One truck, one rescue
C. Two engines, one truck or rescue
D. One engine, one truck or rescue
Ladders for rescue and egress should initially be placed _________________________. (Page 37)
A. At the fire floor and all living levels
B. In the front and rear of the fire floor and every floor level above
C. At the fire floor and every floor level above
D. In the front and rear of the fire floor and all living levels
What section of the building containing the fire should receive priority for laddering? (Page 37)
A. Between the actual fire and the stairwell
B. Between the stairwell and the firewall
C. Between the actual fire and the firewall
D. Between the stairwell and the victim
Fires involving the ______________ allow for extension throughout the building. (Page 37)
A. Attic
B. Exterior siding
C. Structural members
D. Basement
The ____________ and the ______________ generally found within garden apartments suggest that
the 1 3⁄4 inch attack line should be effective in extinguishing most content fires. (Page 38)
A. Compartmentalization; fire loading
B. Building construction; fire loading
C. Building construction; compartmentalization
D. Fire loading; occupancy sizing
The first due Truck Company shall place the turntable of the aerial ___________________. (Page 40)
A. Between the involved unit and the next exposure
B. 50 ft. from the exposed unit
C. Directly in front of the involved unit or upwind
D. In front of either the B or D exposure or upwind
In general, apparatus should position _____________, preferably _____________. (Page 41)
A. In a single file; on the same side of the street
B. Upwind; as close as possible
C. On the same side of the street; as close to the curb as possible
D. In a single file; on the “fire side” of the street
The most important items in size – up (aside from rescue) are ________________ and _____________. (Page 42)
A. Checking side C; potential for extension
B. Identifying the location of the fire; potential for extension
C. Identifying the location of the fire; special hazards
D. Building layout; if the building is set far back from the street
As companies begin to carry out their assignments, command needs to be advised as early as possible of ________________________________________________. (Page 42)
A. The unit number on fire and it’s relation to the rest of the apartments in the building
B. The floor that the fire is on and if there are potential victims
C. The unit number on fire and if there are potential victim
D. The floor that the fire is on and if utilities have been controlled
What side of the building should the first due truck position if possible? (Page 68)
A. Alpha
B.Side with fire showing
C. Charlie
D. Side without fire showing
Where does the first due truck have the duties of laddering and ventilating the fire building? (Page 69)
A. Alpha
B. Charlie
C. Side with fire showing
D. Side without fire showing
What areas of a Garden Apartment are frequently secured with barred windows and doors? (Page 71)
A. First floor balconies
B. Utility rooms
C. Storage rooms and terrace level apartments
D. Side entry doors
Once the fire apartment and the apartment above has been ventilated what is the next ventilation priority? (Page 72)
A. Adjoining apartments on the fire floor
B. Apartment below the fire apartment
C. Attic
D. Enclosed stairwell
What is the most effective way to ventilate an enclosed stairwell? (Page 72)
a. Horizontal
b. PPV
c. Natural
d. Vertical
An ideal vertical ventilation hole for an enclosed stairwell should be located how many
feet from the eave? (Page 72)
a. 1-3’
b. 2-5’
c. 5-8’
d. 6-10’
Windows in buildings constructed in the 60s’ and 70s’ likely have windows with a sill height of what above the floor? (Page 77)
a. 3’
b. 4’
c. 5’
d. 6’
If there are no known rescues what is the first task undertaken? (Page 77)
A. Primary Search
B. Find the Fire
C. Throw Ladders
D.Secondary Search
With fire conditions advancing vertically where would you initiate the fire attack via master stream? (Page 84)
A. Top down
B. Seat of the fire up
C. Exposures in
D. Side to Side
Back up lines should typically__________________ (Page 51)
A. Go to the floor above the fire
B. Go to the floor below the fire
C. Be “of the same size” as the line to which they are providing back-up
D. Use a different access point to the structure than the attack line
Who is responsible for staging duties on a multiple alarm fire? (Page 51)
A. 2nd BC
B. 3rd EMS Captain
C. 1st EMS unit on 2nd Alarm
D. 1st Engine on 2nd alarm
The stream pattern that is more efficient in exterior exposure protection is_______________ (Page 51)
A. Narrow Fog
B. Solid
C. Wide Fog
D. Straight
What should be considered when FF’s are operating within 50 feet of involved structures, even if they are out of the collapse zone? (Page 52)
A. Deploying a stand-alone master stream device
B. Full PPE including applied SCBA
C. Cooling streams on FF’s due to high radiant heat
D. Potential for sudden collapse
All of the following questions may help determine if an alternate access point for a below grade fire is the best option, except__________ (Page 53)
A. Is the Stairwell already endangered?
B. Can a line be quickly placed into service from the rear?
C. Will a rear-based attack have any negative effect on firefighters, civilians, or the building?
D. Is the Rear access unlocked?
If fire or smoke has already spread into the stairwell upon arrival, the initial attack line shall______________ (Page 53)
A. Access the building through the balcony
B. Advance the line directly into the stairwell to protect occupants above the fire
C. Attack from the outside to “reset” the fire before making entry
D. Attack from the burned portion of the structure
Fires in the _______ of Garden Apartments pose the greatest danger to occupants. (Page 56)
A. Terrace Level
B. Entrance Level
C. Upper Level
D. Exterior
When the basement runs the entire length of several addresses__________________ (Page 56)
A. 2 engines should attack the fire from opposing directions
B. 2 Engines should position on the same side and push the fire away from them
C. 2 Engines should position at opposite sides, 1 secures the door while the other attacks the fire
D. Attack the fire using cellar nozzles.
What must be considered before attacking a basement fire with a cellar nozzle? (Page 57)
A. Floor integrity
B. Year building constructed
C. Conditions in the attic
D. Color of Smoke
The objective in an underground garage fire is to___________________________ (Page 58)
A. Follow the pre-incident plan
B. Make access through the first available entrance
C. Ensure building systems evacuate smoke and heat before making attack
D. Keep the stairwell and apartment clear of smoke
In attic fires in garden apartments, consideration should be given to: (Page 59)
A. Attacking from the gabled ends
B. Quick vertical ventilation of structure
C. Deploying a wide fog in the attic space
D. Master streams
If the officer suspects the fire has entered the attic space he should_____________ (Page 59)
A. Call for a 2nd alarm
B. Call for an attic ladder early in the incident
C. Call for vertical ventilation
D. Retain command
In platform construction, how will the structure be affected once the roof burns away? (Page 62)
A. It will be more susceptible to collapse
B. Water will be more likely to damage the foundation
C. The walls will be inherently weakened.
D. There will be no significant change to the structure.
The preferred type of master stream device for use on Garden Apartments are__________ (Page 67)
A. Engine-mounted master stream
B. Portable master stream
C. Fixed base deck gun
D. Tower ladder