Sheep breeds ( Fine wool ) Flashcards
Sheep breed Fine wool:
- The backbone industry of America
- dual purpose sheep: carcass and fine wool
- descends from the Spanish Merino
- Possesses desirable traits which results in their inclusion in crossbreeding program to improve lamb production
Rambouillet Sheep
Sheep breed Fine wool:
- 80% meat and 20% wool production
- produces merino-type wool ranging from 19-22 microns
- dual purpose sheep
Sheep breed Fine wool:
- very important and popular sheep domestic
- originated form Spain and highly prized for its wool
- Modern of its breed were domesticated in Australia and New Zealand
Spanish Merino
Sheep breed Fine wool:
- Distribution on North America
- Medium size, smooth body, and free of wrinkles
- Several strains of Merino involve
Delaine Merino or Type C Merino
Sheep breed Fine wool:
- developed in Vermont through inbreeding and selection
- very heavy, wrinkle hide
- not advocated for commercial lamb production and meat
type A merino
Sheep breed Fine wool:
- developed in Ohio
- results of breeder selecting heavy fleece on a sheep that has a fair mutton form
- has heavy neck folds
Type B Merino
Sheep breed Fine wool:
- Best adapted in range conditions
- medium sized sheep with white hair on face and legs
- hardy and greagarious and adaptable in unassisted pasture lambing