sheep and goat fertility and repro Flashcards
7 reasons for poor conception rate
- season
- abnormalities of the repro tract
- fertilisation failure
- phyto-oestrogens
- stress
- male infertility
- functional factors
what can cause fertilisation failure?
-chromosomal abnormalities
high environment temp for 14-47 d before
what are phyto-oestrogens?
oestrogen like compounds in plants that alter cervical mucous and sperm stransport
what are optimal ram:ewe ratios?
- synched ewes 1:15/20
- intensive 1:40
- extensive 1:80
4 reasons for poor ovulation rates
what can very low or high BCS score do?
decrease ovulation decrease conception rate increase embryonic loss decrease lamb birthweight decrease colostrum production
what can cause early embryonic death?
- asynchrony between embryonic development and time of p4 rise
- overfeeding (lower p4)
- too young - poor uterine development
- mineral deficiencies
- infectious
causes of late foetal death
- overfeeding in early pregnancy
- underfeeding in late pregnancy
- low BCS
- chlamydia abortus
- toxoplasma
- campylobacter
how is mothering ability established?
cervical and vaginal stimulation - norepinephrine - glutamate release from olfactory bulb - nictric oxide - affects neurones in olfactory bulb creating memories
how can you decrease early embryo death?
increase plane of nutrition before tupping
what is pregnancy toxaemia?
in late pregnancy when only just balancing energy intake and needs and a new stress is added - weather , moving , feed change etc
recumbent with CNS signs
treat by inducing abortion to decrease energy need, give IV/oral glucose
3 ways to detect sheep pregnancy
1) non return to oestrus
2) plasma p4 after 15-18 d
3) transabdominal b mode ultrasound 45-50 d
5 ways to PD goats
1) failure to return to oestrus after 21 d
2) milk / plasma p4 after 21d
3) oestrone sulphate in milk/plasma from 50 d
4) transabdominal b mode ultrasound from 30 d
5) abdominal palpation from 60-70 d
9 ways to PD pigs
1) non return to oestrus
2) plasma p4 after 16-24 d
3) transrectal b mode US from 12 d
4) oestrone sulpate 24-28 d
5) vaginal biopsy 18-22 d
6) rectal palpation from d30
7) transabdominal b mode US from 24 d
8) a mode transabdominal US from 30 d
9) transrectal doppler US from 25 d
6 steps to the male repro exam of sheep?
1) clinical history
2) physical exam
3) genital exam
4) semen evaluation
5) libido testing
6) other tests - blood, culture
when should you do the male repro soundness exam?
6-8 pre mating so have time to rectify the problem
3 main things to check on general physical of male
3 parts of genital exam of male
scrotal palpation (flexed bicep tone) scrotal circumference (34cm) penile exam
how can you test male libido?
watch them mount
harness them
what would you look for on male blood?
what would you look for in a male preputial wash?
trichomonas fetus
how can you collect semen for evaluation?
artificial vagina
penile stimulation
intra-vaginal collection
what are you evaluating semen for?
gross exam and concentration
sperm motility
sperm morphology