pig reproduction Flashcards
what is the maternal recognition of pregnancy?
E2 from egg - uterus - stops PG
how can you induce farrowing?
PG and oxy
weaning to oestrus interval
about 5 d
when to inseminate?
about 70 % through oestrus
age at first mating
average litter
pre weaning mortality
lactation length
28 d
weaning weight
weaning - farrowing interval
120 d
average cull age
after 6 litters
what size litter do you want to buy your gilts from?
small litter as egg number determined after birth on nutrition
8 non infectious causes of abortion
litter factors genetic nutrition toxins husbandry and management environment other - dystocia, old, fat/thin
how can the litter size cause abortion?
if under 6 alive pre-ossification (35-40d) then they will be resorbed
what percent of aboritons are non infectious?
what does the size of aborted foetuses tell you about the cause?
if all one size then the uterine environment was affected at one time - stress egg
if all different sizes then infectious
what are the signs of PRRS?
immunosupression repro losses high pre weaning mortality severe resp effort in neonates flu like signs blue extremeties
how can you treat / control PRRS?
- supportive
vac but many strains so not always effective
what does leptospirosis do?
repro failure
how can you treat for leptospirosis?
treat whole herd at once with streptomycin / tetracyclines
how is leptospirosis spread?
bodies of water
what does SMEDI do?
full term litter with small mummies, full grown stillbirth, live weak and small
small litter size
acute episode for 8 w, wanes for 4-6 w then gets lots of mummies
more sows not in pig due to early resorption
what does SMEDI stand for?
stillbirth, mummification, embryonic death, infertility
what is the main pathogen of SMEDI?
porcine parvovirus - does not cause abortion!
how does SMEDI affect different stages of production sows?
if not preg - immune
if preg - SMEDI
how can you control SMEDI
vac 8w before service and 2 w before each following one as a booster
how can you tell gestation age of aborted foetuses?
21 + (3 x crown rump length)
how will the piglet be if it peripartum? eyes meconium lungs feet umbilicus organs
eyes - sunken, blue cornea meconium - stained skin lungs - not inflated feet - cartilagenous slippers on umbilicus - long autolysis organs - variable autolysis
how will the piglet appear if it died intrapartum? eyes meconium lungs feet umbilicus organs
eyes - bulging meconium - in mouth, nostrils, trahea lungs - not inflated feet - slippers umbilicus - long and wet organs - oedema
how will the piglet appear if it dies post partum? eyes meconium lungs feet umbilicus organs
eyes - normal meconium - in posterior gut lungs - inflated feet - no slippers umbilicus - short and dry organs - autolysis
8 causes of piglet mortality
crushed sow lame / deaf environment starvation chilling umbilical bleeding CO poisoning congenital abnormalities
what are the signs and treatment for primary uterine inertia
signs - no straining, dilated, no obstruction
treat - assist, oxy, Abx and NSAID if toxaemia
allow acclimitisation to farrowing house
what are the signs and treatment for secondary uterine inertia?
signs - straining, no effect
treat - remove obstruction (foetal or maternal)
what do you do with uterine prolapse?
cull and foster
what do you do with vaginal prolapse?
replace, suture in
what do you do with a downer sow
improve floor
what do you do with hypocalcaemia
ca boroglutanate
increase ca in feed
suspect if have still births, RFM, uterine inertia
what are some causes for non functioning teats?
necrosis trauma inverted nipples poor development ergot poisoning poor water supply poor energy levels chronic mastitis
what can you do if no milk let down?
what are the signs of coliform mastitis?
no milk
hot and swollen udder
what do you do if you have coliform mastitis?
oxy to get sample
abx, NSAIDs
supplement piglets
clip teeth, control flies, clean and dry crates
what are the signs of pyogenic mastitis?
single gland is hard and pendulous but not hot
milk permenantly lost
sow it well
strep or staph
what do you do with a sow with pyogenic mastitis?
abx or wait for abscess to be walled off
cull sows if too few teats
what are the signs of a UTI?
sudden death haematoma pyrexia bloody discharge fibrin pus and blood in urine inappetance depression
what can cause a UTI?
actinobacilus suis form boar
what can you do for a UTI?
ineffective once signs seen
signs of sow oestrus?
sticky discharge red and protruding clitoris restless mouth each other high pitched wind tail flicking poor appetite pricked ears arched back
target p/s/y
farrowing rate
culling rate