SHARP AR 600-20 Flashcards
What is the primary goal of the SHARP Program?
To prevent and respond to sexual harassment and sexual assault, enhancing Army readiness through a culture of respect.
What are the two reporting options available to victims of sexual assault?
Restricted and unrestricted reports
Who are eligible for SHARP services?
Soldiers, their adult Family members, DA Civilians, and in certain cases, contractors.
What is the role of a Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC)?
To oversee the SHARP program and assist victims in accessing resources and reporting options.
What is the key difference between restricted and unrestricted reports?
Restricted reports do not trigger an official investigation, while unrestricted reports do.
How often must SHARP training be conducted for Soldiers?
What is the commander’s responsibility in the SHARP Program?
Commanders are responsible for fostering a positive command climate, providing training, and responding to reports of harassment or assault.
What document must commanders complete upon notification of a sexual assault?
A Commander’s Critical Information Requirement (CCIR) must be submitted within 24 hours.
How does the Army protect the confidentiality of SHARP reports?
By offering restricted reporting options and safeguarding the privacy of the victim’s information.
What is the Army’s policy on retaliation related to SHARP reporting?
Retaliation is strictly prohibited, and Soldiers are encouraged to report it.
What role do SHARP Victim Advocates (VAs) play?
They provide support and advocacy to victims of sexual harassment and sexual assault.
How can a Soldier file a restricted report?
By contacting a SARC, SHARP VA, or healthcare personnel without involving law enforcement or command.
What is required of commanders in response to reports of sexual harassment?
They must initiate a commander’s inquiry or an AR 15-6 investigation and take appropriate actions based on findings.
What tool is used to evaluate a unit’s climate regarding SHARP?
Command Climate Survey.
What support is available to victims of sexual harassment or assault in deployed environments?
Full SHARP services, including access to SARCs and SHARP VAs, are available.
How does SHARP define sexual harassment?
Any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.
What are the responsibilities of SHARP professionals?
To maintain certifications, provide victim advocacy, and ensure program compliance and response effectiveness.
What action should commanders take if they become aware of a sexual assault?
Immediately contact the SARC and initiate required response actions.
What is the Army’s stance on sexual assault?
The Army has a zero-tolerance policy for sexual assault.
Can Family members file a SHARP complaint on behalf of a Soldier?
Yes, a Soldier may file a sexual harassment complaint on behalf of a Family member.
What must be included in SHARP training?
Training must cover the prevention of sexual harassment and assault, reporting options, and bystander intervention.
What is the DoD Safe Helpline, and how does it relate to SHARP?
It is a crisis intervention and support resource that connects victims to SARCs and other resources.
Who ensures compliance with SHARP policies at the brigade level?
Full-time brigade-level SARCs and SHARP VAs.
What is the Army’s policy on confidentiality for restricted SHARP reports?
Confidentiality is maintained, and no investigation is triggered without the victim’s consent.
How can a Soldier report retaliation for filing a SHARP complaint?
Through the chain of command, SARC, or Inspector General.