ADP 7-0 Flashcards
Q: What is the purpose of ADP 7-0?
A: It provides a framework for Army leaders to effectively train soldiers and units for multi domain operations.
What are the three elements of unit training proficiency?
A: Mission-essential tasks (METs), weapons qualification, and collective live-fire task proficiency.
Q: What are the key principles of Army training?
A: Commanders are the primary trainers, train to standard using doctrine, train as you fight, and sustain proficiency over time.
Q: How does multiechelon training work?
A: It allows different echelons to train simultaneously on complementary tasks, maximizing resources and time.
Q: What role do NCOs play in training?
A: NCOs are responsible for training individuals, crews, and small teams, and they advise commanders on training needs.
Q: What is the training management cycle?
A: It’s the process commanders use to prioritize, assess, plan, prepare, execute, and evaluate training.
Q: What is the importance of after action reviews (AARs)?
A: AARs are used to assess performance during and after training events, guiding future training improvements.
Q: What is a mission-essential task (MET)?
A: A MET is a collective task that a unit trains to be proficient in to fulfill its mission.
Q: What is the role of technology in Army training?
A: Technology helps replicate combat environments and conditions, increasing the realism and effectiveness of training.
Q: What is the ‘fight to train’ principle?
A: It means that commanders must protect and prioritize training from nonessential distractions.
Q: What are the three planning horizons in training management?
A: Long-range, mid-range, and short-range planning.
Q: What is a battle task?
A: A battle task is a platoon or lower-echelon task crucial for accomplishing a higher-level MET.
Q: How do leaders sustain training proficiency over time?
A: By leveraging live, virtual, and constructive training environments to prevent skill atrophy.
Q: What is the purpose of the 8-step training model?
A: To provide a structured approach to planning, executing, and evaluating training events.
Q: What is the role of leader development in training?
A: Leader development is integrated into training to enhance decision-making and leadership skills in various operational environments.