Sexual Assault Flashcards
What is sexual violence?
It refers to any sexual act, attempted or completed, against a woman who has not freely given her consent.
How is sexual assault defined?
A violent act committed in the name of power and control, encompassing nonconsensual sexual acts or behaviors prohibited by law.
What is rape?
Completed or attempted nonconsensual vaginal, anal, or oral penetration, no matter how slight, with any body part or object.
When is someone unable to consent?
When they are intoxicated by drugs or alcohol, under the legal age of consent, unconscious, or have certain disabilities.
What percentage of women in the U.S. have experienced contact sexual violence?
1 in 3 women.
What percentage of U.S. women have been raped?
Nearly 1 in 5 women.
What percentage of women injured during a sexual assault receive treatment?
35%, with 80% of these treated in a hospital or clinic.
What are common reasons women delay seeking treatment after sexual assault?
Shame, embarrassment, fear, self-blame, or lack of insurance.
What are common physical injuries from sexual assault?
Genital lacerations, abrasions, bruising, or ecchymosis.
Which sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are most common after sexual assault?
Chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, and bacterial vaginosis.
What percentage of rapes result in pregnancy?
2% to 5%.
What is the medical forensic examination?
An evaluation that includes a complete history, physical exam, anogenital exam, and evidence collection.
What are the two types of consent required?
General consent: Agreement to medical evaluation and treatment.
Evidence consent: Permission to collect and release evidence.
What does evidence collection include?
Clothing, hair samples, body samples, oral and anogenital swabs, and maintaining the chain of custody.
What services do victim advocates provide?
Support, assistance with acute and chronic consequences, and referrals.