Serology and Lab Testing Flashcards
What are 2 non-specific markers of inflammation?
2. CRP
What are 2 non-specific markers for inflammation?
2. CRP
ESR and CRP can be used how?
Monitor disease activity
When does ESR rise and in who more often?
Rises with age especially in women
CRP fluctuates ____ than ESR
A CRP > ____ indicates inflammation
> 8
Should serologies be used as the sole criterion for diagnosis?
What is Rheumatoid Factor?
IgM antibody that targets Fc portion of IgG
What produces Rheumatoid Factor?
B cells in synovial joints
When is Rheumatoid Factor ALWAYS (+)?
Nodular RA
What is the most specific marker for RA?
antibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptides
What gives you the highest specificity for a diagnosis of RA?
RF + Anti-CCP!
What gives you the highest specificity for a diagnosis of RA?
RF + Anti-CCP
RF and Anti-CCP indicate what general processes?
Aggressive disease and joint erosions
Anti-Nuclear Antibody (ANA) often occurs in what disease?
SLE (lupus types)
ANA has many different patterns of?
What does Antistreptolysin O Antibody Titer (ASOT) indicate?
Prior group A Streptococcus infection
Rheumatic fever and certain arthritis types may have a (+)?
– Anti-streptolysin O titer
Uric Acid > ____ indicates hyperuricemia
> 6.8
Which imaging study has high spatial resolution but poor soft tissue visualization?
What imaging study is great for detecting soft tissue abnormalities and can aid in joint aspiration?
Is there radiation with US?
What imaging study is sensitive for soft tissue and can use contrast?
What imaging study is the best for bone abnormalities?
What imaging study is the best for bone abnormalities?