SERA Flashcards
What is the negligent rule?
An aircraft shall not be operated in a negligent or reckless manner so as to endanger life or property of others.
Outline the minimum flying height rule
Except when necessary for take-off or landing, or with permission, aircraft shall not be flown:
Over congested areas of cities, towns or settlements.
Over an open-air assembly of persons.
Unless at such a height as will permit, in the event of an emergency arising, a landing to be made without undue hazard to persons or property on the surface.
Minimum heights are specified.
Outline the formation flight rules
Aircraft shall not be flown in formation except by pre-arrangement among the pilots-in-command and, in controlled airspace, in accordance with the conditions prescribed by the CAA which include:
One of the pilots-in-command is flight leader.
The formation operates as a single aircraft with regard to reporting.
Separation between each aircraft shall be responsibility of
the flight leader and other pilots.
If two aircraft are in a situation where one is giving way, what must they do?
The aircraft with right of way shall maintain its heading and speed.
The aircraft giving way shall avoid passing over, under, or crossing ahead unless well clear.
Who has the right of way when two aircraft are converging?
When two aircraft are converging at approximately the same level, the aircraft that has the other on its right shall give way.
On the right, in the right.
Outline the order of priority in the air
Flying machines
give way to
give way to
Gliders (Sailplanes)
give way to
When two aircraft are approaching head on, what should aircraft do?
Both alter course to the right.
Pass port to port.
How should an aircraft overtake?
The overtaking aircraft shall alter course to the right and remain clear
How should a sailplane overtake?
A sailplane overtaking sailplane may alter course left or right
Who has priority over an aircraft landing or aircraft in flight/on the ground?
An aircraft in flight, or on the ground shall give way to aircraft landing or in the final stages of an approach to land.
Where two or more aircraft are approaching to land, who has priority?
The higher aircraft gives way, but lower shall not cut in or overtake.
Who has right of way over departing aircraft or taxiing aircraft?
Aircraft taking off or about to take off have right of way over aircraft taxiing.
What should two aircraft approaching each other on the ground head on do?
Each stop, or alter course to the right to keep well clear.
When two aircraft are converging on the ground, what should they do?
The aircraft which has the other on its right will give way.
On the right, in the right.
How should an aircraft overtake on the ground?
The overtaking aircraft shall keep well clear.
What should aircraft on the ground do at hold points and lighted stop bars?
Aircraft shall stop at all runway holding points and/or all lighted stop bars, unless clearance to enter runway given and stop bars turned off.
What priority do emergency vehicles have?
Emergency vehicles proceeding to an aircraft in distress shall have priority over all other surface traffic.
Who has priority, aircraft or vehicles?
Vehicles and vehicles towing aircraft shall give way to aircraft which are landing, taking off, taxiing or being towed.
Outline the rules in the vicinity of the aerodrome.
An aircraft operated on or in the vicinity of an
aerodrome shall:
Observe other aerodrome traffic for the purpose of avoiding collision.
Conform with or avoid the pattern of traffic.
Make all turns to the left unless otherwise indicated.
Land and take off into the wind unless safety, the runway configuration, or traffic determine that a different direction is preferable.
At night, what lights should aircraft display whilst in flight?
Anti-collision lights
Navigation lights intended to indicate their relative path, except for balloons
In the case of balloons, position lights
At night, what lights should aircraft display whilst on the ground?
Navigation lights intended to indicate their relative path
Unless stationary and illuminated, lights intended to indicate aircraft extremities
Whilst taxiing or being towed, lights to attract attention to the aircraft
Whilst engines are running, lights to indicate that fact
Must aircraft display anti-collision lights during the day?
Yes, in flight and if fitted.
When is a pilot allowed to switch off or reduce the intensity of any flashing lights?
If it will adversely affect the satisfactory performance of duties
If it will subject an outside observer to harmful dazzle
When is an anti-collision light displayed?
Day and night when in flight, taxiing or being towed.
What is an anti-collision light?
Rotorcraft - A flashing red light
All Others - A flashing red or white light (360 degrees)
What is a congested area?
Any area which is substantially used for residential, industrial, commercial or recreational purposes.
What do aerobatic flights need to comply with?
Union or national legislation
Advice and/or clearance from the appropriate ATSU
What is the minimum height that a VFR flight be flown over a congested area?
300m/1000ft within a 600m radius.
Unless taking off, landing or with CAA permission.
What is the minimum height that a VFR flight can be flown?
150m/500ft above ground or water
150m/500ft above the highest obstacle within 150m/500ft radius
Unless taking off, landing or with CAA permission.
What is the minimum height that IFR flights can be flown?
The minimum flight altitude of the state
600m/2000ft above the highest obstacle within 8km whilst over high terrain or mountains.
Elsewhere, 300m/1000ft above the highest obstacle within 8km
Unless taking off or landing or with CAA permission.
What heights should eastbound IFR and VFR cruise at?
Odd levels, VFR +500ft
What heights should westbound IFR and VFR cruise at?
Even levels, VFR +500ft
What is ACN?
Airspace co-ordination number
What is the difference between track and heading?
Heading is the direction the nose is pointing.
Track is the direction the aircraft is moving due to wind.
Describe RVSM
Reduced Vertical Separation Minima
1000ft up to FL410
2000ft above FL410
Above what height are VFR cruise levels?
Above 3000ft