Self and Personality (10) Flashcards
Eight stages of Erikson’s Psychological theory?
- Trust vs. Mistrust (0-1)
- Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt (1-3)
- Initiative vs. Guilt (3-6)
- Industry vs. Inferiority (6-12)
- Identity vs. Role Confusion (12-20)
- Intimacy vs. Isolation (20-40)
- Generativity vs. Stagnation (40-65)
- Integrity vs. Despair (65+)
McRae and Costa’s Big 5 personality dimensions?
- Openness to experience
- Conscientiousness
- Extraversion
- Agreeableness
- Neuroticism
Psychoanalytic Theory recap?
Freud and Erikson
Personality as inner qualities that develop in a stagelike manner. Freud believed the personality was formed in first 5 years of life, whereas Erikson saw growth and change continuing through adulthood.
Trait Theory recap?
Costa and McRae
Personality as a set of dispositional traits (the Big Five) that are enduring over time and consistent across situations.
Social Learning Theory recap?
Bandura and Mischel
Personality as behaviour that is influenced by situational factors and changes if the environment changes. We should not expect universal stages of personality development or enduring traits.
Categorical self?
Self classification into social categories based on sex, age and visible characteristics.
18 months.
Early genetically based but also environmentally influenced tendencies to respond in predictable ways to events that serve as the foundation for later personality.
Easy Temperament?
Chess and Thomas
Even tempered, content, open and adaptable, regular feeding and sleeping habits.
Difficult Temperament?
Chess & Thomas
Active, irritable and irregular in their habits, negative reactions to changes and to new people or situations, cry frequently, tantrums when frustrated.
Slow to warm up Temperament?
Chess and Thomas.
Relatively inactive, moody and moderately regular. slow to adapt but respond mildly in negative ways.
Tendency to actively, confidently and energetically approach new experiences in an emotionally positive way. Eagerly and actively engaged in life; enjoy people and smile and laugh a lot.
Negative affectivity?
Tendency to be sad, fearful, easily frustrated, irritable and difficult to soothe.
Effortless Control?
Ability to focus and shift attention, inhibit responses, appreciate low intensity activities.
Moratorium Period?
Time allowed by society for adolescents to be free of responsibilities on order to experiment different possibilities.
Pruning process in adolescence?
Development prefrontal cortex, linked to increases in conscientiousness and emotional stability.
Disengagement Theory?
Our needs change later in life so natural withdrawal of the individual from society.
Baltes and Baltes
- focus on loved activities
- put time into perfecting knowledge and skills for chosen pursuit
- make up for declining abilities