Emotions, Attachment and Social Relationships (13) Flashcards
Complex phenomenon that involves a feeling, physiological arousal, behavior and cognitive appraisal.
Primary emotions?
Around 6 months
joy, surprise, disgust, sadness, anger and fear
Secondary emotions?
By 18 months, require self awareness
embarrassment, pride, shame, guilt, envy, empathy
Emotional competence?
ability to recognise, understand, express and regulate emotions.
Emotional display rules –> difference between inner and expressed emotions.
Innate form of learning in which the young will follow and become attached to a moving object (usually the mother) during a critical period early in life.
Social Referencing?
Infants monitor their companion’s emotional reactions and use this to know how to feel and behave. (around 9 months)
Internal working models?
Cognitive representations of oneself and others that guide the
processing of social information and behaviour.
Close childhood friendships that:
→ help and support cognitive development
→ protect children from harmful effects of bad parent-child relationships
Phases in forming attachment?
- undiscriminating social responsiveness (any human interesting for the infant)
- discriminating social responsiveness (preference for familiar companions)
- active proximity seeking true attachment (first clear attachments form)
- goal corrected partnerships (taking a parent’s goals and plans into consideration and adjusting behavior accordingly - lasts a lifetime
4 types of attachment?
- secure (balanced, upset by separation but easily comforted)
↳ sensitive and responsive parents - resistant (anxious, ambivalent reactions)
↳ parents are consistent in caregiving and showing emotions - avoidant no distress when separated from mother, avoids contact)
↳ impatient, resentful parents, annoyed by the interference of the infant - disorganised/disoriented (seems frightened of the parent)
↳ abusive, highly unstable households
Main qualities that later reflect secure attachment in infancy?
- intellectual competence
- social competence
- emotion regulation
Different types of play?
- solitary
- parallel
- associative
- cooperative
Children categories based on peer acceptance?
- popular
- rejected
- neglected
- controversial
- average
Sociometric popularity?
being liked by many peers
Perceived popularity?
being viewed as someone with high status or power
Relational aggression?
subtle, indirect aggression (like gossiping or ignoring)
5 steps to peer group structural changes?
- late childhood –> same sex cliques
- early adolescence –> begin interacting
- early adolescence –> popular kids in heterosexual cliques
- less popular teens in mixed-sex cliques –> the crowd
- late high school –> crowd disintegrates –> couples form
Peer socialisation issue?
Process by which peers influence each other’s attitudes, behaviour and beliefs
Stages of adolescent relationship formation?
- initiation
- status
- affection
- bonding
Filter theories?
people use a series of criteria to narrow down potential partners
↳ initially based on similarities in appearance, education, and SES
↳ later on, they are based on similarity in values, beliefs, and traits
Triangular theory of love?
- intimacy
↳ emotional connection, sharing personal thoughts and feelings, closeness, and
warmth - passion
↳ physical attraction, sexual arousal,
excitement, and romance - commitment
↳ intend and decide to maintain the relationship, by investing time, effort, and resources