Selection Methods Flashcards
What are the different methods of selection?
Application forms and CVs
Assessment centres
Trial periods
What are application forms?
An application form is a document, produced by the employer, containing questions that applicants answer to provide details of their skills, experience and qualities.
What are CVs?
Usually a two page document listing a person’s work experience, qualifications and personal experiences.
What are interviews?
All interviews are designed to compare the applicant’s responses to questions against a set criteria.
Interviews can be one-to-one, successive or panel.
What are the advantages of interviews?
Interviews find out how an applicant reacts under pressure.
Interviews give an indication of the applicant’s personality and character.
What are the disadvantages of interviews?
Some applicants can train specifically for interviews and say what the interviewers want to hear but may not be the best person for the job.
Interviews can be highly stressful. This means an organisation may miss out on quality employees who underperform in the pressure of an interview.
What is testing?
Tests provide additional information about an applicant.
What are the advantages of testing?
Interviews find out how an applicant reacts under pressure.
Interviews give an indication of the applicant’s personality and character.
What are the disadvantages of testing?
They can be time consuming to carry out.
They may put applicants under too much pressure to perform as they would once they get the job.
Candidates may be more prepared on the day and once hired not perform to the same levels evident in the test.
What are the different types of testing?
Attainment test
Aptitude test
Psychometric test
Intelligence/IQ test
Medical test
What are attainment tests?
This allows an applicant to demonstrate their skills, e.g. ICT skills by completing a typing test.
What are aptitude tests?
This assesses if a candidate has the natural abilities and personal skills for the job, e.g. a prospective customer services assistant roleplaying a scenario with an angry customer.
What is a psychometric test?
This assesses an applicant’s personality and mental suitability for a job.
What is an IQ test?
This measures a candidate’s mental ability; used for jobs where candidates may be solving problems.
What is a medical test?
This measures physical fitness levels which may be required for certain jobs, e.g. the fire service, armed forces etc.