Security Flashcards
There is how many groupings assigned to the ship store?
Two/ Group III and Group IV
What spaces consist of bulk storerooms, backup storerooms and sales outlets?
Group III
What outlets include retail stores, coffee bars, vending machines, and phone card machines?
Sales Outlets
What will be used to secure all retail stores and storerooms?
Keyless Combo Padlocks
Combinations to keyless combo padlocks will be changed how often?
Every Six months, Upon Relief of the sales Officer and/or the responsible custodian
Who has the option to use commercial high security key padlocks in place of combo padlocks?
Sales Officer
High Security Key padlocks will be changed how often?
Whenever the Sales Officer deems that proper key control procedures have been compromised.
In addition to a padlock, what will be installed on all doors leading into Group III Spaces?
Dead Bolt Door Lock
Hinge pins that are exposed should be what to preclude removal?
Tack Welded
When more than one operator is responsible for a retail outlet or bulk storeroom, the working key for the deadbolt/ high security padlock will be kept in the custody of whom?
Sales Officer or Designated individual
Who will have the combo to the padlock?
The Operators
If a high security key padlock is used in place of a combination lock the key to the padlock will be maintained by whom?
The Custodian operating the day shift
After Working hours, the working key to the deadbolt/ high security lock will be placed where?
In the Sales Officers Safe
When a retail outlet is open on weekends, holidays or other than normal working hours, the working key to the deadbolt/ high security lock will be maintained by whom?
Duty Supply Officer
When not operating with navy cash, Security of the vending machines will be in accordance with guidance provided by whom?
In the absence of the responsible sales outlet operator or bulk storeroom custodian, emergency entry into Group III spaces may be made by what personal?
Sales Officer
Emergency entry will be made in the presence of how many witnesses, one of whom should be a commissioned officer?
When the urgency of the emergency dictates and when both the responsible custodian and the sales officer are absent who may authorize entry into the space?
Command Duty Officer (CDO)
What spaces consist of service activities?
Group IV
If a retail items intended for cash sale are stored in a service activity, the space will be considered what group?
Group III
The original key to Group IV spaces will be in possession of whom during working hours?
Person in charge of the space
After working hours the key to Group IV space will be turned over to whom to be placed in a general key locker in the supply office?
Duty Supply Officer
Duplicate Keys to Group IV spaces will be kept in a special duplicate key locker in what personal safe?
Supply Office, or in the Supply Officer’s Safe
If a lockset is used, the original master key (which passes all locks for group IV) will be retained in the custody of whom?
Sales Officer
The duplicate Master key will be kept where?
Special Duplicate Key locker in the Supply Office, or maintained in the supply officer safe.
This is used to alert the sales officer of possible unauthorized entry into sales outlets and bulk storerooms is recommended for all stores?
Car Seals
T/F You should request assistance from the local NCIS for losses in excess of 3,000.00?
This term applies to any theft of funds or merchandise or manipulation of records by an accountable officer or responsible individual in the ships store operation.
Fraud or suspected fraud should be immediately reported to whom?
What document provides procedures to be followed for losses of cash?
DOD Financial Management Regulation, CH 6
Before a new user can gain access to ROM, appropriate user’s ID must be inputted by whom?
Sales Officer
The Rom Operator Security Listing will be placed in what file?
AO file
What personal will review the Rom Operator Security Listing? And how often? To ensure that Rom System Security is intact.
Sales Officer/Monthly
ROM II is what type of system?
How long is a ROM II password?
7 Digits
Who is responsible for the security of Supply Spaces?
Supply Officer (SUPPO)
Person responsible for maintaining security within a space?
Responsible custodian
Publication that describes the security requirements?
Who is the only person authorized to grant permission for unauthorized personnel to enter supply department spaces?
Supply Officer
What is used to identify the holder of each key to supply spaces?
Key Log
The keys to the Supply Office are issued at the discretion of what individual?
After working hours, who is responsible for making sure the supply office is secured?
Duty Supply Officer
Group I Security is made up of what type of spaces?
General Stores spaces
What rating is responsible for Group II spaces?
What are the 2 security groupings assigned to the ship’s store division (S-3)?
Group III and Group IV
Spaces with Ship’s Store merchandise should be classified as what security grouping?
Group III
Examples of group 3 spaces?
a. Ships store
b. Vending machines
c. Bulk storeroom
d. Coffee Bars
e. Phone Card Machines
What 2 things are required to secure a Group III space?
a. Keyless combination padlock
b. Dead bolt lock
Where does the combination to the keyless padlocks go?
In a sealed opaque envelope
What 3 things are required to go in the sealed envelope?
a. Paper with combo on it (wrapped in carbon paper)
b. Changing instructions
c. “Setting in key”
Who signs the sealed envelope?
Custodian and Sales officer (in that order)
Final location of the sealed envelope?
Sales officer’s safe
Combinations to keyless combo locks will be changed how often?
Every 6 months and/or upon relief of Sales Officer or Responsible Custodian
What may be used to secure a group III space instead of a combination lock?
High Security Key Padlock
Ships will comply with what written guidance on key control procedures?
Where does the duplicate key to a High Security key-type padlock go?
In Sales officer’s safe sealed in envelope
What is the action of the Sales Officer if it is discovered that proper key control procedures to the High Security Padlock has been compromised?
Change the High Security Padlock
When installing hasps on doors leading to Group III spaces, what items do you use to secure the hasps on the door?
Tamper proof Bolts
What action should be taken for exposed hinge pins on hasps installed on doors leading to Group III spaces?
Tack-weld the pins to prevent removal
If a high security padlock is used in place of a combo lock, the key will be maintained by who?
Custodian operating that day/shift.
When more than one operator is responsible for a retail outlet or bulk store room, the working key for the dead bolt will be kept by who?
Sales officer or designated individual other than operators
What additional security is mandatory when using multiple operators in a group III space?
Numbered car seal
Who is responsible for maintaining the car seal log?
Sales officer or a designated assistant
What must you do before breaking an installed car seal?
Check the number to ensure that it is the same as the number recorded upon installation.
First thing to inspect upon opening the ships store?
Evidence of unauthorized entry or irregularities
What additional security measures should the custodian of the Bulk storeroom take when the contents of the storeroom are visible from outside?
a. Keep all high cost, small cube items out of sight or break them out to the store,
b. Make sure adjacent P-ways are well lit,
c. Make sure security watches check the bulk storeroom
Merchandise exceeding what retail value should NOT be left in the display window of the retail store after normal working hours?
The inside perimeter of the removable sales window to the retail store is secured by using what type of securing devices?
Key Locks
After normal working hours, what happens to the working keys to a Group III space?
Placed in the sales officer’s safe OR turned over to the SDO for safe keeping
A Group III space should not be entered after normal working hours without obtaining permission from who?
Sales Officer
What will be used to secure the outside of vending machines?
Keyless combination padlocks or high security key padlocks
When locked money boxes are installed in the vending machines, what two sets of keys are provided?
a. One to lock the money box inside the vending machine
b. One for the money box itself
What will be used to secure money boxes inside the vending machines?
Keyless or Key-type lock
Who holds the key to lock the money box inside the vending machine?
Vending operator
Who holds the key to the money box itself?
Sales officer or CCA
What security measure are the duplicate keys to the money boxes in the vending machines controlled?
They are sealed in an envelope and kept in the sales officer’s safe
When dollar bill acceptors are installed in the vending machines, the acceptor will be secured how?
With a hasp and lock
Who has custody of the key to this lock?
What device is required for amusement/phone card machines for security?
Metal restraining device
What type of lock will be used to secure amusement/Phone Card Machine?
High Security Combo or key padlock
What part of the machine will this device be placed?
The front of the coin box
Before unauthorized personnel can be allowed into supply department spaces, final approval must be granted by whom?
Supply Officer
Emergency entry procedures are included in the supply department instructions and should be posted outside what space?
Group III spaces
In the absence of the responsible custodian, emergency entry into a Group III space may be made by whom?
Sales officer
Who must always be present with the sales officer during the emergency entry?
Two witnesses, one being a commissioned officer
How long must the witness be present?
Until the space is secured
How should the Sales officer secure a group III space after he has entered it and is ready to secure the space?
Replace the lock and attach a numbered car seal
Upon return, the responsible custodian will remove the car seal in the presence of whom?
Sales officer
What action is required by the responsible custodian upon return after an emergency entry has taken place?
Change the combo on the lock.
Who may conduct an inventory of the space after an emergency entry has taken place?
Responsible custodian
Should an inventory take place after an emergency entry has occurred, this will take place before or after the combo has been changed?
When the urgency of the emergency dictates and when both the responsible custodian and the sales officer are absent, who may authorize entry to the space?
Command Duty Officer
What are 2 examples of Group IV Spaces?
a. Barbershop
b. Laundry
How do you secure a Group IV space?
Key type padlock
When will a Group IV space be considered a Group III space?
If retail items intended for cash sale are stored in a service activity
In Group IV spaces, the original key will be in the possession of whom during normal working hours?
Person in charge of space
What happens to the keys after normal working hours?
They are turned over to the SDO and placed in the general key locker in the supply office
Duplicate keys to group IV spaces are kept where?
In a special duplicate key locker in the supply office or in SUPPO’s safe
If a lockset is used, who keeps the original master key to Group IV spaces?
Sales officer
The duplicate master key will be kept where?
In a special duplicate key locker in the supply office or in SUPPO’s safe
In the event of a break-in to a Group III space, what steps will be taken?
a. Secure the space, and place a numbered car seal
b. Report incident to CO,
c. Conduct inventory to determine dollar value loss
If the CO’s examination indicates culpability, who will be relieved?
Accountable Officer or his agent
For losses exceeding $3,000-, the CO will request assistance from whom?
The CO will report findings and action of fraud/theft taken by letter to whom?
Any theft of funds or merchandise or manipulation of records by an accounting officer or responsible custodian is known by what term?
Fraud or suspected fraud in ships store operations, regardless of money value will be reported to whom?
What actions must be taken during the informal examination of fraud in the ship’s store operation?
a. Secure the space and place a numbered car seal
b. Secure all ROM Back-up media and cease ROM transactions
c. Inventory and close out entire store operation
d. Determine dollar value loss
What chapter of the DOD Financial Management Regulation provides procedures to be followed for losses of cash?
Chapter 6
The ROM system is included under what security classification?
Before you are granted access to the ROM system, who must issue you a user ID and password?
Ship’s Store Officer
The user ID must contain what information?
Last name
When signing onto ROM, your password must be how many digits?
The sales officer will review the ROM access list at what interval?