Administration Flashcards
On Commissioned ships before establishment of a ships store the CO will report by letter the date the ship store will commence operations to whom? A copy of this letter will also be forwarded to whom?
Copy to TYCOM and DFAS
A ship’s store may be established before a ship is commissioned provided what personal has reported for duty?
Supply Officer
Emblematic items stocked will not exceed what percent of current on hand inventory?
If EPOS registers are not available, the ship should contact whom for guidance?
Returns will be submitted when?
At the end of the accounting period
This is the arrangement whereby vendors are permitted to sell directly to crewmembers in return for remitting a percentage of the profit to the Navy.
Only what types of sponsored concessionaires are permitted on board ships?
Navy Exchange
A C.O. that desires deviations will submit a letter to whom?
Deviations or modifications to Rom software are what?
What finances the original procurement of all ship’s store stock, operating supplies and minor equipment and is identified as appropriation 97X4930.NC1A?
Navy Working Capital Fund (NWCF)
NWCF is what type of fund?
After Ship store stock has been procured, it becomes part of what account?
Navy Stock Account
What is the Functional Account for NSA?
Ship’s Store sock remains in the Navy Stock Account until merchandise is what? At which the NWCF is credited for the cost price of the material.
Sold, Issued, or Surveyed
Ships Store stock held in the NSA is whose property until sold or otherwise expended?
Government Property
Supply Department Instructions will be prepared under the guidelines furnished in what shipboard procedures?
Ship’s store returns and supporting documents and Rom back up media will be retained for a period of how many Years?
2 years
What happens to Ships store returns after two years?
They are disposed of locally
What is Navsup pub-487
Ship Store Afloat
What is Navsup pub-4998
Consolidated Afloat Requisition Guide Overseas (CARGO)
What is Navsup pub-81?
Merchandising and Stocking Guide
What is Nexcom pub-90-33?
Ships Store Visual Merchandising and Shopping Guide
What is ACB?
Automated Contract Bulletin (No Limit)
What is ASL?
Automated Ships Store Afloat Catalog Rom II User Guide (2,500)
What is Navsup form 233?
Ships Store Laundry List
What is Navsup form 469?
Cash Register Record
What is Navsup form 470?
Cash Receipt Record (Book)
What is DD form 504?
Health and Comfort
What is DD form 1348-1A?
Issue Release Receipt Document
What is SF 1034?
Public Voucher for purchases and Service other than personal
What is SF 30?
Amendments of Solicitation/Modification of Contract
SSA Files are divided into how many sets of files?
Who maintains the AO file?
Sales Officer
What is maintained in the AO files?
Navcompt form 153, & Rom Operator Security Listing.
Who will maintain the RK file?
Records Keeper
What will be maintained in the RK file?
Navcompt form 153
What is WF-1?
Receipt Inspector File
What is maintained in WF-1?
A copy of each outstanding purchase order and requisition used in the receipt of material.
After completion of receipt in WF-1 this copy is filed where?
B01 (RK) File
What is WF-2?
Bulk Custodian File
What is maintained in WF-2?
One copy of each outstanding purchase order and requisition used by the bulk storeroom custodian.
After completion of receipt in WF-2 this copy is filed where?
B01 (RK) File
What is WF-3?
Correspondence File
Letters of Assignments from the sales officer to the CCA are contained in what file?
Monthly/Quarterly sanitation reports, copies of monthly/ quarterly unmatched expenditure reports are filed in what file?
What is WF-4?
Credit memorandum and cash refund/Bulk Sale
A copy of each of DD forms 1149, and correspondence, which has not been liquidated, will be maintained in what file?
What is RR-1?
Original 973 attached with confirmed copy of 973
What is RR-2?
CO’s Monthly Management Report
All Entries made in ship store logs and/or forms not produced by Rom will be made in what?
Only personnel designated by who will enter data into Rom or make corrections to data.
Sales Officer
What are not permitted on Navcompt form 153 submitted to DFAS that would change the amount shown on line C23?
“Line outs”
True or false at no time will ships correct and re-submit returns to DFAS?
What Data processing system is designated to assist ships store personnel in the ordering, management and control of Ships store inventory, and in the production of reports and returns?
In case of Rom system failure you should refer to what appendix?
Appendix F (Fall Back Procedures)
What is the process of saving ship accounting period data to an external media?
Daily Backup
Who will ensure backups are performed at least daily?
Sales Officer
Daily backups should also be conducted when?
At the end of the accounting period, prior to system closeout.
What is the process of “Cleaning up” accounting period data within the database to allow for efficient operation of the program?
Who will ensure compacts are being performed at both the back office and POS computer(s) on a daily basis.
Sales Officer
Failure to conduct daily compacts can result in what?
Data Corruption or Data Loss
What are the proper procedures to follow to ship’s store records from the previous fiscal year?
a. Remove from filing cabinet
b. Place in well-marked container citing the FY involved
c. Place in suitable location onboard
Returns, ROM backups, and records are kept for how long?
2 years.
What is Navsup P-4998?
Consolidated Afloat Requisitioning Guide Overseas (CARGO)
What does CARGO contain?
a. Contains basic stock list and ship’s store assortment
b. Source of National Stock Numbers
c. What you should use to requisition most of your ship’s store stock and laundry supplies while on deployment
What is Navsup P-485?
Afloat Supply
What is contained with the Navsup P-485?
a. Provides the basic contracting policy and procedures for shipboard supply officers
b. Where you can find a current list of cognizance symbols and their responsible inventory managers
What is in Navsup P-727 Navy Cash SOP (Chapter 7)?
a. Procedures for handling refunds on Navy Cash
b. Procedures with K22 card reader terminal connected to the cash register
What is within OPNAVINST 5100.19?
a. Contains the safety precautions and procedures
What is within NAVMED P-5010?
a. Contains sanitary guidelines for shipboard barbers and laundry personnel to follow
What is within ROM Users Guide?
a. A NEXCOM publication
b. Where stock record card entries and management information is outlined
What is and within NEXCOM P-81?
-Merchandising and Stocking Guide for Ship’s Stores
a. Provides a mandatory stock guide which should
be followed by all ship’s store
b. Lists all authorized emblematic items for stock
What is and within NEXCOM P-90-33?
- Ship’s Store Visual Merchandising Guide
a. Contains display aids available for visual merchandising
What is and within ACB?
- Ship’s Store Automated Contract Bulletin
a. Used within CONUS and Hawaii as a resource for local sources of supply and the fixed price for items of ship’s store stock
What is and within ASL?
- Automated Ship’s Store Afloat Catalog Listing
a. Source for semi-luxury items
What is and within Navsup Form 233?
Ship’s Store Laundry List
a. Forms that SH’s used to itemized laundry turned in items.
What is and within Navsup Form 469?
Cash Register Record
a. Where the amount of cash collected from sales outlets is recorded
What is and within Navsup Form 470?
Cash Receipt Book
a. Used to deposit money with the DISBO
What is and within Navsup 972?
Break Back Form
a. What the sales officer fills out for each refund
What is and within Navsup 973?
Intra Store Transfer Data
a. Document for breakouts and break backs
What is and within Navcompt 153?
Ship’s Store Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement
a. Where the sales office renders returns
b. Where ROM totals all receipts entered and post to the applicable sections at the end of the accounting period
What is and within NAVCOMPT 176?
Summary of Material Receipts / Expenditures
a. What transfers to OSO is summarized on at the end of the accounting period
What is and within DD 1081?
Statement of Agent Officers Account
a. Used to distribute change funds
b. Destroyed when change fund is returned
What is DD Form 1149?
Requisition and Invoice/Shipping Document
a. Used to receive stock from OSO
b. Document for Bulk Sales
c. Prepared to substantiate cash receipts from sales
d. Used for guarantee sales items that are returned to the vendor for credit
e. Used for expenditure transactions
f. Prepared for the money value of the ship’s store stock on hand at the time of relief of the sales officer
g. Used when all vending machines are turned in to the shore supply support activity upon inactivation of a ship
What is and within DD Form 1155?
Order for Supplies and Services
a. Used for purchase and delivery orders placed under contract (commercial vendors)
b. Used when ordering for ASL/ACB
c. Used to order ship’s store stock from Marine Corps and other government departments
d. One of two forms that can be used for special orders
What are Special DD Form 1155’s used for?
a. Used for Simplified purchase procedures
b. Used to order for the Navy Exchange
c. Used and submitted to NEXCOM for procurement of dollar bill changers
d. One of two forms that can be used for special orders
What is and within DD Form 1348-1A?
Issue Release/Receipt Document
a. Used for single line items (one form for each item)
What is DD Form 504?
Request and Receipt for Health and Comfort Supplies
What is DD Form 200?
Report of Survey - Used for Expenditure transactions
What is and within SF 1034?
Public Voucher for Purchases and Services Other Than Personal
a. Used for remittance to contractor for amusement machenes
b. Used to pay for laundry claims
c. Used to transfer ship’s store profits to the MWR Fund
What is and within SF 30?
Amendments of Solicitation/Modification of Contract
a. Used to correct administrative errors on a receipt document
How is the Purchase Order, Requisition, and Expenditure Log maintained?
Which of the administrative logs is used to record all purchases from a commercial vendor?
Purchase Order Log
Which Administrative Log is used to record all purchases from OSO?
Requisition Log
Who assigns the expenditure number before it is entered into ROM?
Supply Officer
Ships Store Afloat files are divided into how many sets of files?
2 (AO, RK)
Who should maintain the AO files?
Sales Officer
The AO files will be sent to DFAS or be used for the end of accounting period returns. The files will contain what 2 things?
a. NAVCOMPT 153 files
b. ROM Operator Security Listing
Who maintains the RK files?
Records keeper
- The RK files are used throughout the accounting period and for the retained returns. What are contained in these files?
a. NAVCOMPT 153 Files
b. Working Files (WF1, WF2, WF3, WF4)
c. Retained Returns File (RR1, RR2)
What is and within WF1?
Receipt Inspector File
a. Where the receipt inspector finds his receipt document
What is and within WF2?
Bulk Custodian File
a. Where the bulk storeroom custodian finds his receipt document
What is and within WF3?
Correspondence File
a. Letter of assignment for CCA
b. Sanitation reports
c. Unmatched expenditure reports
d. Memorandum of Agreement for leased vending machines
e. Correspondence from military and commercial activities
What is and within WF4?
Credit Memorandum & Cash Refund/ Bulk Sales File
What is and within RR1?
Breakout Document File
a. Completed NAVSUP 973’s (original)
What is and within RR2?
Ship’s Store Management Report File
a. CO’s Monthly Management Report
b. Copy of ROM System Back-up
c. Last ROM Daily Back-up of the period
What is the proper procedure for correcting errors on ship’s store logs and/or forms?
a. Must be made in ink
b. No erasures allowed
c. One line through correction, must be initialed by Responsible custodian AND Sales officer
What is the process for correcting errors on the NAVCOMPT 153?
a. NO corrections allowed
b. DFAS will make final decisions on changes to submitted form
What 3 files hold documents that substantiate cash collected from the ships store?
C02-C03-C04 File (Cash Collection)
What are and within BO1/BO5 Reports?
Journal of receipts
a. Where the total dollar value of the receipt with the cost of transportation is posted
a. Where ROM posts partial receipts
b. Where the total value of receipts from OSO is reported and itemized
What is within the Back of the 153 Report?
a. Where financial differences are shown after inventory is confirmed and cash is posted
The ROM User’s Guide can be obtained from whom?
Detailed procedures to follow in case of ROM system failure can be found where?
NAVSUP P-487 apx. F
What is the definition of Daily Backups?
The process of saving ship accounting period data to an external media (floppy or zip disks)
The Sales Officer will ensure Back-ups are performed how often?
A Daily Backup should be conducted when at the end of the accounting period prior to what?
System closeout and filed in the retained returns
What type of backup uses the process of “cleaning up” accounting period data within the database to allow for efficient operation of the program?
How often is COMPACT update performed?
Failure to conduct daily compacts can result in what?
Data corruption or data loss
From where can preventive maintenance information for Navy Cash Financial System be obtained?
Maintenance Requirement Card (MRC)
Where on the ship do Sailors and Marines use the chip-based electronic purse on their Navy Cash cards at Point-Of-Sale (POS) terminals?
a. Ship’s Store (K22)
b. Vending Machines (CAD)
You are working on your end of month inventory to close out vending machines. Without warning, the CAD freezes and there is no functionality. When you check the machine next to this one, it is displaying an offline error message. You make a call to the Sales officer who says all devices are offline. What level of tier support is required to address this issue?
Tier II Support
What are the main hardware components of the Navy Cash Financial System?
a. The server
b. The CAD
c. POS Reader
Which type of Navy Cash card is a chip-only card intended only to make purchases on the ship?
Temporary (Tempcard)
What are some characteristics of the Tempcard?
a. It does not have a Navy Cash account associated with it.
b. It does not have a magnetic strip.
c. It cannot be used for purchases ashore or to access commercial ATMs off the ship.
What type of card is normally only issued as a part of bulk enrollment when Navy Cash is initially implemented on a ship or as replacement for expiring cards?
Permanent Card
When using your Navy Cash MasterCard for ordering things over the phone or at a website, what billing address should the individual use?
Ship’s Address