Navcompt 153 Sections and Files Flashcards
How many parts is there to the Navcompt 153?
- Balance Sheet
- Profit and Loss Statement
How many sections is there to the Navcompt 153?
- Receipts Section
- Expenditure Section
- Profit and Loss Statement - Receipts Section
- Profit and Loss Statement - Expenditure Section
- Profit Computation Section
What files fall under the Receipts Section?
B01, B05
B08, B09
What files fall under the Expenditure Section?
B10, B14, B15, B19, B21, B22,
B23, B25, B26, B27, B28, B30
What files fall under the Profit and Loss - Receipts Section?
C01, C02, C03, C04, C04A
C04B, C05, C06, C08, C09
What files fall under the Profit and Loss - Expenditures Section?
C10, C12, C13, C14A, C14B, C15, C16, C18,
C20, C21, C21A, C22, C23, C24, C24A, C24B
What files fall under the Profit Computations Section?
What is Line B01?
Receipts From Purchase
What is Line B05?
Receipts From OSO
What is Line B08?
Opening Inventory
What is Line B09?
Total Receipts
What is Line B10?
Issues to Use
What is Line B14?
Loss/Gain by Inventory
What is Line B15?
Surveys to NWCF
What is Line B19?
Transfers to OSO
What is Line B21?
Cost of Retail Sales
What is Line B22?
Cost of Ops, Retail
What is Line B23?
Surveys to SSPN, Retail
What is Line B25?
Cost of Vending Sales
What is Line B26?
Cost of Ops, Vending (No Longer Used)
What is Line B27?
Surveys to SSPN, Vending
What is Line B28?
Closing Inventory
What is Line B30?
Total Expenditures
What is Line C01?
Funds Brought Forward
What is Line C02?
Retail Sales
What is Line C03?
Vending Sales
What is Line C04A?
What is Line C04B?
What is Line C05?
What is Line C06?
What is Line C08?
DFAS Fund Adjustment
What is Line C09?
Total Receipts
What is Line C10?
Cost of Retail Sales
What is Line C12?
Operating Expenses
What is Line C13?
Laundry Claims
What is Line C14A
GF Assessment, Local
What is Line C14B?
GF Assessment, Bupers
What is Line C15
Cost of Vending Sales
What is Line C16?
Cost of Ops Vending (No Longer Used)
What is Line C18?
Equipment Purchases
What is Line C20?
Loan Repayments
What is Line C21?
Beginning Loan Balance
What is Line C21A?
Ending Loan Balance
What is Line C22?
Funds Transferred to the MWR Fund
What is Line C23?
Total Expenditures
What is Line C24?
Funds Available for transfer to the MWR Fund
What is Line C24A?
Liabilities assumed and anticipated operating expense
What is Line C24B?
Net funds available for the transfer to the MWR Fund
What is Line C25?
Operating Profit
What is Line C26?
Soft Drink Vending Machine Profit