Section 3-02 IFR departures Flashcards
NAme the 5 conditions for an aircraft to fly IFR
PIlot must be IFR rated
PIlot must file an IFR flight plan or itinerary
The aircraft must carry additional equipment/instruments
Pilot must fly in accordance to an IFR clearance issued by air traffic control when flying in controlled airspace
ATC will provide separation from known IFR aircraft
What is the condition for an IFR flight to use a flight itinerary instead of a flight plan?
The flight must take place at least partially in uncontrolled airspace
What is the horizontal boundary of flight for a VFR flight not to file a flight plan or itinerary?
Within 25 nm of the departure aerodrome
What are the conditions for a VFR flight to file an ad hoc request for an IFR clearance?
Current traffic
Amount of time it will take to coordinate with the aircraft
Must know the appropriate IFR unit from which to obtain an IFR clearance.
What is the difference betweeen VFR and IFR strips in EXCDS?
Vfr is white and IFr is light grey
What are the guidelines for issuing an IFR clearance to a departing aircraft?
Issue the IFR clearance to departing aircraft, and if possible, before the aircraft begins to taxi. To avoid delays on the runway, deliver the initial IFR clearance before the aircraft enters the departure runway.
When you receieve a clearance from the IFR controller what are the 2 rules?
When a clearacne is received by voice you msut relay it by voice verbatim
Any change to a pilots original flight plan renders the PDC datalink clearances invalid and requires a new clearances by voice
What is the IFR clearance format?
1) Prefix( aircraft ID)
2) Clearance limit (Ususally destination airport or NAVAID in IFR approach)
3) SID
4) Route
5) Altitude
6) Speed
7) Departurem enroute, approach or holding instructions (possibly turns or climb out instructions)
8) Special instructions or info (SSR code)
9) Traffic information (rarely included as IFR clearances are often issued well in adavance of the plane departing)
What is the phraseology difference between us as tower controllers issuing a clearance vs relaying a clearance from the center?
(ID) Cleared
ATC Clears (ID)
Waht word do we use to offer control instructions to planes outside our control zone (for legality)?
Define SID
An IFR ATC departure procedure published in the CAP for pilot and controller use in graphic and textual form. SIDs provide a transitions from the terminal to the appropriate enroute structure.
What 4 things do SIDs provide aircraft on departure?
Communication failure procedure
Noise abatement
Terrain clearance
Restricted airspace avoidance
What are the 3 advatages of a SIDS departure?
Contains all restrictions required for noise abatement
Eliminates time consuming phraseology and procedures
Supercedes standard com failure procedures
What are the MARCH1 SID noise abatement rules?
No turns below 1800’
MArch1 SID instructs planes to fly runway heading to 4000’
What are the 4 SID types?
SID Vector (prcedures using a vector)
SID PIlot NAV (Pilot provides navigation)
SID RNAV (Performance based navigation)
Departure procedure RNAV (PBN departure procedure)
Does a SID include drift correction from runway centerline?
No it does not.
The SID instructs the plane to fly runway centerline heading (often a few degreees different from the runway number. (In mar 90 and 270 and 143 and 323 degrees)
What is the difference between ATOS and the FIC when it comes fo filing IFR flight plans?
The ATOS does not have access to the same NOTAM and Weather inforamtion for briefing as the FIC does.
Who would an aircraft call for IFR flight planning in the air/ground?
The appropriate IFR unit in the air and the FIC or ATOS on the ground
When can we omit a readback of the initial IFR clearance issued by the ground/clearance delivery controller?
The clearacne includes a published SID (a published departure procedure is not a SID)
What must we do if a pilot has errors in the readback of an IFR clearance?
Identify and correct any erros made during the delivery or readback of a clearance or instructions, even if a readback was not required. If there is any possibility of misunderstanding, cancel and restate the clearance in full.
When issuing/ relaying an IFR clearance of IFR instruction or amendment, obtain an accurate readback unless:
Information is relayed electronically
An arrangement specifies otherwise
Or all of the following are true:
No changes are made in the originally filed flight plan
The clearance is issued by referring to a machine printed strip or a video display of flight plan (EXCDS)
The clearance includes a SID
No alternative instructions are included in the clearance
The contents of the clearance are apparently understood
What do square brackets indicate in an IFR route clearance?
A portion of the originallly flight planned route has been changed
What are the rules for recording clearances?
When clearances received electronically from the ACC without input from airport controller, comply with unit procedures or local arrangements.
When a clerance is not received electronically, copy it verabtim and enter the times at which the clerances was received and delivered
Define Secure departure sequence
The exact order of IFR and VFR departures as determined by the airport controller
What is validation?
The center telling the tower controller the clearance is valid and giving them authority to take an IFR aircraft off to enter the stream of IFR traffic they control.
Whe nshould we ask for validation and how many aircraft can be validated at once?
only one aircraft can be validated at once
Call for validation should be within 3 minutes of takeoff when the departing IFR aircraft reachs a point from which takeoff roll will begin.
Define CVFR
A flight conducted under VFR with class B airspace and in accordance with ATC clearances
How do we promptly advise IFR units of IFR or CVFR departure times?
We move the strip in EXCDS and the IFR unit can see it.
What are basic IFr separation standards?
3 miles horizontal and 1000’ vertical
When can an IFR flight depart VFR?
The pilot requests it
The weather if VFR
It is coordinated and approved by the IFR controller.
The flight is taking place in class c, d or e airspace
The plane will get IFR clearance at acertain time/point on their route
The pilot must request this we can not suggest it
Clearacne for IFR to VFR
Clear an aircraft that has filed IFR for the first part of the flith and VFR for the last part of the fligh to the point which the IFR portion of the flight ends.
Clearance for VFR to IFR
Instruct an aircraft that has filed VFR for the first part of a flight and IFR for the last part of a flight to contact the appropriate ATC unit for clearance approaching the portion of the flight where IFR begins
If an IFR controller calls to cancel a clearance they have already given what are our options?
Cancel the clearance (time permitting)
Abort the takeoff
Let the aircraft depart and advise the IFR controller.
We would only abort if it is an ememrgency and the safety of the plane is threatened
When would we abort the takeoff of a plane?
When continuing would present a grave hazard to the aircraft and when there is no clear alternative
Is no receiveng IFR validation a suitable reason to abort a take off?
When is control of an IFR aircraft rtransferred to the IFR controller?
Control of the IFR aircraft is transferred to the IFR controller as soon as the plane is airborne, unless otherwise coordinated
Define Control responsibility
Only one ATC sector/unit is responsible for controlling an aircraftt at a given time. The sector/unit transfers control responsiblity to the other appropriate sector/unit as teh flight progresses
Unless otherwisee coordinated or specified in a unit directive or an arrangement.agreement, assume control of an aircraft only when it is in your area of jurisdiction
When in direct communication with an aircraft in airspace under the jurisdiction of another controller, coordinate with that controller before authorizing a change in the aircrafts altidtude, route, speed or transponder code.
Coordinate and receive approval before permitting an aircraft under yor control to enter airspace undrer the jurisdiction of another controller
If takeoff clearance may be delayed for more than (blank) minutes for a reason that is not (blank) inform the pilot
3 minutes
Not apparent
(For IFR planes that have already received clearance)
Define flow control
MEasures designed to adjust theflow of traffic into a given airspace, along a given route, or bound for a given aerodrom so as to ensure the most effective utilization of the airspace
Of the 3 states of flow control what is the least to most restrictive?
APREQ (plu or minus 2 minute departure windows)
GROUND Delay (plus or minus 5 minute departure windows)
Groun Stop (no movement)
When do we operate the airport beacon?
Always on at night and other times as specified by the unit manager
CAn the stting for high intensity approach lights ever be higher than the setting for high intensity runway lights?
What is the spacing between runway/taxiway lights?
What colour are obstruction lights?
Define the standards for Tower cab lighting
Keep lighting levels to the minimum necessary to enable you to operate the equipment while not interfering with the view of the aerdorome at night.
Whe ndo we turn on runway lights, approach lights, centerline lights and touchdwon lights for an arriving aircraft?
5 mins before ETA
What are lighting procedures for a departing aircraft (at night)?
EDge and centerline lights on before the aircraft enters the runway and until at least 3 minutes after their departure?
Operate aerodrome lights:
As required to facilitate or safegaurd aerodrom traffic
Only as long as required
As indicated in the sections general aerodrom lighting, runway lighting, VASIS or PAPI light an blowing or drifting snow conditions
As requested by the pilot, except for obstruction lights which must remain on at all times.
Durin a Cat 1 ILS approach protect the glide path if:
Arriving aircraft has already passed the FAF
The ceiling is less than 1000’ or visibility is less than 3 miles
If the glide path signal is not protected prior to aircraft passing the FAF, inform the pilot of potential glide path interference. Ask their intentions
Who do we call if the ILS stops working?
other concerned aircraft
other concerned ATS units/positions
IF the localizer fails we can still operathe the glide path, true or false
What must we have to authorize on air testing for maintenance on a localizer?
Localizers must be on both ends of the runway
Localizers operate on different frequencies
Aircraft using reciprocal localizer are 3 miles or more from the runway during testing
If a pilot requests an ILS approach other than the one in use, what do we do?
Coordinate with the ACC
What colours would we see if we approaching the PAPI lights at the appropriate angle in descent?
We should see 2 whites and 2 red. If we see mostly red we are too low, if we see mostly white we are too high
What must we have to operate the VASIS and PAPI lights?
If the runway it serves is in use
At least 5 minutes before ETA of aircraft
Until the aircraft has landed