Lesson 1-04 Airport Information Flashcards
Describe an active runway
The runway currently being used for takeoff and landing. If more than one is in use they are all active runways
Who dictates the active runway?
The controller decides the active runway
When would we choose from multiple potential active runways?
When there is calm wind
Or a wind that splits the runway
Low ceilings or thunderstorms from a certain direction
If the airport has parallel runways
Define Calm Wind Runway
Preferential runway for use in calm winds because it offers operational advantages like, length, approach, taxi distance or noise abatement.
When would we deviate from the current active runway?
YOu or the aircraft gain an operational advantage
You clearly indicate the wind speed and direction
What do you need to tell the pilot if you are using a runway with a tailwind?
Clearly indicate the wind speed and direction
Only if the tailwind component of the wind (including gusts) is less than 5 knots.
Runway is dry
What must wind speeds be to us the calm wind runway?
Less than 5 knots. If more than 5 knots assign the runway most closely aligned with wind direction
Define Operationally suitable runway
Runway must be long enough for the aircraft to use it.
If runway is too short planes may not want to use it even though the winds may favor it. IT may not be operationally suitable.
Define a crosswind
a wind that is 19 or 90 degrees to the runway that is in use.
Define a tailwind
When the angle of surface wind excedes 90 degrees in relation to the actvie runway.
What are operational advantages for a controller?
Anything that makes controlling easier
What are operational advantages for a pilot
Runway that saves tiem, fuel or is more convenient
Why are longer runways advantageous for arrivals? Departures?
More stopping distance
Less thrust reverse and braking
Less fuel consumption
Less wear and tear on the aircraft.
Length if takeoff must be aborted, less thrust usage for fuel efficiency
How long do runways have to be to have a wind sock on both ends?
3900’ or greater
Define operating surfaces?
Issue takeoffs and landing clearances to a fixed wing aircraft provided the operation takes place on a runway or another approved and designated area.
WHo has discretion when landing or taking off in non designated areas?
the pilot does. But ATC will inform of traffic, obstructions or other control instructions
What are the noise abatement procedures?
When issuing a clearance, vectors or approving a pilots, except for reasons affecting flight safety, follow noise abatement procedures.
Avoid directing aircraft that make a significant amount of noice over a populated area, particularly at night. even if there is not noise abatement procedure.
Define preferential runway
One or more runways designated and published by the airport operator who selection directs aircraft away from noise sensitive areas, especially during initial departure and final approach phases of flight
Define a wet runway
A runway with sufficient moisture to cause it to be rreflective, but not contaminated
Who makes the final decision on runway acceptability?
The pilot has the final say on taking off or landing on a specific runway
Define ATIS
Automated the proviision thoughout the day or a specified poriton of the day, of a current routine information to arriving and departing aircraft by means of continuous and repetitive, recorded broadcasts.
How are ATIS broadcasts designated?
By phonetic alphabet letter in order
IF ATIS service has been down for more than 6 hours how will the new broadcast be designated when service resumes?
IT will be ATIS ALFA
IF ATIS braodcast is interrupted who should you tell?
Other concerned units or sectors
What is the ATIS format?
1) Aerodrom name
2) MEssage code letter
3) Weather information (time, surface wind and gusts, visibility (obstructions to visibility and sky conditions with cloud layers), temperature, dewpoint, altimeter, relevant SIGMET, AIRMET, PIREP, other airport info
4) Type of instrument approach in use
5) Landing runway
6) Departing runway
7) aerodrome conditions
8) Restrictions or suspension of landings and takeoffs
9) aircraft acknowledge receipt of broadcasts (“inform ATC you have received information delta”)
when would you issue a new ATIS?
New METAR of SPECI issued
SIGMET AIRMET PIREP received, updated or cancelled
Altimeter changed by plus/minus 0.4
If the IFR approach has changed
If the active runway has changed
NOTAM updates
Change in runway conditions
What do you do if conditions are changing too rapidly to update atis?
Include a message in ATIS directing pilots to contact the appropriate unit for update information.